Spectator Seating

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spectator Seating


Spectator Seating enters the battlefield tapped unless you have two or more opponents.

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Crow_Umbra on Alesha, Who Blinks at Death EDH

5 months ago

Hi there, I saw your comment on the front page feed that you were looking for some help with your deck. Alesha was one of my first favorites, but I recycled her a couple of years ago to build Isshin.

In looking at your deck and some of the stuff in your Maybe Board, I have a few suggestions:

  • Generally speaking, I think you can trim down your creature base a bit more to give you a bit more room for lands, another mana rock or two, and other spells that can help your overall strategy.

  • Some of the creatures I think you can safely cut are: Ponyback Brigade (you have other token creators that aren't 3 color intensive, also kinda underwhelming), Vulturous Aven (there are other similar effects on cheaper spells, at cost of not being repeatable), and Mirkwood Bats (mostly because you currently have ~10 or fewer token creating effects in deck, so not a lot of support).

  • As mentioned for the Vulturous Aven swap, but Deadly Dispute, Costly Plunder, & Plumb the Forbidden are all excellent options. Plumb the Forbidden is one I've enjoyed in my aggro decks as a response to board wipes.

  • Fanatical Devotion is a budget option that pulls some weight in Alesha as a protection effect & repeatable "free" sac outlet.

  • Scapegoat can also be a cheap board protection effect, & means for you to return ETB creatures to hand for reuse.

  • Reconnaissance - I first started playing this card in Alesha before using it in some of my current aggro decks. Helps with pulling Alesha or other creatures out of combat after they've dealt damage, since creatures are considered attacking until combat ends. This EDHREc article goes in more detail.

  • Snarling Gorehound - Is a newer card & can help Alesha get some repeated Surveil to sculpt her graveyard.

  • I'd recommend replacing Coldsteel Heart with something like Talisman of Conviction or Fellwar Stone. I see you recently swapped out Fellwar Stone for Coldsteel Heart, but you're losing a bit of mana velocity with that ETB tapped on Coldsteel.

  • In looking at your mana, I think you can probably swap Castle Embereth with another Mountain, mostly because 6 of your 33 lands have the Mountain type. On that note, I think you could safely replace some of your lands that enter tapped with more Basics until you can your hands on something like Luxury Suite or Spectator Seating. Exotic Orchard can also be helpful.

  • You can also maybe swap out Junkyard Genius for something like Goblin War Drums, if you're looking for a more reliable Menace anthem.

  • I know she's in your Maybe Board, but I think Loran of the Third Path can be a potential swap with Boneshredder. The political draw she has can be really helpful.

Hope these suggestions were helpful. I'd be down to chat about additional swaps if you're up for it. Best of luck, Alesha is a lot of fun


Crow_Umbra on

11 months ago

Yo, I saw your post on Reddit & thought I'd leave my feedback here. Overall pretty solid start, but there are a few spots that are worth re-evaluating. I have a few suggestions for additions & swaps:

  • I think you could stand to use a bit more instant speed removal like Anguished Unmaking, and you can probably swap Vandalblast for Wear / Tear. Dismantling Wave and Grasp of Fate are also options that can hit multiple targets without necessarily being a wipe. I think Vandalblast can be more of a meta-dependent call.

  • As the person stated on Reddit, I second that Reconnaissance, Dolmen Gate, and Rising of the Day are all additions that should be made to the deck.

  • I'd suggest swapping out Cathars' Crusade with Flowering of the White Tree. Cathar's Crusade can be annoying to track, especially with the amount of tokens Isshin can pump out. Flowering is lower to the ground and offers some additional blanket protection to all your legends. I've played Flowering of the White Tree in my Burakos and Isshin decks, and have really enjoyed how well it performed in both.

  • I'd suggest swapping Phyrexian Arena for Plumb the Forbidden, especially as a response to board wipes, and because you're already running Necropotence.

  • Minas Tirith could be a decent addition to your mana base, and the Temple of ___ cycle can likely get swapped out with more of the Battlebond cycle like Spectator Seating. As the person on Reddit stated, I second replacing the Snarl Cycle, and as many of your lands that ETB tapped. Canyon Slough and Sunbaked Canyon can be potential additions, especially since they offer some additional utility if you don't really need them.

  • I think it could be worth while to add in Talisman of Hierarchy and Talisman of Indulgence to round out your ramp a bit more.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Down to bounce ideas for any other swaps if you're interested. Best of luck with brewing and playing Isshin, he's a lot of fun!

The_Warleader on Optimus Prime Rolls Out!

1 year ago

Cool deck! =)

Lightning greaves is typically going to be much better unless you need to target your own creatures (which you don't have too much need of, aside from modular triggers). I would personally cut the Saheeli - you might not know this as a returning player but planeswalkers without any dedicated support aren't typically worth running in commander unless they have an immediate impact on the game (something like Ugin, the Spirit Dragon for example ). They're just too easy to remove in multiplayer games and are especially difficult to ultimate.

To go back to the discussion of lands - I totally agree with multimedia. If you can afford it, you should definitely include fetch lands to show off those awesome dual lands you have! Here are some auto-includes for my 3-color commander decks that I don't believe were mentioned:

Battlebond lands - Spectator Seating , Training Center , and Sea of Clouds basically regular dual lands in commander

Reflecting Pool is very potent in 3-4 color decks and isn't too expensive

Triomes - so Raugrin Triome is all three of your land types to help your buddy lands come in untapped. Is searchable with fetch lands and can cycle in a pinch.

