Hanweir Battlements

Melds with:

Hanweir Garrison  Meld

Melds to:

Hanweir, the Writhing Township  Meld  Meld

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hanweir Battlements


: Add .

, : Target creature gains haste until end of turn.

, : If you both own and control Hanweir Battlements  Meld and a creature named Hanweir Garrison  Meld, exile them, then meld them into Hanweir, the Writhing Township  Meld  Meld.

SufferFromEDHD on Zirilan of the Claw Dragon Chompy Dragon Stompy

4 months ago

Good suggestion. I'm going to use Hanweir Battlements  Meld over Hall of the Bandit Lord even though I prefer Hall but it needs Urborg or Yavimaya to be functional.

Relying on Crucible of Worlds to "fix" Lotus Vale might be too narrow for a creature deck. You are absolutely right about Strip Mine target #1.

I'm embarrassed I missed Ruby Medallion in one of my mono colored decks.

I like your thinking with Humble Defector. Nice with Zedruu but not in my dragon machine gun combo.

Both planeswalkers are test spots. They were designed specifically for mono red dragons so I'm giving them a shot. Masterclass triggered ability is really neat. It has not been anything special so far in testing. Fireblood is always useful. Loot, ramp, or 20 power in dragons.

Thanks for stopping in with the profitable suggestions Profet93 This is one of my favorite decks because it perfectly showcases reds main tribe/speed/strength. I want this to be the fastest and strongest glass cannon possible!

Profet93 on Zirilan of the Claw Dragon Chompy Dragon Stompy

4 months ago


Hall of the Bandit Lord/Hanweir Battlements  Meld - Haste

You mention how lotus vale is a one tap activation. From my limited perspective, I only see it's detriment. 2 lands + 1 land (that you could swap it with) = 3 mana. Lotus value = 3 mana. Where exactly is the benefit? I see a big strip mine target that gets neutralized by dampening sphere. Ignoring the color aspect, I feel Scorched Ruins would be better suited. It combos with your rings and deserted temple for infinite mana. Then using that infinite mana + top = Draw your whole deck, cast lattice and cast your entire deck. While the combo is not the primary reason for the swap, the benefit of 4 (colorless) mana vs. 3 (colored) mana is the primary focus.

How has Sarkhan the Masterless been working for you? It's static ability seems cool, but since the deck doesn't go wide, how does it play out? It's +1 is nice but makes it more susceptible to removal. It's -2 isn't anything too crazy. While not an entirely serious suggestion, have you considered swapping it out for Karn, the Great Creator? Karn creates a hard lock with lattice, allows recursion for your artifacts and can even animate opposing artifacts for political reasons

Urza's Incubator/Ruby Medallion - Ramp

Maybe Humble Defector - Politics + synergy with homeward path

Ricccochet on Director Isshin's Cut

5 months ago

Last_Laugh and Crow_Umbra I got some updates on my deck but looking forward to upgrade it more. Might consider the following in the long run:

Nelly Borca, Impulsive Accuser Skyhunter Strike Force Firemane Commando Take the Bait Breena, the Demagogue Hanweir Garrison  Meld Hanweir Battlements  Meld

With most of the goad materials that I'm adding, the deck will be shifting towards a balance between offense and defense and with more card draw.

Last_Laugh on Director Isshin's Cut

6 months ago

I'd agree with Crow's suggestion. I didn't suggest it because I understand how attached people are to their Meld creatures but Hanweir Battlements  Meld and Hanweir Garrison  Meld are the only meld pair I'd run here personally because each does something the deck wants on its own.

I do stand by my other suggested cuts though and if you're looking to add Hanweir, cut a land for the land and Etali for the creature.

wallisface on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

TypicalTimmy yeah Ammonia would probably be fine as .

As far as melds, one of the cards actually needs the rules text to stipulate how they flip - its not enough to just say “melds with x”. That text itself is only there as reminder text.

As an example. Hanweir Garrison  Meld just says ”(Melds with Hanweir Battlements.)”, but than in itself is just reminder text. The actual rules text all takes place on Hanweir Battlements  Meld, where we see it has its own ability to meld the cards together.

Importantly, cards meld in many different ways, and not just automatically when both are in play.

Crow_Umbra on Captivating Crew or Commissar Severina …

1 year ago

I think Commissar Severina Raine would be the move to make. She can sac all the stolen creatures from Tariel for draw. She can also act as more of a finisher than Captivating Crew.

I took a quick look at your deck, and a few more things I'd suggest:

The_Warleader on Optimus Prime Rolls Out!

1 year ago

Cool deck! =)

Lightning greaves is typically going to be much better unless you need to target your own creatures (which you don't have too much need of, aside from modular triggers). I would personally cut the Saheeli - you might not know this as a returning player but planeswalkers without any dedicated support aren't typically worth running in commander unless they have an immediate impact on the game (something like Ugin, the Spirit Dragon for example ). They're just too easy to remove in multiplayer games and are especially difficult to ultimate.

To go back to the discussion of lands - I totally agree with multimedia. If you can afford it, you should definitely include fetch lands to show off those awesome dual lands you have! Here are some auto-includes for my 3-color commander decks that I don't believe were mentioned:

Battlebond lands - Spectator Seating , Training Center , and Sea of Clouds basically regular dual lands in commander

Reflecting Pool is very potent in 3-4 color decks and isn't too expensive

Triomes - so Raugrin Triome is all three of your land types to help your buddy lands come in untapped. Is searchable with fetch lands and can cycle in a pinch.

And don't forget your lands can offer utility! Buried Ruin , Inventors' Fair , Slayers' Stronghold / Hanweir Battlements  Meld , Spinerock Knoll / Windbrisk Heights , Academy Ruins (though that one is pretty expensive).

Anyway, I hope this helps and hope you are enjoying playing Magic with your friends again!

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