Botanical Sanctum

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Botanical Sanctum


Botanical Sanctum enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands.

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wallisface on Timely tokens

5 months ago

Some thoughts:

kamarupa on Moonlight Sonata

1 year ago

I think I might favor Tocasia's Welcome over Collected Company here, though Welcome would be even better if your bounce effects could happen on your opponent's turns. Ephemerate isn't quite as repeatable as Soulherder, but it is cheaper to cast, though not a creature spell itself. There's also the classic Restoration Angel, but that seems too high MV and only a one time use. Saltskitter seems interesting, but not particularly reliable. Eldrazi Displacer would be great if it didn't require 3 mana to activate. Thraben Doomsayer doesn't give the all the benefits of a bounce, but token generation is still a powerful trigger with Soul Sisters. If any of those made the cut, then I'd say you didn't need Blue spells at all, which would make your mana base faster, cheaper, and more reliable.

I think Speaker of the Heavens is a pretty perfect fit with Soul Sisters.

While on principle, I like protecting permanents, I think Patch Up might be strong enough that removing your creatures could prove more helpful to you than to your opponents - something that usually frustrates the hell out of me.

I'm not convinced shock and fetch are the best lands. While the lifeloss is less painful when counterbalanced with Soul Sisters' lifegain, it also negates some of the advantage of gaining life. Equally efficient lands that don't cost life would be better. Pathways and fast lands seem, at least to me, just as good if not better: Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Branchloft Pathway  Flip, Hengegate Pathway  Flip, Seachrome Coast, Razorverge Thicket, Botanical Sanctum

wallisface on Eldrazi PanharmoniTron

2 years ago

deathjunky If I were trying to build a Modern Panharmonicon with Tron Lands deck, I think i’d initially set myself the following restrictions:

  1. Make sure there’s a full playset of Panharmonicon. The card is important to have in play, so we should be ensuring we get it.

  2. Ensure that the vast majority of the deck benefits from Panharmonicon. I would ditch the Eldrazi entirely for this, and focus on artifacts to make for a toolboxy build using Whir of Invention (this would allow us to get setup, while also getting pieces we need).

  3. Figure out how much we need Tron active. We either need low-ish cmc with Chalice of the Void, or we need to splash green to ensure Tron becomes active. I’m personally in favour of option A, though i think i’d still splash green for the likes of Thragtusk.

I think i’d end up with something like this (just spitballing, so this can easily be refined):

(Note, after going through that exercise, the biggest takeaway I have is that I don’t think Panharmonicon wants to be in the same deck as Tron-lands. If i’d just built this as a UG creature list, instead of a tron based build, i think it’d have been easier to ramp, and have access to better payoffs (i.e Hornet Queen). I think the best path forward for your Panharmonicon might be to ditch Tron)

Balaam__ on A.P. Bio with Mr. Wizard

2 years ago

Thanks depthcharge2, I appreciate it. Glad to hear you were able to budgetize this in a way that works for you. Misty Rainforest can be approximated easily enough; Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Hinterland Harbor or Botanical Sanctum should all be fine, or else Thornwood Falls if you’re looking for the cheapest option available.

Surgical Extraction is harder to replace; there’s the financially cheaper Extirpate, but then you’d need to splash black. I’d probably opt for a different card entirely.

monkeyofficeboy on Ezuri, Claw in Progress

3 years ago

Update 1 Cards Added In

Vigean Graftmage A cheap creature, with some +1/+1 syneregy, and a useful ability too. An easy add.

Cloudfin Raptor Another cheap creature that triggers Ezuri, and a flyer too. On top of that Evolve will help out too if it triggers.

Bring to Light A way of finding a flyer, a mana rock, or another creature. Not the cheapest card, but pays for itself with its ability to cast the follow up card for no mana.

Primeval Bounty Triggers Ezuri with its tokens, adds counters when non-creatures are cast, and some incidental Lifegain too? Easy add, just a shame its expensive.

Treasure Cruise In this deck the graveyard is dead space, so Delve is perfect here. More card draw is no bad thing.

Thrummingbird A cheap flyer that triggers Ezuri, and can also Proliferate too.

Hornet Queen Yes, it's a token generator, but the tokens are so very useful its worth the price. Plus triggers Ezuri too.

Sagu Mauler Potentially a finisher that can protect itself, and when it comes in as a Morph it will trigger Ezuri too. This is an experimental add to see if it works the way I hope it does.

Fathom Mage An Evolve card that adds card draw too. On top of that it triggers Ezuri, and I can never resist a foil!

Vorel of the Hull Clade Really obvious inclusion for boosting counters, and has great synergy with Ezuri.

Murkfiend Liege No they aren't counters but boosting the power of all blue and green creatures, plus having them available every turn is too tempting not to include.

Simic Manipulator Again an Evolve card and a way to make use of lots of +1/+1 counters.

Temple of Mystery Slow dual land with an additional Scry. An easy change for one of the many basics.

Yavimaya Coast Untapped dual land, foil, and allows me colourless if i don't want the pain. An easy swap for a Vivid land.

Botanical Sanctum If I need it untapped, it comes in untapped. If I can afford to wait, then well it gets played later! Again an easy upgrade on a basic.

Hinterland Harbor Again another easy swap for a Vivid land. If it comes out at the right time then it gets played untapped. If it doesn't then, well... I guess I didn't need it that badly.

Llanowar Elves More mana. Triggers Ezuri. Easy.

Animation Module Plenty of opportunity to trigger, and gives more Ezuri triggers too. Can also add more counters to other things too. Its versatility makes it an easy inclusion.

Primordial Hydra A big finisher that leans into the Counters theme.

Managorger Hydra Another creature that has the potential to grow into a large finisher, with Trample to get me there.

Elvish Mystic See Llanowar Elves

Skyrider Elf If I am honest this is basically a placeholder for something better, but its a flyer and also has good synergy due to convergence.

nathanielhebert on

3 years ago

The efficient land cards are what make this set more expensive, but the sturdy defender deck can afford to slow things down with cheaper mana alternatives. On the plus side, the guild-gates at our disposal look like we're building up more walls, and the scry from the various Temple of Mystery 's helps to put the combo pieces we need into our hands.

A slimmer version:

1x Botanical Sanctum , 3x Temple of Mystery

1x Fortified Village , 3x Temple of Plenty

1x Glacial Fortress , 2x Temple of Enlightenment

1x Hallowed Fountain , 3x Azorius Guildgate

1x Wooded Bastion , 3x Selesnya Guildgate

1x Island 1x Forest

Lanzo493 on Modern Infect (semi-budget)

3 years ago

I would honestly take out 2 Snakeskin Veil for 2 Distortion Strike , then replace the last 1 for a full playset of Blossoming Defense . You've got plenty of better hexproof options with Vines of Vastwood and Blossoming Defense . Infect is all about killing your opponent by turn 3. If you give them enough time to get blockers out, it won't matter anymore, so the bigger pump spells are better. If you ever get fetchlands for the deck, you can add Dryad Arbor for a fetch target that can help you survive sacrifice effects. Since Infect is such a fast deck, a pretty budget land you can run is Botanical Sanctum . It'll do wonders for your manabase.

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