Calciform Pools

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Calciform Pools


: Add .

, : Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools.

, Remove X storage counters from Calciform Pools: Add X mana in any combination of and/or .

Max_Hammer on Instant Lottery

2 years ago

I have some land suggestions for you! Not all of them are great, but some of them could be pretty snazzy.

DemonDragonJ on How Good is Ring of …

2 years ago

Gidgetimer, I perfectly understand that, since, I also, have cards that work with specific strategies, but otherwise are lackluster, such as the storage lands (Calciform Pools, Dreadship Reef, and so forth), which are far too slow and inefficient in most decks, but are amazing in a deck dedicated to proliferating.

DemMeowsephs on Sultai_Sir

4 years ago

Hey there! No problem, and you have definitely come to the right place! Here are some types of lands that I personally think should have a spot in every deck, and some multi-colored lands that work anywhere and everywhere! I hope this helps you throughout your journey in the world of magic.

These dual lands are some of the best, and my favorites, though there are many more people enjoy playing, such as bounce ladnds (Dimir Aqueduct), Battle Lands (Sunken Hollow), Reveal Lands, (Port Town), Cycle Lands (Irrigated Farmland), Storage Lands (Calciform Pools) and many others, but usually you don't have this many spaces in your deck, and so the ones I named first are usually better. However, I'm not done! There are many multicolor lands that fit in any deck, that are extremely powerful! Some of them are listed below.

Brutal_B on Atraxa, But Its Energy

4 years ago

So I recently put Calciform Pools, Dreadship Reef, and Saltcrusted Steppe in my deck. Regrettably I haven't had a chance to see them in play yet. I've had Mirrodin's Core out and it was working great so I figured why not 3 more storage lands. Whats your take on this?

franknot.19 on Atraxa, legendary Voice,

5 years ago

7th change:

in :

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Karn's Bastion

Interplanar Beacon

Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon


Zur the Enchanter


Scavenger Grounds

Calciform Pools

Cards I'm considering to remove :

Oath of Ajani

Rings of Brighthearth

DRmagic2017 Simic Ascendancy seem pretty good as an alternate win con but I think it better suit my aggro Atraxa, legendary Voice,. Get a look, I'm always looking for advice.Atraxa Aggro

ebonyks your deck look great, when I've started this deck I want to make a stax deck but I found out it was more fun mixing all the planeswalker and discovering new interaction between all of them. I need to be honest, Jace, Cunning Castaway seem better than I think.

franknot.19 on Atraxa, legendary Voice,

5 years ago

7th change:

in :

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Karn's Bastion

Interplanar Beacon

Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon


Zur the Enchanter


Scavenger Grounds

Calciform Pools

Cards I'm considering to remove :

Oath of Ajani

Rings of Brighthearth

DRmagic2017 Simic Ascendancy seem pretty good as an alternate win con but I think it better suit my aggro Atraxa, legendary Voice,. Get a look, I'm always looking for advice. Atraxa aggro

ebonyks your deck look great, when I've started this deck I want to make a stax deck but I found out it was more fun mixing all the planeswalker and discovering new interaction between all of them. I need to be honest, Jace, Cunning Castaway seem better than I think.

DemonDragonJ on Mage-Ring Network or Gavony Township?

5 years ago

In my Atraxa EDH deck, I currently have four "storage lands:" Saltcrusted Steppe , Dreadship Reef , Calciform Pools , and Mage-Ring Network , because they have great synergy with such a deck.

However, I really want to put a Gavony Township in that deck, so I am contemplating removing the Mage-Ring Network , since a land that can produce only colorless mana may not be the best option for a four-colored deck, but I wish to ask the advice of other users here, before I make a decision. Ironically, that deck did have the township, originally, but I removed it in favor of Karn's Bastion .

What does everyone else say about this? Between Mage-Ring Network and Gavony Township , which is the better card for my deck?

DemonDragonJ on Storage Lands in an Atraxa …

5 years ago

I have an EDH deck with Atraxa as its general, and that deck has all four triple lands that are supported in her colors ( Arcane Sanctum , Sandsteppe Citadel , Seaside Citadel , and Opulent Palace ), which are great lands, but they enter the battlefield tapped, so I am seeking replacements for them.

I cannot believe that I did not consider the “storage lands,” the lands that use storage counters, when I was building the deck, as they would be absolutely perfect for a deck that focuses on the proliferate mechanic, but I wish to seek advice from the other users on this forum before I put those lands in my deck.

The storage lands that I am considering for my deck are Calciform Pools , Dreadship Reef , Saltcrusted Steppe , and Mage-Ring Network . What does everyone else say about this? Are those lands good for an Atraxa EDH deck?

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