Rupture Spire

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rupture Spire


Rupture Spire enters the battlefield tapped.

When Rupture Spire enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you .

: Add one mana of any colour.

zandl on Heron Guardian

9 months ago

I think you could probably cool it a bit with the dual-lands. Things like Rupture Spire, Fortified Village, and Evolving Wilds are just going to slow you down and you don't need that much mana fixing in two colors. In fact, almost anything that always comes into play tapped is probably not what you want in this deck, where you're trying to curve out aggressively.

Malsorn on Oops all planeswalkers

11 months ago

I'd do Path of Ancestry over Rupture Spire, sure you won't get the scry but it'll tap for all colors and doesn't need the extra mana when it ETBs!

chivalruse on Don't worry... I've got an enchantment for that

1 year ago

Rupture Spire and Transguild Promenade really trigger me. Those aren't lands you should be running in a constructed deck, even in 5 color I don't like it. Also I skimmed the list and didn't immediately see any payoff for putting lands in your graveyard. So Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds are probably not worth it. I find dual lands are generally just better fixing. Some replacements for the above lands that I prefer are: Path of Ancestry, Silverquill Campus, Waterfront District, Skybridge Towers, Fabled Passage, Thriving Moor, Thriving Isle, Thriving Heath, Celestial Colonnade, Creeping Tar Pit.

Gidgetimer on Nonbasic Outcasts

2 years ago

Metroid_Hybrid: I realize that no one said that they were good. Maybe I should have articulated my point a little better. The tempo loss from returning a land to your hand I feel is so bad that not only would I put The tapped tri-lands (Arcane Sanctum) above them, I would also rather play Rupture Spire, Transguild Promenade, Archway Commons, Gateway Plaza, Path of Ancestry in even a non-tribal deck, the vivids (Vivid Creek), Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, panoramas (Esper Panorama), tapped 2 color lands, and even Ravnica bounces since they make 2 mana. Even as a budget tri-land I feel they are outclassed by a mile.

The point about a landfall deck is a good one though, assuming that you are generating enough extra land drops that you are limited by lands in hand.

Stardragon on Dracotopia

2 years ago

Great first deck but i fear you may not have the mana you need to make it work i would cut some lands like for some more basic lands and get a few more land ramps

Crucible of the Spirit Dragon for a Basic Mountain, Crucible is fine but slow as it only taps for colorless and you have to pay mana to get colored mana, this is the biggest maybe I've never like storage lands personally.

Gateway Plaza, Archway Commons and Rupture Spire one or two of these can be cut for another mountain and a Darigaaz's Caldera

I would also trade Opulent Palace for Savage Lands since Jund () are your main colors

I would also rearrange some of your basic land numbers try 5x Mountains, 4x Forests, 3x Swamps and 2x Plains and Islands and i would cut Underdark Rift, Treasure Vault, Rogue's Passage and Prismari Campus for the basic lands

Would also try to get some cheap basic ramp cards like Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Farseek and Sword of the Animist for basic land ramp and things like Hour of Promise, Tempt with Discovery, Pir's Whim, Explore and Growth Spiral for non basic ramp.

Now that I told my thoughts on your mana here are some other cards to help your dragons not sure your budget so i categized them. These price are based off of TCGplayer.

0.1-$4.99-Favorable Winds0.40, Teneb, the Harvester$3, Lathliss, Dragon Queen $3.50, Silumgar, the Drifting Death 0.70, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury 0.70, Eerie Ultimatum $3, Ruinous Ultimatum $5, Genesis Ultimatum $1.00,

$5-$9.99-Dragon Tempest$5, Scion of the Ur-Dragon $7, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames $5, Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund $3.50, Mirari's Wake $6, Rhythm of the Wild $6

$10-$19.99- Scalelord Reckoner $13, Vanquisher's Banner $12, Sarkhan Unbroken $15,Sarkhan, Fireblood $11,

$20 and over-Terror of the Peaks $25, Dragonlord Dromoka $25, Balefire Dragon $30, The Great Henge $50, Urza's Incubator $40, Sarkhan, Dragonsoul $27, Chromatic Orrery $20

multimedia on Kaalia's My Life(gain) with Dragons

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome.

Nice finish of the manabase and some good lands you added, but also some stinkers like Rupture Spire and Auntie's Hovel which is a $20 land that doesn't belong here because not playing Goblins.

In my last comment I said "there's quite a few cards that look out of place" what I mean by this are cards that are creatures who you don't want to or can't cheat onto the battlefield with Kaalia, cards that don't help Kaalia in any way or support that's simply not worth the mana cost of the card. You have many more good cards than subpar ones and I don't want to discourage your deck building, but the rest of this comment are examples of cards that don't belong.

  • Auntie's Hovel: not enough Goblins.

  • Ancient Amphitheater: there isn't a Giant here.

  • Oswald Fiddlebender: powerful card, one of my favs from the set, but it needs artifacts for fuel as well as having an artifact that you want to search for. Only 11 artifacts isn't enough to play this guy.

  • Wall of Reverence: you simply don't need this card to gain life since it can't be cheated onto the battlefield with Kaalia or can even attack. Any Angel who has lifelink would be a better source of life.

  • Serra Angel: in this day and age of Magic Serra is the definition of subpar. Any other five drop Angel with lifelink would be an upgrade for her.

  • Guttersnipe: It's not a bad card, but you need a lot of instants or sorceries to fuel it's damage trigger. Having only 18 instants or sorceries out of the other 99 cards is not enough to play Guttersnipe.

  • Isochron Scepter: it's an expensive card here that doesn't have a lot fuel. Like Guttersnipe there's not enough instants, but even worse is Scepter can only interact with instants that are 2 or less mana thus there's only 9 options of 99 cards in the deck.

  • Mutilate: with only 6 Swamps you're counting too much on controlling Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth for Multilate to have enough Swamps to be playable.

  • Crypt Rats: same as Mutilate you're counting too much on controlling Urborg to have enough black mana sources.

Stardragon on General Land and Deck Help

2 years ago

I'm made a 5-Color Wealth Deck (it has some food and clue token generation as well but may cut some of those) and it has all 100 cards, Sadly it's only 31 lands and no basics I'm sure if this is good idea or not and if should run more lands. Any suggestions are more than welcome on what to add and cut. Im trying to get rid of the tap lands like Rupture Spire, Transguild Promenade, Archway Commons, Gateway Plaza, Path of Ancestry and the Triome lands as the slow the deck down, but not sure what to replace them with. I'm also think of adding more Instants/Sorceries and maybe some more creatures. Any help is welcome.

Deck Link El Dorado City of Wealth

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