Rushwood Grove

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rushwood Grove


Rushwood Grove enters the battlefield tapped.

Tap: Put a storage counter on Rushwood Grove.

Tap, Remove any number of storage counters from Rushwood Grove: Add (Green) to your mana pool for each storage counter removed this way.

Max_Hammer on Instant Lottery

2 years ago

I have some land suggestions for you! Not all of them are great, but some of them could be pretty snazzy.

draaien on Tatyova Moon Landing

5 years ago

I agree with pretty much all you are saying, was looking to cut some ramp in general to be honest cutting the signet seems like the best cut. In my testing i have noticed that 'small' ramp is ok but the deck really gets rolling once i have my 'big' ramp like Scapeshift or Splendid Reclamation so Boundless Realms seems to be perfect.

The Beastmaster Ascension combo sounds nice but i am probably gonna cut Sylvan Awakening in commander it seems pretty meh as it requires some additional set-up.

I very much agree with that tatyova needs protection but i would like that protection to be on theme so Sylvan Safekeeper is the card i am looking at for the moment, that being said even more protection sounds nice to be honest. The Soratami Rainshaper is pretty nice as well but just not enough.

I feel like you might be underestimating Retreat to Coralhelm it is amazing int this deck if i have some tap to put land in play card out as it allows infinite landfall. For that reason i am looking to add a Sakura-Tribe Scout aswell. With Ghost Town i can get infinite landfall triggers on my opponents end step. If i have any bounce effect i can get it whenever. With the Saprazzan Cove or the Rushwood Grove and the Stone-Seeder Hierophant it gives me infinite mana. At worst it allows me to have some psuedo card draw if i can't protect my commander. It is probably the best card in my deck at the moment. This might sound like magical Christmas land but I would say i go infinite with the card in about half of the games i play when playing new people as it is a bit of lesser known combo i think. When playing people who know the deck it gets targetted more than tatyova.

apex457 on +1/+1 Golgari

6 years ago

Maybe add cards like Hatred to sneak in commander damage to win. Also maybe try something like Tainted Strike as another way to sneak that win in. If you are going to be playing a drawn out game then something like Curse of Predation could be helpful. I've played games where skullbriar has gotten big enough that Rite of Consumption just won me the game, it could be a good include. Tuskguard Captain can give skullbriar trample, which is good.

It could be good to have a different win con, I enjoy things like Rise of the Dark Realms + Life's Finale to be able to swing in with a bunch of bodies

I would replace the Evolving Wilds with Rushwood Grove it is kind of a slow play but it is good for late game ramp, especially if you can pair it with something like Vastwood Hydra

I also have a skillbriar deck, Skullbriar's counter attack, mine is more creature heavy, feel free to check it out and give me some suggestions!

scotchtapedsleeves on

7 years ago

Plus, a suggestion for the deck, storage lands could be immensely useful for your purpose, if you don't start off with lands on the battlefield. You could spend all of your mana on the lands then blow it all once you can afford the creatures!

Saltcrusted Steppe Crucible of the Spirit DragonRushwood Grove

Nathanaiel on Hypothetical Vorel

7 years ago

You'd really want to abuse the counters more for ramp with cards such as Mage-Ring Network or Rushwood Grove. Beastmaster Ascension may also be worth a look.

hoardofnotions on

7 years ago

Coral Atoll for Simic Growth Chamber

No Sol Ring, Green Sun's Zenith, Joraga Treespeaker, or Bloom Tender? (when did bloom tender get so expensive?)

is Bonds of Mortality important in your area?

Primal Rage? maybe an Overrun type effect? or go bigger with Akroma's Memorial

Cancel there has to be a better counterspell somewhere, maybe Arcane Denial or Mystic Snake for shenanigans with Deadeye Navigator

Lifespring Druid could be replaced withcheaper mana dudes, Quirion Elves or maybe Shaman of Forgotten Ways

Horizon Chimera, Zendikar's Roil, don't seem very strong, kinda out of place with the rest of the deck as well

Liquidmetal coating change a planeswalker to an artifact and double with commander

Utopia Mycon, Mage-Ring Network, Rushwood Grove, Saprazzan Cove could be clever

MagicalHacker on Lands That Tap for More

7 years ago

Hollow Trees and Rushwood Grove are green storage lands.

Lotus Vale is the only unmentioned card left.

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