Fetid Pools

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fetid Pools

Land — Island Swamp

(: Add or .)

Fetid Pools enters the battlefield tapped.

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

Wesinator69 on Imma Baddie I Do What I Please

2 days ago

I know you hate tapped lands so I would suggest the following:

Also I hate Temple of the False God it should stop being included in precons. Plus 37 lands is a bit much. There are a couple other cards that don't seem to do enough for the mana cost. So I would also suggest the following:

Mofogigas on A Pimp Named Sliver Overlord

4 months ago

If your going to abuse Mana Echoes then I don't think you need as much cost reduction. There are only 8 slivers in your deck that benefit from having there cost reduced by two. I think the first card I'd cut would be Urza's Incubator. Also I would consider Farseek instead of Fellwar Stone or Darksteel Ingot, which I would cut both. Farseek is in the same vein as Nature's Lore and Three Visits which ramps you the same amount of mana as those potentially removable mana rocks would while also filtering land out of your deck. On the matter of your mana base, I don't see a reason to run Prairie Stream, Smoldering Marsh or Sunken Hollow since they are almost guaranteed to enter tapped anyway because of the lands you run. If you must play the ones with multiple land types the cycle with cycling would work better since you can discard them for something else if you no longer need the mana, Scattered Groves, Sheltered Thicket, Fetid Pools, Irrigated Farmland, and Canyon Slough.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

1 year ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



Immortalys on Land mana (Inner)

2 years ago

I too want to add to this my confusion. The theory that the two different wedges for the same colour differentiate between tapped and untapped seems to follow through 90% of the time, but in my Circu, Dexile Lobotomist deck -for example- the card Fetid Pools is counted among the untapped lands, while Sunken Hollow is counted among the tapped lands. I get why a card like Watery Grave or Morphic Pool would be counted among untapped lands, because they do have the ability to enter untapped, even if they don't always do so, but Fetid Pools has no way of entering untapped, and Sunken Hollow does, so why are they in their respective wedges?

zapyourtumor on Mill help!

2 years ago

Wtf wallis again

Anyways, wallis already covered most of what I was going to suggest (namely cutting the slow cards, going 8crab, adding Fatal Push and Drown in the Loch) although to be honest I'm surprised that they are running Maddening Cacophony over Tasha.

If you want some repeatable mill, I don't recommend stuff like Isochron Scepter which is very mana intensive, and stuff like Fraying Sanity which relies on your other mill spells. Mesmeric Orb should be your go to. It isn't run in a lot of the most competitive mill lists anymore, but the card is still quite strong.

Since most of your 3+ cmc permanents are slow anyways, I recommend cutting them all and running Lurrus of the Dream-Den as companion. It gives you a free card and can help you recur dead crabs, or maybe a destroyed Mesmeric Orb.

For the manabase, I assume you want to keep it somewhat budget, but there are still some good options for dual lands I think you should consider. Sunken Hollow is decent but becomes worse if you run more other duals. Fetid Pools has cycling for when you're manaflooded. Temple of Deceit is a tapland also but lets you filter a bit. I thougth the midnight hunt slow lands would be cheap (most are like 2-3 bucks) but for some reason Shipwreck Marsh is 9 bucks so.

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