Wooded Foothills

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wooded Foothills


, Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Wooded Foothills: Search your library for a Mountain or Forest card and put it onto the battlefield. Then shuffle your library.

Abbanation01 on Vorinclex - High Power

6 months ago

Wooded Foothills and Windswept Heath make no sense in this deck, since you dont run any nonbasic forest cards. it would always just be fetching a basic forest, which could have just been included instead of the fetchland

legendofa on Any cheap mana permanent with …

8 months ago

Yeah, it's good to get out and play in person if you can. Stay safe, meet good people, and enjoy it.

First thought is, as long as there's no proxy limit, use the original dual lands. Tundra, Taiga, and all the rest have all the upside of the shocklands with none of the downside. If you can, the fetchlands (Wooded Foothills, Windswept Heath, etc.) will give you more consistency and precision in your land base as well.

Basically, proxy up the best possible version of the card you have. Another couple of switches could be Idyllic Tutor -> Enlightened Tutor, or Doomskar -> Supreme Verdict, and even these could probably be improved. The goal is to go as fast and hard as possible. If you want to stick with the Shrine core, then maximize the support and land base. Find ways to play two or three Shrines each turn. Skim through the Legacy meta and pull ideas from there. If everyone's allowed to proxy everything, then you have free reign to go wild.

Above all, have fun!

SefTheReject on Hardened elves

1 year ago

Flavuss yes, fetches are to thin out your deck and keep the gas coming. Took me a LONG time to come around on fetches, but they really do help make a build competitive. You could also opt for Verdant Catacombs, Wooded Foothills or Windswept Heath as your fetch depending on cost.

Spirits on

1 year ago

Hey Zorke,

I have a Budget Animar deck built around morph.

Couple questions, first is what is the goal of the deck? Briefly looking, seems to be a Tuned (Mid) 5 or 6 deck, is your goal to stay around that or looking to build towards an Optimed (High) 7 or 8? It really will change what the recommendations are in terms of Land Base / Ramp Efficiency / Combo / Mana-Curve.

The obvious missing card here is Ancestral Statue. With Animar, Soul of Elements at 4 counters, he can make an infinitely large general just by repeatedly bouncing Ancestral Statue with itself. It also contributes to the infinite ETB triggers for things like Beast Whisperer and Purphoros, God of the Forge as examples. You have some non-morph in there, so I'm not sure its a flavor exclude, but maybe a no-combo exclude?

Keep in mind too that although Animar, Soul of Elements discounts the casting cost to play the morph face down, however, he doesn't discount the morph cost to flip them back up, so you have to selective on the morphs you choose, otherwise you lose the ability to activate their morph abilities.

There are some noteable ramp creatures missings, Birds of Paradise for sure, flying/ramp/animar counter, checks lots of boxes. Solemn Simulacrum can be decent ramp, he sticks with a 5/6 theme a bit tougher to find space in a 7/8 if that is the goal. Peregrine Drake is another notable ramp createure.

Heraldic Banner is a bit strange, name by volume, or for a majority of the flyers? I'm not sure. Something like Ornithopter of Paradise feels better even without haste/riot.

Dunno why Stuffy Doll would be in here, he needs either a Blazing Sunsteel or Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip to elminate a single opponent, so no highly efficient. You dont really have a way to retarget him either, even with a Blazing Sunsteel would need more creatures like Icefeather Aven or Echo Tracer. Not recommending, just saying without more bounce he just wasting a spot.

Aether Hub just seems like a bad City of Brass or Mana Confluence. There a lots of lands that would improve your deck, commander lands like Rejuvenating Springs/Training Center or fetch lands like Misty Rainforest/Wooded Foothills.

Unless Tidespout Tyrant is a favorite or something, his CMC is ridiculous and shouldn't be in there, Animar, Soul of Elements can't pay the .

Keep Safe isn't a modular counterspell. Just a plain Counterspell would be better. Depending on power level, there are 0 mana counterspells, 1 mana counterspells, and good 2 mana counterspells. Also, don't forget you have your morphs with counterspells.

Shaleskin Plower is a good example of a heavy morph cost, for an ability you dont really need.

Gilded Lotus isn't reduced by the general counters, not sure why we would want it.

Have lots more ideas, just need a deck goal point of reference to give some better recommendations.

Profet93 on Azusa, Lost but Seeking Cthulu [Primer]

1 year ago
Fetchlands - Wooded Foothills/Fabled Passage/Misty Rainforest/Prismatic Vista/Terramorphic Expanse/Verdant Catacombs/Windswept Heath + others. They serve 3 purposes. It's primary purpose, in conjunction with Crucible of Worlds ensures you 3 land drops a turn with your commander. It's second purpose is topdeck manipulation for sylvan library, augur and courser of kruphix. Lastly, it doubles landfall triggers. Combine this with a Lotus Cobra or a tireless tracker for some serious ramp.

