Piranha Marsh

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Piranha Marsh


Piranha Marsh enters the battlefield tapped.

When Piranha Marsh enters the battlefield, target player loses 1 life.

Tap: Add {{B}} to your mana pool.

TheoryCrafter on Fuck it, late Outlaw of …

10 months ago

My thoughts:

Wasn't underwhelming. A little disappointed Kellan was still naive even after spending all that time on Ravnica. I get it. Its his father. But when Kellan had to go searching the multiverse for him one would think there'd be enough sense to approach with caution. Jace being the big bad for this one was a nice twist. In reading the story I found it a little odd Vraska was conversing with Ashiok and not Malcolm and Breeches but since Jace was in disguise it makes sense. I liked how all the villains interacted with one another. As much as Rakdos allowing someone to ride him again after telling Gideon it wouldn't was a nice gag, I hope it doesn't become a recurring one. It would only take away from his menacing persona.
The epilogue was awesome for sending Jace and Vraska to Vryn, and explains Jace and Vraska's morality over the course of the story. However I hope whatever they have planned doesn't make him a permanent big bad.

About the cards:

I wanted Kellan to be another adventure card. That would have made a great commander clash. Hoefully the people at mtggoldfish do it anyway.

2 mana Jace. Leyline of Anticipation just made Jace Tribal dangerous. Speaking of Dangerous, Rest in Peace and Torpor Orb are now Standard legal due to The Big Score.

If you run a Flashback deck on Commander, Legacy or Vintage, be sure to find a spot for Forger's Foundrys. Once you cast the spell from the graveyard using the mana from this card, you can activate the non mana ability and turn it on into a combo loop.

You can tell from the art in Smuggler's Surprise someone visited Theros.

I think Vraska Joins Up will eventually provide redundancy for, or replace, Archetype of Finality in a lotta decks. Mainly due to mana costs.

I don't know where Deepmuck Desperado is going, but into at least one of my decks.

When building decks with the desert lands with the etb 1 damage triggers, if yer running black, be sure to consider Piranha Marsh.

If you build a commander deck around the new Eriette card be sure to add Willbreaker for redundancy.

No commander cards giving griffins, horses, pegususes and/or unicorns mount. Why did they even bother with it?

What is the point of having a plot ability that costs more than the spell's mana value?

jdogz32 on Obliterate

1 year ago

Your decks extremely heavy for only having 21 lands. I'd recommend going up to 24. I'd take out Cabal Stronghold in order for you to even break even on it you'd have to have 4 swamps in play and your deck only has 6. I'd also take out any land that enters the battlefield tapped. As heavy as your deck is with no form of ramp you can't afford to be waiting for lands to untap just to make your opponent lose a life. So I'd take out Piranha Marsh I'd also take out Mortuary Mire.

As slow as your deck is I'd add cards like Thoughtseize Inquisition of Kozilek or Duress taking your opponents best cards early game will really help give you the time you need to set up. I'd also replace Victim of the night for either Fatal Push or Heartless Act hope this helps

Helgrind on Slimefoot saproling cycle

1 year ago

Ik zou de Piranha Marsh inwisselen voor een Barren Moor of een basic. Je kunt ook evt een Desert of the Glorified kunnen toevoegen en ik zou sws een Ash Barrens en een Myriad Landscape erin stoppen.

Je kunt makkelijk naar ong 40 lands, ik zou de ruimte die daarmee vrij komt vullen met removal/draw, zoals Tear Asunder, Putrefy, Harmonize, Binding the Old Gods en Casualties of War

Dete on Kess EDH

2 years ago
Young Pyromancer => Sedgemoor Witch si es q poni chain of smog obvio

Jace's Sanctum ya teni otros 3 q hacen reduccion, hasta sacaria 1 mas

Thousand-Year Storm real es la raja pero demasiado setup, mejor poner Bonus Round

Mana Geyser/Jeska's Will muy pocas cosas con rojo

muchas weas muchas weas, lo intente ordenar lo mejor posible y probalemente se puedan sacar hasrtas cartas mas

Spell_Slam on Rakdos, Lord of Eldritch Horror

2 years ago

Thanks for the comment and suggestions KablamoBoom !

I have to disagree when it comes to mana rocks. I think the big thing they contribute to the list is flexibility. Getting to play a mana rock on turn 2 or 3 sometimes means being able to play pingers a turn later (or earlier) and not worry about getting the mana on time. It allows me to play Rakdos on turn 4 with Piranha Marsh, which is great, or play Lightning Greaves on turn 3 to protect and attack with Rakdos straight away on turn 4. They also add flexibility in being able to function without Rakdos. My friends always save removal for Rakdos these days, so being able to ramp out into fatties with him is still important.

