Adanto, the First Fort


Legion's Landing  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Adanto, the First Fort

Legendary Land

(Transforms from Legion's Landing.)

: Add .

, : Create a 1/1 white Vampire creature token with lifelink.

unclebananahead on Sorin's Revenge

4 years ago

Hey man, I definitely like the B/W vampire deck concept, especially with the cards you have selected. But have you considered adding Adanto, the First Fort into the mix for creating more vampire creature tokens and a Mana generating land in one card?

Tzefick on Markov Manor

4 years ago

maxon Not to sink the idea, but rather form the base of it; so far the land transforms from Ixalan have been about a mission, action, or event that resulted in settling on that land.

Legion's Landing  Flip is the vampire clergy landing on the shores and establishing a settlement or foothold that turned into Adanto, the First Fort.

Treasure Map  Flip is about a person searching for the rumored treasure. They find it and "settles" on or found the land, which become the Treasure Cove.

Were you running for an origin story of the manor? Or perhaps not the origin of the manor but the settlement of the Markov family in the manor? Perhaps they overthrew the previous owners?

If that is not what you're going for, what is the reason that it is not a land by itself but has to transform into it? What's the story?

Tzefick on Markov Manor

4 years ago

Funkydiscogod Creating tokens from a land is not that expensive. Castle Ardenvale, Kher Keep, Kjeldoran Outpost, Springjack Pasture, Westvale Abbey  Flip and Adanto, the First Fort.

Most of these don't have abilities though, so maybe a vampire tribal restriction is in order like you mentioned on the second ability?

It also depend on the product it's going to be in. Commander? Cut the deathtouch and ship it as is, I think you could get away with it. Standard? Needs a little more toning down. Modern Horizons 2? Somewhere in between.

multimedia on 9th Crusade V2

5 years ago

Hey, looks good nice Extraplanar Lens :)

Consider more lands? 29 lands is low for a 3.6 avg. CMC. This low amount of lands also needs a low avg. CMC, not more than 2.0 which will be difficult to achieve unless you cut a large amount of high CMC cards. Consider 36 lands?

Consider more flying? Flying is evasion that you want to be able to consistently with Odric give all your creatures including Odric to do Commander damage.

Odric can give your creatures indestructible which is powerful from sources such as Gideon Blackblade or Bastion Protector . Precinct Captain , Hero of Bladehold and Brimaz, King of Oreskos are creatures who can be repeatable sources of tokens. Legion's Landing  Flip and Adanto, the First Fort is a good land with token strategies. Hour of Revelation is a powerful board wipe for mono white in multiplayer Commander.

Cards to consider cutting:

  • Angelic Chorus
  • Sphere of Safety
  • Mass Calcify
  • Angel of Glory's Rise
  • Darien, King of Kjeldor
  • Skyspear Cavalry
  • Baird, Steward of Argive
  • Dictate of Heliod
  • Norn's Annex
  • Ajani's Welcome
  • High Ground
  • Solemn Offering
  • Deploy to the Front
  • Sword of the Animist
  • Chitinous Cloak
  • Spear of Heliod
  • Riot Control
  • War Report
  • Hopeful Eidolon

triproberts12 on Kitsune Mystic

5 years ago

I would start with the EDHREC pages for enchantress and for mono-white. The big concessions you have to make with mono-white in commander are lack of card draw and ramp. For that reason, the first cards I would put in the deck are Smothering Tithe , Knight of the White Orchid , Boreas Charger , Myriad Landscape , Oreskos Explorer , Solemn Simulacrum , Wayfarer's Bauble , Tithe , Gift of Estates , Land Tax , Endless Atlas , and Alms Collector . Depending on your build, you may then want Sram, Senior Edificer , Emeria, The Sky Ruin , Well of Lost Dreams , Sword of Fire and Ice , Skullclamp , Adanto, the First Fort , and Sword of the Animist .

multimedia on Resplendent Sunmare

6 years ago

Hey, very nice beginning shell for a new potential archetype in upcoming Standard :) Pridemate, Resplendent, Lyra, Sunmare, Diamond, Shield and Sunscourge this is a good creature/lifegain base to build around.

Consider Legion's Landing  Flip? One drop that makes a token with lifelink. When it flips into Adanto, the First Fort can start making lifelink tokens. Victory's Herald is surprisingly in Standard at the moment for two more months. It's a rare in the Welcome 2017 deck which is Standard legal.

Good luck with your deck.

Mice_Overseer on Golgari Negative Counters

6 years ago

Field of Ruin? Lets you get rid of the Adanto, the First Fort from any 'insane token heal deck'.

Orion93 on Bye Bye Library

6 years ago

I like it. I wanted to make a black and blue version with cards like Doomfall as well.

Have you tried Glimmer of Genius instead of Hieroglyphic Illumination? I appreciate the ability to cycle and actually use both cards in my grixis deck for standard, but you could be doing a little more that just drawing. The scry on glimmer really is worth it. And that would build energy for your Dynavolt towers.

You may also consider 2 copies of Field of Ruin and 2 copies of Arch of Orazca as well. Field of ruin destroys non basic lands, including things like Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin and Primal Wellspring  Flip or Adanto, the First Fort. Its a very very well rounded card for standard. The Arch of Orazca just helps regain card advantage if you hit a stalling point.

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