Ormendahl, Profane Prince


Westvale Abbey  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ormendahl, Profane Prince

Legendary Creature — Demon

Flying, lifelink, indestructible, haste

awesomedude20 on Shirei's Army of Weaklings

1 year ago

I return with a few more card recommendations!


Westvale Abbey  Flip

It's ridiculously easy to sacrifice 5 creatures, temporarily of course, to turn the land into Ormendahl, Profane Prince  Flip, who is VERY good at letting you go Unga Bunga for a few turns before your opponents manage to deal with it.

Plaza of Heroes

It's functionally a Command Tower, but you want it for the emergency Shirei protection.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

Absurdly good in literally any monocolor deck.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Makes sure you always have all the black mana you'll ever need, regardless of the number of utility lands you have. Gets more valuable the more utility lands you shove in, of course. Combos VERY nicely with Cabal Stronghold

Cabal Stronghold

I see it's in your maybeboard. 110% worth swapping out a basic swamp for this. The mana it can dish out for you on its own is nuts.

Last thing, I'd take out Midnight Assassin.

It's an alright blocker, but I think the slot could be used by something more synergistic. Cuz as that card stands, you spend mana to play it, and it doesn't do anything.

Ur-Fan on Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

2 years ago

Hi, MattN7498. First of all, Sorry, I've accidentally posted the same message as below on your wall, but I didn't want to( How can I remove it?

Your Ur-Dragon deck is fantastic! I've been here for up to 3 years and created this account only to thank You. I was created Ur-Drgagon deck too, and your deck showed me, that all of my driends, who said that Ur-Dragon couldn't be enough powerfull, where wrong. Now my deck becoming a complete copy(I didn't have fetch-lands and triomes yet, but I'm working out of that ^-^). Can I ask you for some help? I saw that you tried to put on Whip of Erebos , but finalu cut it out. Should I use a Shadowspear in my Ur-Dragon? I've got some opponents with indistructible creatures like Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger , Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre , Purphoros, God of the Forge , Ormendahl, Profane Prince and some others. Furthermore, with dragons like Drakuseth, Maw of Flames , Terror of the Peaks , Atarka, World Render and some others it may help you to gain tones of life! ...But did you test it? How your Ur-Dragon may smash, for ecample, opponents with God-tribal decks? Thank you, have a good day! Best wishes, Ur-Fan.

Ur-Fan on MattN7498

2 years ago

Hi, MattN7498. Your Ur-Dragon deck is fantastic! I've been here for up to 3 years and created this account only to thank You. I was created Ur-Drgagon deck too, and your deck showed me, that all of my driends, who said that Ur-Dragon couldn't be enough powerfull, where wrong. Now my deck becoming a complete copy(I didn't have fetch-lands and triomes yet, but I'm working out of that ^-^). Can I ask you for some help? I saw that you tried to put on Whip of Erebos , but finalu cut it out. Should I use a Shadowspear in my Ur-Dragon? I've got some opponents with indistructible creatures like Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger , Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre , Purphoros, God of the Forge , Ormendahl, Profane Prince and some others. Furthermore, with dragons like Drakuseth, Maw of Flames , Terror of the Peaks , Atarka, World Render and some others it may help you to gain tones of life! ...But did you test it? How your Ur-Dragon may smash, for ecample, opponents with God-tribal decks? Thank you, have a good day!

Nokik on MonoBlack Demon Aristocrats

3 years ago

Hi! Thank you for creating this deck, i was looking for some cool demon deck, but only what i found were just decks filled with some expensive demons. However this deck has interesting engine in it that can cheat out demons or bring them back again from graveyard, and i love it! I'm playing it often, and still enjoying it. I made some personal changes, because not every card was available to me or i just wanted different demons there. :)

From sorcery i just cut out Duress, because i didn't need it, and it created space for more demons. :)

So for creatures: i kept all small dudes spawning small creatures - basically your nice cheating engine is kept untouched. However i made changes to some demons. Here is my list of demons:

  • one more Abhorrent Overlord because this card is fantastic in this deck as it spawns small creatures to sacrifice or chump block. So overall i have 2 of them in deck.

  • i kept Eater of Hope

  • i kept Kothophed, Soul Hoarder

  • i added 2x Overseer of the Damned because it creates more small creatures and can destroy enemy threat each time u pull him out.

  • added 2x Archfiend of Spite cuz he can be awesome blocker and also you can cheat him from hand as a surprise for its madness cost when you discard him with Call the Bloodline

  • added 1x Harvester of Souls as another card draw engine, and potential blocker for enormous creatures.

  • added 1x Lord of the Void cuz he is just so damn strong and people freak out when i pull him on board. :D

  • as an experiment i added 1x Desecration Demon but eventually i decided to remove him because if opponent have a lot of creatures, sacrificing one of them is not good enough for you and you have nor attacker or blocker. I put there 1x Griselbrand instead, because this deck lacks lifegain a little bit. I wish i could put there Westvale Abbey  Flip to get Ormendahl, Profane Prince but this card is unavailable for me.

Having Liliana's Contract as an alternate win condition is great, because some decks like to get tons of life, so with that you can surpass it.

Overall this deck performed very well for me, it is also good against mill, because if he mills your demons into your graveyard, you just need to pull them on board, you don't want to draw them anyways. :D

Free_Iona on Rayami with Ormendahl?

4 years ago

When transformed creatures leave the battlefield for any reason, flicker, etc, they transform back to their original face. Eg, Ravager of the Fells turns back into Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip if it goes to the graveyard/exile/ flicker and et again.

I think unfortunately, it would be Westvale Abbey  Flip that gets the blood counter, not Ormendahl, Profane Prince

7xprototype on Najeela's Boros Alliance - [EDH]

5 years ago

This deck is themed to represent the Boros legion coming together with the other guilds to defend Ravnica. That's why I decided to include a permanent of each color to represent this unity: ( Vexing Shusher for green, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer for blue, & Ormendahl, Profane Prince for black.) So while it is primarily focused on red and white cards, it brings assistance from permanents of other colors as well.

Btw I decided to replace Wind-Scarred Crag with Inspiring Vantage rather than Sunbaked Canyon . I'm considering Five-Alarm Fire too.

7xprototype on Najeela's Boros Alliance - [EDH]

5 years ago

This deck is themed to represent the Boros legion coming together with the other guilds to defend Ravnica. That's why I included one creature of each color to represent this unity: ( Vexing Shusher for green, Phyrexian Metamorph for blue, & Ormendahl, Profane Prince for black.) So while it is primarily focused on red and white cards, it brings assistance from permanents of other colors as well.

Btw I decided to replace Wind-Scarred Crag with Inspiring Vantage rather than Sunbaked Canyon . I'm considering Five-Alarm Fire too.

7xprototype on Najeela's Boros Alliance - [EDH]

5 years ago

This deck is themed to represent the Boros legion coming together with the other guilds to defend Ravnica. That's why I included one card to represent each of the other colors ( Vexing Shusher for green, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer for blue, & Ormendahl, Profane Prince for black.) So while it is primarily focused on red and white cards, it brings assistance from the other colors.

Btw I decided to replace Wind-Scarred Crag with Inspiring Vantage rather than Sunbaked Canyon because I don't like to control permanents that deal damage to me, aside from Sacred Foundry . That Five-Alarm Fire seems pretty cool too.

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