And don't forget your lands can offer utility! Buried Ruin , Inventors' Fair , Slayers' Stronghold / Hanweir Battlements  Meld , Spinerock Knoll / Windbrisk Heights , Academy Ruins (though that one is pretty expensive).

Anyway, I hope this helps and hope you are enjoying playing Magic with your friends again!

Optimator on FIGHT ME COWARD!

1 year ago

Battlefield Forge is a cheap dual land. Sundown Pass and Spectator Seating aren't too bad

DreadKhan on Isshin, Two Heavens as One

2 years ago

If you want a cheaper $ option than Grand Abolisher (or would like another card that can do similar work), Wandering Archaic  Flip is a substantial tax on all opponent's instants/sorceries, but that tax matters most with countermagic, making everyone else's counters either very good (if you want the same thing countered for example), or very expensive (people usually consider Cancel unplayable for costing 3 mana). Archaic isn't as good at protecting your own stuff, but it's a way bigger effect generally.

You might also like Generous Gift over Disenchant, and I prefer Vanishing Verse over Fracture, but Verse is more of a competitive card maybe. Slayers' Stronghold might be nice, vigilance and haste are useful for WR.

For (potentially) untapped duals, there are a few cycles worth a look. Pathways are good (but no longer cheap unfortunately, they might go down after they rotate out of Standard though), Blightstep Pathway  Flip, Brightclimb Pathway  Flip, and Needleverge Pathway  Flip are all solid cards to keep an eye out for. Luxury Suite, Spectator Seating, and Vault of Champions are duals that usually come in untapped when it matters, and are considered among the best non-fetchable dual lands. You could try the new cycle from Innistrad, Haunted Ridge, Shattered Sanctum, and Sundown Pass are good as long as you're not running a low land count, 35 should probably work. While Sulfurous Springs is pricey, Caves of Koilos is cheap, Battlefield Forge isn't bad either, they're always untapped and by mid game you usually just use them for colourless and they have no downside. Concealed Courtyard, Inspiring Vantage, and Blackcleave Cliffs are very good, some are really expensive once again. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is a great way to make all your lands Swamps, handy for stuff like Cabal Coffers as well as just to fix your mana. Shadowblood Ridge is an untapped source of RB, which isn't a bad, but there is only the 1 in your wedge of colours, this land might be handy if you run a cycle where the RB land is really pricey.

Hope some of this is helpful, the deck seems pretty decent.

markbeloit on Aurelia's Army

2 years ago

Many suggestions here. Some you should absolutely get, others just worth considering.


Spectator Seating


Mana Crypt Talisman of Conviction Boros Signet Sunforger Worn Powerstone Coalition Relic Akroma's Memorial


Grasp of Fate Stranglehold Aura of Silence True Conviction

Creatures Aven Mindcensor Linvala, Keeper of Silence Drannith Magistrate Esper Sentinel Serra Ascendant Burnished Hart Solemn Simulacrum

Finally a combo in : Sun Titan + Goblin Bombardment + Gift of Immortality / Angelic Renewal = infinite damage. Maybe not your thing, but you're already running Sun Titan, and the other pieces aren't bad.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

2 years ago

Hey abierto,

Indeed it’s been awhile since you commented, glad to hear from you. Thank you for bringing these cards onto my radar, let’s discuss them - I can easily tell that Survival of the Fittest would dramatically change the way the deck plays – with Survival of the Fittest + Dregscape Sliver on the board, access to at least 3 mana, 1 creature in hand, and at least an additional I can combo out and win the game on that turn. The only drawbacks I can see here are the mana requirements coupled with the more than likely opponent interaction that would be coming my way. Given that Dregscape Sliver’s ability is only sorcery speed – that only solidifies my concern as A simple Bojuka Bog could wreck me If I do not populate my graveyard with care and proper timing. This makes me wish that Paradox Engine wasn’t banned – I really miss that card. The verdict is out on Survival of the Fittest, I want to like to this card but I can’t help but feel hesitant in including it (let alone the investment). I think I’ll maybe proxy it in and see where that takes me. Speaking which, check out this really awesome alter:

Survival of the Fittest Sliver Alter Show

Dregscape Sliver on the other hand I’m considering including. Maybe cutting Patriarch's Bidding, as I do not like the mana investment and the potential added bonus of assisting opponents. In the metas I play in there are a lot of tribal decks – I’m sitting across from at least one or two other tribal decks every game. I’m ordering a copy today, so thank you for mentioning that card again.

Hi Sneuxfox (death by Snu snu?),

Welcome to my deck page! Thank you for posting. I’ve always wanted to work Magma Sliver into this decklist, but I don’t think it would be a good fit – Magma lends itself toward a Sliver deck that compliments a more Aggro strategy where the goal is to hit a “critical mass” of creatures and abuse enough evasion keywords to get a single creature to knock an opponent out. First Sliver's Chosen would be an absolute must include alongside Magma Sliver, as it would solidify a Voltron strategy by stacking Exalted triggers alongside Magma’s ability. I definitely agree that the aforementioned can get out hand when you have just one Sliver be the target of multiple triggers.

I agree that it's criminal that Magma doesn't make it's way into alot of lists, maybe it's due to most decks wanting to lean into the Mid-range Sliver tool box? Or maybe it's because the deck would need to be more Voltron centric? I decided to throw together a quick decklist as an example of what I think the average deck running Magma Sliver would look like:

Budget Aggro Sliver Decklist Show

What're your thoughts on the list, Sneuxfox ?

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