Boseiju, Who Endures - Interaction that takes up a land slot

Cavern of Souls - Ensures your huge mana investment into eldrazi doesn't go to waste.

Field of the Dead - Zombies!

Gaea's Cradle - Even better with zombies!

Deserted Temple - Untap cradle

Thespian's Stage - Copy field, deserted, opposing utility land or even an eldrazi temple in a pinch

Petrified Field - Recur important utility land

High Market - Sac eldrazi to prevent theft, prevent your GY from being exiled by saccing an eldrazi to shuffle grave in. Depends on the meta, same with Homeward Path

Greater Good - Sac outlet, draw a bunch of cards, similar with high market but with better payoff

Momentous Fall - More sac outlets! Draw more cards, gain some life, etc...Be aware though, that sacing is additional cost to cast so watch out for blue player

Mana Crypt - Ramp

Realms Uncharted - Tutor for Eye of Ugin, petrefied field and 2 other utility lands. Damned if they do, damned if they dont. Much better with land recursion effects such as crucible, Ramunap Excavator

More suggestions to come should you enjoy these.

lhetrick13 on Territorial (outdated)

1 year ago

Wirmy - I had to check out your dino deck after you liked mine. I see a lot of similarities between this deck and mine with the use of Otepec Huntmaster and Marauding Raptor to lower the mana curve of the bigger dinos. The 8 cards I am surprised to see are Windswept Heath and Embercleave. I am guess you do not own a copy of Wooded Foothills or you would be running four copies of that instead of Windswept Heath. For Embercleave, do not get me wrong, I love this card but you usually see if in decks where you can capitalize on its ability to come in cheap by attacking with lots of smaller creatures constantly such as goblins who will always have the numbers and could use the power increase.

Personally, I dropped Otepec Huntmaster from my deck as its toughness of 2 makes it so there is not much synergy with Marauding Raptor since the raptor kills the huntmaster if it comes out first. The ability to grant Haste is pretty sweet but to many games where I had to sit on casting him due to Marauding Raptor. Kinjalli's Caller fit in this role better for me but I am running .

Happy Brewing!

_Delta_ on Simic Lands

1 year ago

I definitely think you can spare to cut some lands, my own Omnath, Locus of Creation landfall deck only uses 39 (mind you, it has Wooded Foothills, Misty Rainforest and the like which give me extra landfall triggers). In their place I highly suggest some stuff like Roiling Regrowth, Harrow, Kodama's Reach, Cultivate, Rampant Growth, and Growth Spiral.

Other suggestions would be as follows and I made an effort to keep price in mind for all of these as best as I could: Sylvan Awakening, Primal Surge (since you have so many permanents could be used to great effect, and if used alongside cards like Laboratory Maniac, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries and maybe even something like Enter the Infinite you could create a sudden win-con out of these. Remember also if you include some of my above suggestions which tutor for land those are helping ever so slightly thin out your deck for such a win con). More would include Nissa, Vital Force, Avenger of Zendikar, Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar, Ulvenwald Hydra,Zendikar's Roil, Ramunap Excavator, Hour of Promise (noticed you have quite a few deserts to have a chance at the bonus effect), Lotus Cobra, Tireless Provisioner, Blackblade Reforged, Druid Class, The Mending of Dominaria, Wilderness Reclamation, Reshape the Earth, Jaheira's Respite, Meloku the Clouded Mirror (let's you repeat all your landfall effects), Retreat to Coralhelm and Praetor's Counsel.

As for actual lands:

Simic Growth Chamber, Reliquary Tower, Myriad Landscape, Scavenger Grounds, and Endless Sands.

Oh and here's my Omnath list I mentioned if you want to give it a glance. I know some of the stuff featured in this is pricey, but it nonetheless may still give you some ideas for now, or otherwise for the future:

Standby for Landfall

Commander / EDH* _Delta_


Hope this helps! If I had more time to spare currently I would suggest what you might cut for these things but that may have to wait for a while unfortunately. But I'll surely return to say more sometime!

Rebullet on Counter Deck

1 year ago

your land base is looking much better. some things to think about tho, your deck wants to play fast and getting lands out and also out of the way is necessary, so you dont want any lands that can enter tapped. playing fetch land like Verdant Catacombs or Wooded Foothills has 2 very powerful effects. first you search for whatever color your hand needs at the time. second, you take a land out of your deck reducing the chances that you will draw another down the line. this helps you draw into cards that will give your deck board presence rather than flooding you. here is how i would break down a good land structure for this deck. 4 Wooded Foothills, 2 Verdant Catacombs, 4 Stomping grounds, 4 Overgrown Tomb, 2 bloodcrypt, 2 Rootbound Crag, 3 Forest, 1 Mountain, and 1 Swamp. the reason for including basic lands is because most decks run some kind of land destruction that usually replace with basics. examples being Ghost Quarter and Field of Ruin.

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