Conqueror's Galleon


Conqueror's Foothold  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Conqueror's Galleon

Artifact — Vehicle

When Conqueror's galleon attacks, exile it at end of combat, then return it to the battlefield transformed under your control.

Crew 4 (Tap any number of creatures you control with total power 4 or more: This Vehicle becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.)

DreadKhan on Ulamog, the ceaseless hunger

1 year ago

I went with a Gruul Commander for my Eldrazi deck, but I think there might be a few cards that make sense for you to consider. I found a few cards that I'm going to look into for my deck that you were running, so thanks!

It's a bit of a slower card, but Ugin, the Ineffable is pretty nuts in an Eldrazi deck, it shaves mana costs while making chump blockers (that you eventually get in hand), and you can also remove the odd annoying permanent in a pinch. Another slow card that might do enough work is Conqueror's Galleon  Flip, if you can flip it it's ramp that can draw cards or recur them, both are very useful. Another slowish card to consider might be Bonders' Enclave, this does have a hoop to jump through, but once you're through it it's pretty good for a land slot. Does Doubling Cube fit in here, I don't think you do a lot at instant speed, so it's just big dumb ramp, you pretty much need to burn through all of it at once each time you activate. If you actually expect to do a bunch of fighting with Ulamog itself, maybe Witch's Clinic for the lifelink?

A less slow card that I think is an auto-include is War Room, you don't even have colours so you don't have to pay life, it's just card draw for mana with no hoops. Not sure if I'm missing something, but Forsaken Monument seems like huge synergy.

DreadKhan on Liesa final

1 year ago

There is an odd white Enchantment called Noble Purpose, which gives all your creatures Not-Lifelink, which stacks with Lifelink. There is also Axis of Mortality, which you can use to give your strongest opponent the lowest life total, possibly weakening them enough so that you can finish them off. There is also Martyr's Bond, which works with any sort of sacrifice effects, including fetch lands that synergize well with Sun Titan. Very good with Matyr's Bond is World Queller, which will trigger Bond to double up the effect. I like it's ability to hit permanent types that you might not even have, but hitting a type that you have but don't care about is also nice, very useful vs Voltron decks with very few creatures. Finally, I like Dawnbreak Reclaimer in a deck that cares about creatures and wants a big flyer. These are all fairly high MV, so keep that in mind, but Dawnbreak can be very politically useful, especially if you play vs non-budget decks.

Fireshrieker might be good for Liesa, Double Strike is really good on her, if you can giver her +1 power for one swing she's a 2 hit kill with just Double Strike, and she's already got flying.

A bit random, but Orzhov might like Conqueror's Galleon  Flip, which curves into Liesa and which Liesa can crew by herself. As long as a 2/10 can survive combat, you get ramp and some utility.

I would look at Tragic Arrogance over Kaya's Wrath, I always found that incredibly hard to cast, though I was Esper. Arrogance is a much bigger effect that is much harder on your opponents. There is also Promise of Loyalty if you are only worried about creatures, it not only gets rid of most, it prevents the survivors from coming after you.

DreadKhan on Mobile Suit Shorikai

2 years ago

The usual ways to gain Haste in Azorius are colourless options, like Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots and Haunted Cloak. You can also use something like Hall of the Bandit Lord, but this requires you to be casting the creature.

Conqueror's Galleon  Flip is a nice vehicle to permanently ramp you/add more dig when you have spare resources. Not sure if you'll want more wipes, or some kind of pillowfort like War Tax, I guess that depends on how aggro your meta is. Padeem, Consul of Innovation can provide badly needed protection for artifacts, and can give you the odd card maybe, Shorikai is a reasonably big artifact usually. Hanna's Custody is an old weird way to protect everyone's artifacts, which can help you more if you are more built around artifacts.

VayraTheGatherer on Galazeth, Magitech Beam Cannon *Primer*

2 years ago

Building an Akiri deck I'm on the artifact matters path, perhaps this utility can improve the flow if you find it lacking in places, and increase the value of X

Kuldotha Forgemaster Blinkmoth Urn Trading Post Conqueror's Galleon  Flip Replicating Ring (sure it takes a while...) Liquimetal Torque

You could also take artifact matters along a 'toss creature' path with Fling and fat guys like Shambling Suit Darksteel Juggernaut

Omega414 on MagicalHacker - List of All Recursion

2 years ago

Thanks for the list, though appears to be missing Conqueror's Galleon  Flip

dnthymamai on Obuun landfall

3 years ago

Nice budget deck! Besides from attacking with Kalamax in order to get him tapped, (because some times you will risk getting him killed) may I suggest these casual cards that also help ramp your mana: Saruli Caretaker , Jaspera Sentinel , Springleaf Drum and the not-so-great-at-mana-fixing, old Honor-Worn Shaku .

Moreover, the Crew mechanic is a free way to tap Kalamax and some great examples are: Smuggler's Copter , Aethersphere Harvester , Heart of Kiran , Cultivator's Caravan and maybe a Conqueror's Galleon  Flip for some late game options when you flip it over.

Tarnoduds on AD&D - Artifacts, Dwarves and Dragons

3 years ago

KevinB Hey man! Thanks for coming and giving some insights! So, first of all, I must say I have thought about almost every card you've recommended (althought I didn't consider Conqueror's Galleon  Flip and Trading Post ).

Here comes the long post:

For the dwarves, I have all those "useless" 1 CMC dudes just to make sure I can start generating treasures as fast as possible (Still hoping the D&D set will bring a few more red dwarves for that) and right now, I dont think I can take away any of those for the 2 CMC you've mentioned. On other hand, the flex spot I have available would be the 7x spots for the Seven Dwarves , and I cant take out just 1 or 2... Either I play with 7 of'em or with none, right? So basically these dudes dont make the cut simply because they have the wrong CMC or a worst abillity from what I have right now, but if we get 4-5 decent dwarves on 1 and 2 CMC on the near future, I can see myself switching the seven dwarves for those guys.

As for Brass Herald , I think Obelisk of Urd does a better job being a possible combat trick (if I pull it with Magda's abillity after attacking the +2/+2 could make a difference), as well as being a little harder to remove, not being a creature. Considering all the other anthem effects I have available, they all seem to give me a better deal than a 6 mana 2/2 that maybe draws cards. But who knows, there're a few golems in this deck, and Coat of Arms could make it interesting should I start using more golems in the future.

The thing with Nevinyrral's Disk and Perilous Vault is that both of'em ALSO removes my own artifacts with the removal. Normally, what I'm sensing is that if I have my board cleared or even if I find myself needing to clear the board, if I still have my artifacts on board (things like The Immortal Sun or Caged Sun ), there's still a chance to come back to the game. But sure, a board wipe that can be instantly tutored could prove to be useful. Maybe I'll test switching a disk for Star of Extinction , although maybe the vault could be better.

Lastly, Conqueror's Galleon  Flip and Trading Post are quite interesting suggestions. I can see myself switching the galleon for Solemn Simulacrum (not exactly good news for Brass Herald 's case, lol) since it also ramps and draws, as well as being a tap-enabler for my dwarves (the high crew cost sucks a little bit, though). But I'm Not sure what to take away for the post... It's value, for sure, but I'm not sure if it's more eficient than what I have right now in this deck (mana cost and resource-wise). What do you think on this matter?

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