Shineshadow Snarl

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Shineshadow Snarl


As Shineshadow Snarl enters the battlefield, you may reveal a Plains or Swamp card from your hand. If you don't, Shineshadow Snarl enters the battlefield tapped.

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Rasaru on Zombies 2.0

6 months ago

Do you want to the deck to stay within a certain budget? How much money are you okay with spending to upgrade? $25, $50, UNLIMITED?! :)

My first thought is to fix up your mana base. You have a LOT of lands that come in tapped no matter what your board state or hand looks like. That's going to slow your game plan down quite a bit. Let's make these simple swaps to start. Then, we I have a better idea of what your budget looks like, I can recommend additional swaps.

Vivid Marsh -> Takenuma, Abandoned Mire Utility lands are excellent because you don't have to play them as lands if your mana flooded AND it doesn't come in tapped

Vivid Creek -> Otawara, Soaring City Same as above

Scoured Barrens -> Godless Shrine Same colors, just has the option of coming in untapped and satisfies your other land requirements you're playing, like Shineshadow Snarl

Dismal Backwater -> Morphic Pool Same colors, comes in untapped 90% of the time in EDH

Jwar Isle Refuge -> Drowned Catacomb Same colors and at least has the opportunity to come in tapped vs ALWAYS coming in tapped

Reliquary Tower -> Raffine's Tower Land comes in tapped, but produces all three colors and can be cycled to draw a card if you're mana flooded.

If those options are too expensive, you could easily justify just swapping them all out for basics. :)

fyrros on Unfinished Land Cycles (Resource)

9 months ago

Reveal-lands are finished with snarls from Strixhaven (Shineshadow Snarl, Frostboil Snarl etc). But great list otherwise, thank you!

eliakimras on Equipped Samurai

1 year ago

Since your deck is a fast one, consider running lands that don't enter the battlefield tapped:

You might also want to run some utility lands:

Also, since speed is the name of the game for Voltron decks, consider those swaps in your ramp package:

nuperokaso on Orzhov Sacrifice Clerics

1 year ago

Don't play Karoo, Sunlit Marsh, Goldmire Bridge and The Fair Basilica.

Instead play Shambling Vent, Isolated Chapel, Caves of Koilos, Silverquill Campus, Shineshadow Snarl, Orzhov Basilica, Brightclimb Pathway  Flip, Fetid Heath.

Shaile, Dean of Radiance  Flip has no real synergy with your deck. Replace it with Bygone Bishop, which is a good Cleric

This type of decks is usually called "Aristocrats". If you really want to be a sacrifice deck, you should add additional cards that trigger whenever a creature dies, such as Sanguinary Priest, Rotlung Reanimator, Blood Artist or Cruel Celebrant.

Balaam__ on Knights of the Firststrike Table

1 year ago

I’d recommend some mana fixing. Your land count itself seems fine, but lands that offer both would be ideal. There are many options, some rather expensive, but there are plenty of budget friendly alternatives too. Consider things like Isolated Chapel or maybe Shineshadow Snarl.

multimedia on Liesa final

1 year ago

Hey, nice version on a low budget. You have good deck building skills on a budget.

Consider Talisman of Hierarchy as 99th card or an upgrade for a Diamond? Orzhov Signet is another mana rock upgrade for a Diamond. Commander's Sphere is upgrade for Cluestone. Angelic Accord is an Angel token source upgrade for Moonsilver.

Sigarda's Vanguard gives Liesa double strike when she ETB and when she attacks. Karmic Guide can reanimate any creature in your graveyard even a black creature. Emeria Shepherd is powerful repeatable nonland permanent reanimation when playing so many Plains. Pair Shepherd with Wayfarer's Bauble.

Liesa, Forgotten Archangel has lifelink, can shut down some opponent strategies and can be repeatable creature recursion. She's good enough to add some creatures who can sac themselves for value especially removal and protection such as Cathar Commando and Selfless Spirit.

Angel of Despair is powerful ETB removal. Angel of Sanctions exiles something when it ETB. Admonition Angel can be repeatable exile. Palace Jailer is more monarch as well as opponent creature exile. Vindicate and Dire Tactics are some budget removal upgrades to consider.

Caves of Koilos, Shineshadow Snarl, Shambling Vent, Temple of Silence, Vault of the Archangel are some budget land upgrades to consider.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Alesha, Who Smiles With Pride

1 year ago

Hey, really nice budget version on less than $200. You have excellent deck building skills on a such a low budget. Calling this a $100 deck is a stretch though since it's closer to $200 now than $100.

The manabase has been neglected, really none of the $100 budget used, that's my only criticism. Allocate some of $100 budget, not even a lot, to lands to improve gameplay? Talisman of Indulgence, Flameshadow Conjuring, Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip these cards really don't matter in the scheme of things trying to combo with Alesha. You have Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Fable is a lesser/more expensive Kiki that doesn't interact with Alesha. Conjuring only combos with Felidar Guardian, but so does Kiki and Kiki combos with a lot of other cards too.

The combined price of these three cards is almost $30, that much could really improve the manabase.

These are least expensive playable lands to consider adding. On a budget the Reveal/Snarl lands are fine since playing many basic lands. The next tier of budget land upgrades are the Check lands at $5 each. After them it goes much higher.

Some budget card changes to consider:

Goblin Bombardment is one of the best sac outlets in Commander since it's also a wincon, replacing the need to have an aristocrat with combos. Cultist of the Absolute is amazing for one mana, giving Alesha flying with 6 power combined with first strike and being a repeatable sac outlet at your upkeep. Skyclave Apparition just got reprinted and it's excellent repeatable exile most nonland permanent effect.

Good luck with your deck.

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