Hall of Heliod's Generosity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hall of Heliod's Generosity

Legendary Land

: Add .

, : Put target enchantment card from your graveyard on top of your library.

hootsnag on Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control V2

1 week ago

I am moving away from counterspells that can't target creatures. I left in Dovin's Veto only because it can't be countered. If there were more counterspells that countered all spells and only cost 2 or less, I would add them. I own an original Legends Mana Drain and it's in my Oloro deck now. I had to make a choice with Rest in Peace. I decided to cut it because I wanted to be able to return cards out of my graveyard. I didn't like the graveyard exiling version of this deck so I reverted it and improved the win conditions. I don't currently run enough enchantments for Hall of Heliod's Generosity to be useful. As long as I am able to keep Soldevi Digger and Planar Portal in play, I can return ANY type of card from my graveyard back to my hand. Academy Ruins makes sure that can happen as often as needed. We will always disagree with Reflecting Pool. I cannot afford to draw it in my opening hand as my only land in this deck. It's an instant mulligan. I considered every single land currently printed in magic that can tap for any color. I decided against Glimmervoid and a few others a long time ago. I don't want artifact removal also destroying my land. It's not a good plan. Archway of Innovation is a great land for heavy artifact decks but not for this deck. Most of my artifacts tap for more mana than I would get from using it or have other abilities and need to be untapped to use. The only other card I'm still debating on adding is Isochron Scepter. I may still cut something for it. Run a few playtests with this so you can really see why I made the choices I did. You'll understand more then. Also, I'm preparing to make a different version of this deck with Sivitri, Dragon Master as the commander.

SufferFromEDHD on Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control V2

1 week ago

Ok, what's the thinking behind Deprive? Big fan of this card but I'm not seeing how it fits into this specific strategy. Lands don't matter and you can't ramp. Do you own Mana Drain? Made for ramping into artifacts.

Energy Field this card is oozing with nostalgia for me but with Rest in Peace cut you have no way of turning off the bad trigger. Perhaps Hall of Heliod's Generosity for easy recursion of it and your other scary stax pieces that will be major targets?

Those two rainbow lands still stand out like a sore thumb. We will agree to disagree on Reflecting Pool. What about Glimmervoid?

Archway of Innovation potential new toy. Turn your stax pieces into mana rocks.

ToastedBagl on The Necrobloom

2 weeks ago

Hall of Heliod's Generosity is good for anti-disenchants. You've got some good enchantments in the deck...

With ~6 basics in the deck, I'm not sure cultivate and kodama's reach are doing you many favors.

Last_Laugh on Galaxy News Radio

4 weeks ago

Definitely run Dolmen Gate and Iroas when you get them but first and foremost of these effects is Reconnaissance. The good news is it's getting reprinted in Assassin's Creed in just a few weeks. Reconnaissance let's you attack with every creature safely, deal combat damage in most situations, and have every one of those creatures untapped by the end of combat.

Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, and Call the Coppercoats are all excellent ways to go wide here for more dudes to carry those Aura copies.

Hall of Heliod's Generosity is another card I suggest. It's another card that's not budget friendly but repeatedly getting enchantments back from your grave in these colors is tough but definitely worth it here.

Feel free to check out my Three Dog list for more ideas. I've admittedly never played the list but I'm confident the deck would slap (I just don't want to track all the Aura copies tbh). Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. "Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

mirror_to70 on Sythis enchanting all

1 month ago

Hey fluffyeel and thanks for your detailed comment!

Argothian Enchantress: Yeah, i thought about to put it in. Shroud is a very nice keyword. Only negative side, that it could not be a target from my own aura. But this constellation is probably rare...

The "protective" enchantments like for example Greater Auramancy: Hmm, maybe i put one ore two in...

The Earthcraft/Squirrel Nest combo: I know this one. But ask me why, i don´t like it. (Didn´t play it in my squirrel EDH-deck either).

Another tutor: Yes, good idea!

Eternal Witness: Only card to get things back is Hall of Heliod's Generosity (and here only enchantments..). Eternal Witness (or Regrowth) could get back a fetch land or anything else. Worth the consideration!

Case42 on Hail Caesar, Emperor of the Mojave Wasteland

3 months ago

Lagomos, Hand of Hatred is a wonderful enabler for Caesar, as well as a tutor once you have enough creatures dying.

I would also personally try to include some more card draw. I've been tweaking and tuning my own version of Caesar, which focuses far more on the Aristocrats side, but the number one thing I've been trimming cards for is more card draw.

Deadly Dispute and Plumb the Forbidden are both great as you can just toss a token to them.

Dawn of a New Age is solid if you consistently maintain a large board state.

Final suggestion would be a Hall of Heliod's Generosity because of how impactful your enchantments can be.

axxein on Hall of heliod's generosity bug?

4 months ago

So i Found an issue using the site that's specific to EDH. I have a Tatsunari, Toad Rider EDH deck and i noticed that the deck shouldn't be legal, but the site labels it as legal. The problem card seems to be Hall of Heliod's Generosity. As far as i know it's the only illegal card in my deck. It has a white pip in the card to activate an alternate ability, but the deck itself is blue/black/green. If it's a known issue i'm sorry, if it's not than i'm glad i could help.

kamarupa on Tails from the Crypt

4 months ago

First off, nice work. It's not easy to build decks such as this - there's just never enough space to pack everything you want in and I think you made a lot of solid choices.

Why Apostle's Blessing instead of Faith's Shield as a budget replacement for Heroic Intervention? Artifacts? Mana?

1x Hall of Heliod's Generosity to the manabase?

I feel like it needs some draw card/filtering/tutors. I like 3-piece combos because they're fun when they work, but they almost always need so much coaxing. I'm fairly certain you're not going to find near duplicates of any of the combo pieces, either, which always makes a brew both riskier and more difficult to pull off.

Another concern I have with this brew is that Fog, Suppression Field, and Authority of the Consuls won't slow down opponents enough. Those spells account for 1/6 of the deck, which sounds like a lot, but odds are you'll only hit one in the opening hand and maybe a second before the game ends. I don't think that's enough.

I don't know that there's a solution per se. I'd experiment with trying tutors and draw engines and also more pillow fort spells like Ghostly Prison in place of Nature's Claim and Tamiyo's Safekeeping. Protection spells are great, but if you can't get the combo, there's nothing really to protect.

For the record, I playtested it about 6 times and never got the entire combo within 10 turns and never had much defense either. I think, yes, given 15+ turns, it would start to look viable, but that's asking a lot from a fast format like Modern.

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