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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A



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: Regenerate target Insect, Rat, Spider or Squirrel. (The next time it would be destroyed, instead tap it, remove it from combat, and heal all damage on it.)

wallisface on Rats

7 months ago

14 lands is waaaay too low. As reference burn decks run 20 lands, and only run cards costing 1-2 mana. I'd suggest running at least 20-21 lands yourself.

1-2 copies of Swarmyard might be worth playtesting here.

I think you need some form of interaction (killspells), as at the moment you have no real way to deal with your opponents threats.

SufferFromEDHD on Modular Armies

7 months ago

Animal Sanctuary and Swarmyard are niche but have interaction.

Drannith Ruins and Ruins of Oran-Rief would add serious value to the modular strategy.

DreadKhan on Chatter

9 months ago

I feel like your Commander would like One with the Kami and Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest. You just need a free sac outlet like Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Woe Strider, Dimir House Guard (does double duty as a tutor for MV 4 stuff), or Sadistic Hypnotist. Most of these don't have a very good payoff other than killing a creature, but some have useful upsides.

I wonder if you could shave a few lands by running some of the following: Golgari Rot Farm, Blighted Woodland, Myriad Landscape, Castle Garenbrig, Guildless Commons, and Mosswort Bridge. Most of those are fairly budget, and getting a ramp effect out of a land feels extremely good in my experience. The best options also help with fixing your mana.

If you want to add something really pushed, Pitiless Plunderer is really good with your Commander, it looks like it's had a reprint, but it's still up there for a single card. Another card to keep an eye out for is Swarmyard. Toski, Bearer of Secrets is a solid Squirrel pick, if not the cheapest. If you often have 1/1 creatures you aren't super attached to their is always Skullclamp, it's a few bucks but it can do a lot of work with 1/1 tokens.

I'm not sure how desperate you are for tokens/are afraid of flyers, but I always have fun with Sandwurm Convergence. Transmogrifying Wand is a nice way to put pressure on your opponents' creatures, it plays well in budget decks. Grim Haruspex is a pretty nice card if you expect to lose creatures, it doesn't even charge life.

ergotoxin on Shelob's Lair of Spiders

1 year ago

Thank you! Swarmyard is absolutely on my watchlist, unfortunately it's sold out in my area. I'll add it to the maybe-list.

Dumannios on Shelob's Lair of Spiders

1 year ago

Very cool! I've been looking forward to brewing shelob as well. I'm very curious how well this janky tribe will fare. May I suggest Swarmyard for some very good and cheap protection?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Webs From All the Spiders…

1 year ago

With Shelob as your commander, you really want Swarmyard in your mana base.

lhetrick13 on

1 year ago

Kazierts - You definitely went full jank! As the deck is, in Modern I feel like this is a struggle bus...no offense...With a average CMC of >4.0 and not many cards to disrupt your opponent or even interact with their board, I feel like your spiders are going to get squashed more often than not.

Despite my initial bleak forecast, I feel like Nyx Weaver might have some merit in this deck. It feels like you are trying to get some cards in your graveyard fast to power up things like Unholy Heat. Nyx Weaver aids with that and keeps the spider "tribe" feel. Chainweb Aracnir is a suggestion for lowering the manna curve. Its ability to be recast from the grave is a bonus if you get into a dogfight. Rotwidow Pack again hits on the theme of getting cards into the graveyard and has a nice "tribal" feel to it. Arasta of the Endless Web might be nice to run a few copies of just to aid in getting some bodies out on the field if your opponent loves to play spells.

In terms of support, Swarmyard could be helpful to keep some of those heavy hitting spiders on the board if you could swing it. Running tri-colors is tough though with utility lands added in. Spider Spawning is not good but it is an option as well.

Good luck and happy brewing!

TheVectornaut on Squirrel Necromancer

1 year ago

The first card that strikes me as weak here, although I do see the flavor reason for its inclusion, is Vermin Gorger. Requiring a tap to sacrifice really hurts its ability to sacrifice things tactically. A cheap alternative could be Carrion Feeder as it also plays with the +1/+1 theme. On the more expensive but also more exciting side, there are mana generators like Ashnod's Altar or Phyrexian Altar. This could help you play a lot more spells each turn, synergizing particularly well with Squirrel Sanctuary and Chatterstorm. I could even see cards in the vein of Reassembling Skeleton being useful with such an engine, but I'll admit that I'm probably in the weeds at this point. I also think you might have too many Disentomb and pump effects. I'd rather just have more copies of the best creatures than spend extra mana to recall and then recast them, and there's little point in protecting creatures when you actively want them to die a lot of the time. A final line of play that might be interesting is to go fur a Lure approach in an attempt to get more triggers off Druid's Call. Hornet Nest can offer a similar and compounding role while also conveniently being a target for Swarmyard. With a Chatterfang out, I can see the tokens getting out of hand very quickly. Then again, actually forcing attacks into a defender would probably require going into red for Infectious Bloodlust or something.

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