Survivors' Encampment

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Survivors' Encampment

Land — Desert

: Add .

, Tap an untapped creature you control: Add one mana of any color.

multimedia on Kalamax Instants

1 year ago

Hey, nice upgrades to the precon on a budget.

With Kalamax I find that instants that can give him evasion while also draw a card are excellent. It's the draw that's makes 1 mana and 2 mana spells like this busted with Kalamax. Kalamax is a great attacker to do real Commander damage if he has evasion.

Kalamax is a mana hungry Commander because to take advantage of his abilities you want to cast an instant on each player's turn and to do this consistently requires having a lot of mana. Consider more ramp?

Relic of Legends is ramp and a source to tap Kalamax that makes mana. Storm-Kiln Artist is more magecraft, ramp with treasures. Roiling Regrowth is like Harrow except the basic lands ETB tapped. From the precon Haldan, Avid Arcanist + Pako, Arcane Retriever aren't needed, they belong in their own deck, with their own strategies.

Three, four or five color Precon manabases are subpar with too many basic lands which makes color fixing from lands quite poor. On a budget there's several land upgrades to consider, replacing not just some basic lands, but other lands that always ETB tapped for lands that don't?

Holdout Settlement and Survivors' Encampment can tap Kalamax to make mana. This is important since relying only on tapping Kalamax because you attacked can be problematic because what if Kalamax can't attack?

Good luck with your deck.

montinje on Ashlen's Archelos | Extra Turns #23

2 years ago

I happen to be making a similar deck. Survivors' Encampment is a great way to tap your creatures in a land Centaur Omenreader is also pretty good.

bushido_man96 on Master Oogway's Guide to a long life

2 years ago

You can work some more tappers into your mana base with Holdout Settlement and Survivors' Encampment. Rhystic Deluge is another janky option no one thinks about. Honor-Worn Shaku is another mana rock tapper.

multimedia on Double Trouble : High-power Kalamax

2 years ago

Hey, nice to see another well built budget Kalamax deck. You have really good card sense on a budget and you understand you want instants with Kalamax. Rod of Absorption is interesting tech, haven't seen it yet with Kalamax.

Unfortunately, when talking about power level (PL) you should include the manabase, lands also matter. The manabase here is not above PL 5, it's casual. My budget Kalamax deck has a much more expensive price manabase and I'm calling my deck PL 6 and casual. I'm not playing Shock lands, but I am playing two Bond lands, three Pain lands, three Filter lands and two Check lands.

To get beyond PL 6 with the manabase you want Shock lands and Bond lands. Beyond PL 7 you want the expensive price Fetch lands or Rainbow lands: City, Confluence. Into PL 8 territory you want Fetch lands. Beyond that to you need ABUR Duals. What I'm saying is you have to be able to afford these lands if you want a high PL for your deck.

29 lands is low amount with a casual manabase because you don't have enough color fixing because you don't have enough lands. Color fixing is really important with Kalamax because of the difficult color requirements needed to cast the most important spells: for Narset's Reversal and for Reverberate.

From lands here only 13 sources of blue is not enough when it's the primary color and most important color with Kalamax for draw and Reversal. You want at least 20 sources of blue without help from nonland mana sources. You have essentially cut lands in favor of more blue draw spells, but you didn't increase the amount of blue sources in the manabase to account for having more blue spells. You're relying on red more than blue for combos, Ral and Ignition, but only 14 sources of red is low amount to be able to consistently make or more.

By making these cuts you add three more lands that can make any color of mana, four more blue sources for 33 lands instead of 29. It's not that the cards I'm suggesting to cut are bad they're just not as good for the mana cost as other cards here. Settlement and Encampment are helpful budget rainbow lands with Kalamax as sources to tap him when he can't attack, you don't want to attack or you need to make a color of mana your lands can't. Crop Rotation can tutor for one these lands or even both which makes them among the better sources that can tap Kalamax.

Archmage and Artist are amazing budget four drops with Kalamax because of magecraft. They have all the interaction when casting instants or copying spells which is the entire game plan of Kalamax. Archmage can draw a ton of cards which can help to draw lands and Artist can create a ton of treasures for ramp/color fixing. Artist is very helpful with Kalamax creating at least two treasures just by casting your first instant on a turn. Making at least two treasures lets you abuse Narset's Reversal with Kalamax, cast it on each opponent's turn.

Artist also goes infinite mana of any colors when you combo with a Fork and that's helpful to have mana to cast counters/other protection to win. Archmage also goes infinite with Fork combos, but you can control how many copies of the Fork you make thus don't go infinite otherwise you'll draw the rest of your library and lose the game drawing from an empty library.

I offer more advice if you would like. Good luck with your deck.

Seuchenschutz on Copysaurus

3 years ago

First of all, thanks for your suggestions! Actually, I already had the Smuggler's Copter in the Deck, but I decided to cut it. For the direct tapping of Kalamax, the Stormsire , I already have the Cultivator's Caravan and the Survivors' Encampment . That should be enough, I think. I really appriciate suggestions!

malacai on In the Spirit of Tribal Decks

3 years ago

Based on this list I would make the following chnages to Ranar.

Out -> In

Cosmos Charger -> Eldrazi Displacer

Drogskol Reaver -> Yorion, Sky Nomad

Drogskol Cavalry -> Thassa, Deep-Dwelling

Empyrean Eagle -> Felidar Guardian

Geist of Saint Traft -> Charming Prince

Radiant Purge -> Path to Exile

Misdirection -> Swords to Plowshares

Rally the Ranks -> Reality Shift

Ichor Wellspring -> Counterspell

Synthetic Destiny -> Dovin's Veto

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