Ruins of Trokair

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ruins of Trokair


Ruins of Trokair enters the battlefield tapped.

Tap: Add (White) to your mana pool.

Tap, Sacrifice Ruins of Trokair: Add (White)(White) to your mana pool.

Kuzar456 on Avacyn, Angel of Boardwipes

2 years ago

Love the angel tribal! As for some cards that come to mind for me is Pariah to abuse the indestructible tag in a slightly other way. Also i find War Room in mono colored decks just nice to have. If you really want to get out your commander as fast as possible Crystal Vein or Ruins of Trokair can help with that.

Mannu_1978 on City Of Pebbles

7 years ago

I used to play Ruins of Trokair as that deck's tapland. 2 White mana, early win... is it still legacy allowed?

superhuman21 on

7 years ago

you're running Dark Depths without Hex Parasite or Vampire Hexmage? I'd at least have them on the sideboard. Also the mire, windswept heath, and polluted delta don't really belong in the deck. Even if you can use fetches that don't contain non-cmdr mana symbols, I wouldn't. Switch these out for Orzhov Basilica, Ruins of Trokair, and Ebon Stronghold.

suggested cards

elfric on Augustin's $t4ks (cEDH Primer)

7 years ago

i would swap the manlands and maybe tolaria west as they are suboptimal at their primary job: mana

crystal vein is such a good card as it gives you a much greater choice than any manland that always and only taps for a colorless. dont always blow it early. have the option for when you need them.for example Ruins of Trokair is much better than tolaria west. both etb tapped but ruins can give an additional mana once. these effects can beef up the timing flexibility.

Emzed on Narset, Master of Chain Reaction

8 years ago

Have you considered lands like Remote Farm and Ruins of Trokair (and their red and blue counterparts)? They are very all-in, but that's what this deck is anyway, right?

Emzed on Play Narset in Turn 3.

8 years ago

Lands like Ruins of Trokair or Remote Farm as well as Chrome Mox seem really good here. Also, instead of countermagic, i think i would prefer cards like Time Warp, Ward of Bones, Catch / Release.