Jund Panorama

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jund Panorama


: Add .

, , Sacrifice this: Search your library for a basic Swamp, Mountain or Forest card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

RousseausDisciple on Help with EDH Food Deck

9 months ago

The one glaring omission I see is Tireless Provisioner. That said, I do think there are a couple areas this deck could improve within budget: manabase and long game.

I think a couple of your artifacts are slow or lower-impact; Horned Helm in particular seems like it is not doing enough. I would consider cutting this card and potentially Welcome to Sweettooth or Giant's Skewer for card that recur your resources, something like Palace Siege or Oversold Cemetery or The War in Heaven.

For manabase, in particular I am looking at the fact that you have 1) a ton of lands that enter the battlefield tapped all the time, and 2) only 4 other Forests for your Gingerbread Cabin. I would suggest cutting Cinder Barrens, Foul Orchard, Jund Panorama, Akoum Refuge, Gruul Guildgate, and Golgari Guildgate for Many Partings, Cinder Glade, Sheltered Thicket, Woodland Chasm, Smoldering Marsh, and Rockfall Vale. A lot of these dual lands are cheaper right now due to the Doctor Who commander deck release, so you can pick most of them up for <$1 each.

Best of luck to you!

DreadKhan on Ur-Dragon (Recs. Needed)

10 months ago

I'll give you a few tips from my limited experience with 5 Colour decks and how they achieve their mana requirements.

My first point is that combining the Bounce Guild lands with numerous ETB tapped lands will feel incredibly bad, I would definitely throw in more untapped lands if you're going to use that many Bounce lands. I love the Bounce lands, but they should be played mostly with other lands that ETB untapped, like Basic lands, bouncing an ETB tapped land is not fun in my experience.

I would encourage you to lean into Green ramp, there is lots of it that's very good, including options that find dual lands that have Basic types (or even Triomes if your budget permits, but there are budget fetchable duals out there). To make that Green ramp work you probably would want more Forests because a Forest and ramp spell can fix your mana for you.

Another thing I noticed that helps 5 Colour decks is the fact that you can use budget fetchlands of all sorts. The worst of my favourite 3 is Myriad Landscape, followed by Blighted Woodland and Krosan Verge. Krosan Verge can technically find all 5 colours by itself if you use Triomes, because it can find non-Basics, but there is also Murmuring Bosk to help. In addition to these types of fetchlands, you might find some use for the old Panorama cycle from Alara, Esper Panorama, Jund Panorama, Bant Panorama, Grixis Panorama, and Naya Panorama. None of those are truly great cards, but in a pinch they both enter untapped while eventually offering good fixing. A nice perk to using more Basics is that you are better at enduring non-Basic hate, not sure if people use stuff like that in your area.

Their is the odd good land worth looking at if you want budget mana fixing, the pain lands Sulfurous Springs or Adarkar Wastes are very strong fixing options that are relatively cheap, people use these in budget cEDH builds, they're perfect if you want good non-Basics for a low price, the Enemy pair from that cycle (Shivan Reef and Caves of Koilos are generally quite cheap, the Ally pairs are pricy). There is also the odd land like Exotic Orchard that can fix pretty well, but most 5 colour lands that enter untapped are pricey.

My final suggestion is that I found it helpful to run more ramp than usual in my 5 Colour decks, as well as more lands total. My 5 Colour Sisay deck has 39 lands and iirc over 20 ramp spells/effects (some work as combo pieces), and my Reaper King deck has 38 lands and around 15 ramp sources. It's a big hassle to get 5 colours consistently, but if you straight up run extra lands and ramp it becomes much easier.

A few more general pointers, I noticed you don't have Crux of Fate in here, it's usually pretty good in a Dragon deck. You also might like Stinging Study as a big draw spell. It's usually not as good as Stinging Study, but Imposing Grandeur also exists. Bring to Light and Wargate are two pretty strong tutors, perfect if you want to power your deck up a bit.

TheoryCrafter on Lyzolda's Ritual

1 year ago

Have you considered Mayhem Devil? I think this card would be a big boon for your deck.

Also, if you're looking for sacrifice engines that are creatures, creatures with Devour are a great way to build big creatures. These include, but are not limited to, Caldera Hellion, Feaster of Fools, Preyseizer Dragon, and Thunder-Thrash Elder.

Also, since you have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, I think you can get away with removing a few Swamps to add in more lands you sacrifice for lands. These include, but are not limited to, Evolving Wilds, Fabled Passage, Jund Panorama and Maestros Theater.

If you choose to go this route, creatures with landfall would benefit from this. They include, but are not limited to, Bloodghast, Moraug, Fury of Akoum, Nesting Dragon, and Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out Happy Hunting!