For pingers, you are probably right that I am running subpar choices. My very first version of the deck ran way more pingers and deathtouch equipment as a sub-theme. I have been slowly changing up my pingers and gradually removing a lot of the equipment to streamline the deck, but a solid core still remains. Maybe it's about time I let this sub-theme go completely and continued to optimize the main game plan. Thanks for the advice!

Balaam__ on 101% Mono Black Burn

3 years ago

Thank you for the continued interest, HobbyMan5000. Your suggestions are viable, although I don’t think they all belong in the same deck. Thrull Parasite is very interesting—I initially passed on it because I thought its Extort ability only applied to creatures, but it’s viable for any spell. I’ll have to playtest it though, since I’m not sure it’s the most efficient way to burn/drain. That one could be used for Bump in the Night for instance. But the thrull is worth considering, at least for now.

Smallpox is a great card, but arguably should be built around rather than just added in. Same with Alms of the Vein. It’s not cost efficient enough at ; I’d need to completely rebuild to take advantage of its Madness cost. I don’t think a 3 card interaction between smallpox, Collective Brutality and Alms of the Vein is worth the self inflicted harm from the pox. We’re not really set up to take advantage of self sacrifice.

I do, however, think you’re right about too many Piranha Marshes. I’ll want to see it around once per game, so I’ll adjust the counts to 2-3 or so. I’d also agree with your feelings on Collective Brutality; it would already be maindecked if not for the steep price.

I consider this a finished build centering around theme and budget. Barring any new cards yet to be released, playtest results or major price drops for certain existing cards, I won’t be making any adjustments aside from lowering the Piranha Marsh counts.

HobbyMan5000 on 101% Mono Black Burn

3 years ago

Back again, I’ve been test playing this deck again, because I love black burn, I come in peace with some friendly suggestions, Thrull Parasite would be interesting to extort for all the burn spells, I would mainboard Collective Brutality it can burn, and I can be of other value, Smallpox can burn and slow down the game, in between Collective Brutality and Smallpox they can service as a discard outlet for Alms of the Veins madness ability, I feel like 4 Piranha Marsh coming into play tap slows down the deck too much, I feel like it’s just not worth it for 1 life, I think Marsh Flats would be a good investment it’s the cheapest swamp fetching land that can fetch Leechridden Swamp, I wish more people would make Black burn builts, I am a black burn nut,

BransBranflakes on Tayam's Fun and Interactive Combos!

3 years ago

AkaAkuma Thanks for the love!

Tayam is a super versatile commander in that there's SOOOOOOO many different ways to build him! Originally, I was gonna build 3cmc Superfriends, with just value creatures and stuff in the mix. Then it turned into an Ophiomancer / Pawn of Ulamog style value/token/aristocrats deck where the fun stuff was all 3cmc. It wasn't until I found the card Squandered Resources that I figured out the Piranha Marsh kill and fell in love with how weird it was. I think the beauty in Tayam is just HOW MANY different iterations of feasible deck ideas there are because of how open ended it is. You can build the deck with no combos and I bet you'd have a great and still very valid deck on your hands!

I'd love to see -1/-1 counters variant! The support is there! And I never even considered the enchantress style, but that sounds SICK!!!!

It's very easy to go too far and make Tayam this bland combo-graveyard deck by leaning a lil too hard into it, so at least with my list I tried to build it in a way that even if all the combo pieces were removed the deck still can function as a tokens-counters shell c: I left out stuff like Hermit Druid to avoid that kinda "too far" strategy. I also left out alot of the best tutors for this reason too. If you're playing for the combo kill, more often than not you'll get the win with the combo, but if you don't think the combo is ready, you can switch gears and play for value and bodies and it works just fine!

And what my playgroup thinks of the deck... we're a bunch of shitlord's honestly and we tend to play some very rude strategies, so usually no ones upset about getting combo'd off, cause they would've probably tried the next turn anyway lol. I wouldn't recommend a list like mine to anyone playing with people who might still be learning or are playing "weaker" decks. It can be a bit much, and sometimes in a very do or die situation, you might take a pretty long turn while you wheel and deal with Tayam's ability or count dice and counters on your stuff.. But other than that, I find it to be SUPER fun to play and nobody has hated on me for playing it!

Tayam in general feels more like a surprise ever time you activate him because you never know whats coming off the top of the library, which leads to less linear play and generally more fun in games. That can be changed if you want to up the competitiveness of the deck, but you don't gotta c: It all comes down to you and your group, and Tayam offers a very cool design than can be used for MANY different styles and groups.

The world is your oyster! Whatever you build will end up a really sick deck, so link me if you happen to go through with it!

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