Alliance Lands (6)

Arena Only (6)

Artifact Lands (18)

Banding Lands (5)

Basic Lands (11)

Battle(tango) Lands (5)

Big Mana Lands (19)

Blighted Lands (4)

Bounce Lands (16)

Burn Lands (5)

Castle Lands (5)

Cave Lands (13)

Channel Lands (5)

Check Lands (10)

Commander Lands (9)

Cycle Lands (22)

Depletion Lands (17)

Desert Lands (9)

Doctor Who Lands (3)

Draft Lands (1)

Draw Lands (13)

Enchantment Lands (1)

Fast Lands (10)

Fetch Lands (35)

Filter Lands (31)

Fixer Lands (28)

Flash Lands (3)

Fog Lands (7)

Guildgates (23)

Guildhalls (10)

Hideaway (5)

Home Lands (5)

Horizon Lands (6)

Hunt Lands (10)

Ixalan-Flip Lands (17)

Jurassic Park Lands (1)

Kaldheim Lands (10)

LCI Modal Lands (13)

Lair Lands (5)

Legendary (38)

Life Gain Lands (20)

Locus Lands (2)

Man Lands (61)

Memorial Lands (4)

Middle Earth Lands (11)

Multiplayer Duals (10)

Original Dual Lands (10)

Pain Lands (15)

Pathway lands (10)

Pump Lands (19)

Recursion Lands (11)

Sac Lands (17)

Scry Lands (22)

Secret Lair Exclusive Lands (1)

Shadow(Show) Lands (10)

Shadowmoor Lands (5)

Shock Lands (10)

Silver Border Land (8)

Slow Dual Lands (10)

Snow Dual Lands (10)

Snow Lands (8)

Sphere Lands (9)

Storage Lands (19)

Strip Lands (9)

Tainted Lands (4)

Tapped Dual Lands (25)

Test Card Lands (10)

Threshold Lands (5)

Thriving Lands (5)

Tri-Lands (10)

Tribal Lands (42)

Triome Lands (10)

Utility Lands (38)

ZNR Modal Lands (30)

*A meticulously sorted archive of all the lands from Magic's history.*

Many of the lands on this list can fit into a number of different categories, so I've tried to place them into the category that best reflects the primary function of the card, or at least give them the best fitting label.

While this list is comprehensive, it is still a work in progress. If you have any suggestions on how the lands could be categorized to make them easier to find, please feel free to comment.

And for those of you who, like myself, are a bit picky about your basic lands, I found a nice index of basics HERE! (Note: I'm not affiliated with them, I just think it's neat and wanted to share.)

Last Update: 11/15/23 for The Lost Caverns of Ixalan

Latest Edits:

New Category: Cave Lands

Added to Cave Lands:

Added to Man Lands:

New Category: LCI Flip Lands

New Category: Jurassic Park Lands


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