DreadKhan on Korvold Sacrifice

1 year ago

There are lots of options to help fix your mana that have been printed, some of the handiest are those that can dig out a land, and lands that make more than 1 colour. Both are very useful, some effects can even dig out 2 or 3 colour lands, but these are pricier in most cases. Some budget options include Jund Panorama, Riveteers Overlook, Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Mountain Valley, and Rocky Tar Pit (the last two can find non-Basic lands, this includes Woodland Chasm, Highland Forest, Sulfurous Mire), Cinder Glade, Smoldering Marsh). Blighted Woodland can find other land types if you have Green already, Myriad Landscape can find Green (or another colour), finding Green is usually important because of cards like Cultivate, and Kodama's Reach, these ramp you but can also find you a needed land type. There are also even better options (arguably) like Farseek, Nature's Lore and the pricier Three Visits, these can find non-Basic lands, making them very useful. I always liked Harrow, it can find 2 different colours of land if it's helpful, there is also the lesser Roiling Regrowth. Since your Commander is at 5 mana, you might even include stuff like Skyshroud Claim or Circuitous Route, there are more but they aren't as popular due to costing 4 mana (you can get stuck on 2 or 3 lands).

A pair of random cards that might work for you are Midnight Reaper and Grim Haruspex, both draw cards whenever your creatures die, and cost very little mana. Another couple randomly useful creatures Dockside Chef, Skullport Merchant, and Mayhem Devil, which are certainly gotten pricier but is still extremely good.

Happy deck building!

Ziusdra on Thantis Spider Tribal

1 year ago

Missing a few spider-themed cards... Llanowar Greenwidow is the newest spider to be printed (helpful for the self-mill subtheme of spiders). Don't forget about Ettercap and Drider if you're just trying to collect 'em all.

It's a little costly for a fun/jank deck, but Arachnogenesis kicks up the spider theme a notch. I put Eaten by Spiders and Curse of Clinging Webs in my spider deck since there are always creatures dying and always flying creatures to kill in 4-player games.

Assault Formation and Sight of the Scalelords can help close games, even if the art isn't specifically spider-themed. (I would pay money for alt-art proxies that had these with spider-themed art tho...)

Finally, you need some lands for consistency... since this is a budget deck, consider Jund Panorama, Savage Lands, Foreboding Ruins, and Game Trail.

multimedia on Meren Current

1 year ago

Hey, good start on a low budget. I think you can optimize what you currently have even more since there's 16 high mana cost cards here.

Some advice to consider, fill the rest of the deck spots with one, two or three CMC cards since the high end part of your deck is done? One drop budget creatures who can sac themselves are excellent support with Meren.

Viscera Seer and Carrion Feeder are sac outlets which could use more of those to get experience counters. There's not much draw here that Meren can take advantage of. Consider more repeatable draw when you sac creature/creature dies?

Morbid Opportunist can trigger on an opponents turn if any creature dies not just your own creature. Body Launderer loots each time a creature you control dies, helps to setup Meren reanimation. Can also get more draw from single effects.

Budget one drop mana dorks can be ramp who can be saced/die later on for experience counters.

Arcane Signet is an upgrade for Golgari Signet and Talisman of Resilience is another Golgari mana rock. Some budget lands to consider adding/upgrades:

Woodland Chasm gives Wood Elves a Golgari Forest land to search for.

Good luck with your deck.

eliakimras on Obuun big lands

2 years ago

If you're still upgrading this deck, you might consider some more fetch lands to increase your landfall triggers: Bant Panorama, Jund Panorama, Cabaretti Courtyard, Brokers Hideout, Riveteers Overlook, Mountain Valley, Grasslands.

TypicalTimmy on Ray Fe Laz, Scorpion Trainer

2 years ago

The absurd value from a density of fetch lands is omg, lol.

3 colors, I believe you can use 9 of the 10 fetch lands. Only one you don't have access to is the Izzet one.

Then Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse, as well as Blighted Woodland and the Panoramas such as Jund Panorama.

Grab shock lands and Vilis, Broker of Blood so you get immense card draw. You can use K'rrik to pay less for Vilis so he ETB faster.

Then you could offer light Zombie tribal support to make RFL a bit deadlier. You have Parallel Lives and Anointed Procession as well as the others.

Landfall, Avenger of Zendikar and Rampaging Baloths

Harsh Sustenance would be amazing in this deck.

Intangible Virtue as a secondary vigilance source and makes them all 2/2s. Emmara Tandris as a Secret Commander. Same with Rhys the Redeemed

Lots of fun Timmy builds to explore here. I may do it this weekend <3

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