Eiganjo Castle

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Eiganjo Castle

Legendary Land

: Add to your mana pool.

, : Prevent the next 2 damage that would be dealt to target legendary creature this turn.

fluffyeel on Rafiq of the Many

1 month ago

Equipment and other stabtastic things are fun, and your deck has a lot of my usual favorite toys in those colors. I approve. I do have some thoughts that might help you, though, but some of these are playgroup dependent (or meta-dependent):

Hexapod on Angels We Have Heard On High [PRIMER]

7 months ago

I love an old-fashioned, straightforward tribal deck!

I see this is a budget deck, my suggestions may be out of the price range.

I would venture that Mangara the Diplomat is a slow card and could be replaced with Esper Sentinel.

You have some interesting lands in there, some that I will consider for my own lists. I don't get why you would want Bant Panorama, and I find Kabira Crossroads and Idyllic Grange have the potential to slow the early game. I would favor Kor Haven and Eiganjo Castle instead.

That Cloud Key wants to be an Urza's Incubator. Akroma's Memorial could be a nice thematic piece.

Hope this helps!

SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

This is a really neat concept and a solid build.

Elspeth, Knight-Errant triggers Teshar and helps you win.

Eiganjo Castle protects Kataki.

Inventors' Fair seems good.

Serenity seems really good.

Land Tax is the peanut butter and Scroll Rack is the jelly.

I always suggest Orim's Chant in mono White decks.

Max_Hammer on I’m Rick Grimes, Bitch 2.0

1 year ago

Howdy, I think your mana base could use some work-shopping. As for what you have right now, it's good. You don't need to remove anything, nothing here is hurting you. However, there might be something you missed. The only reason I can see for having this number of basics is for Emeria, but I think you could get even more value elsewhere. For the record, I'm not saying to include all of these, but I am giving you some choices as to what you might wanna include. I suggested the ones that seemed like the best choices.


For removal, we have a few choices. Scavenger Grounds is graveyard hate, which is fine because we only have one piece of recursion and it's Emeria. Blast Zone is pretty solid removal, just in case. Field of Ruin can get rid of someone else's Emeria or other problem land. Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire can be removal when you need it, and a land when you don't. And lastly, Kabira Takedown  Flip in a token deck takes down pretty much anything without hexproof.


Your stuff is important! Keep it safe with these cards. Eiganjo Castle is nice for anyone especially important, as can Karakas, if you can swallow the high pricetag. Sejiri Shelter  Flip can keep a creature safe once, assuming you don't need the mana. Nephalia Academy is fun when playing against specific deck strategies. Now, for a lot of them all at once, Kor Haven, Mystifying Maze, and Labyrinth of Skophos (With a shoutout to Maze of Ith) all prevent people from bonking you too hard.


Everything else that wasn't in those two categories. Windbrisk Heights can play you a free Mass Calcify when you need it, just for swinging with 3 tokens. Reliquary Tower because this is Commander. War Room, depending on how much draw you need. Idyllic Grange may as well replace a Plains if you plan to keep focusing on Emeria. Arcane Lighthouse is just another Detection Tower effect. And for the final one, Karoo. I dig the bouncelands. They're perfect turn 2 plays and might help you ramp a little bit extra.

And one more thing aside from all of this! Caged Sun is, in my opinion, better than Gauntlet of Power. One extra mana for blocking out my opponents feels worth it.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Yomiji, Who You Didn't Know Was This Good.

1 year ago

Oh this is a very interesting use of mass land destruction. Have you thought about running more legendary lands to play off of Yomiji's ability? There are a decent amount of legendary utility lands in white: Eiganjo Castle, Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire, Flagstones of Trokair (really good with MLD), Geier Reach Sanitarium, Karakas, Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, and Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper. There are a couple enchantment's matter legendary lands in white as well, but they have less synergy/utility here.

Avacyn, Angel of Hope is generally pretty solid in decks running MLD.

What about Tragic Arrogance over something like All Is Dust. It lets you keep Yomiji around, but has basically the same effect.

I also really like Heroes' Podium and Relic of Legends in legendary matters decks.

I know you weren't really asking for suggestions, but I think this is a really cool deck idea so I got a little excited haha.

+1 from me

legendofa on How do you, personally, balance …

2 years ago

Pip percentages all the way. I start off with "5-color basics" in play testing; I use tokens or off-color lands or other generic cards to fill land slots and pretend they enter untapped and tap for any color, no downside. So play testing with perfect mana. All nonland ramp and fixing should be in place at this point. Lands are the last thing I work on.

Once I get the main deck in a good spot and start looking at color balancing, I count the total pips and pips of each color, and divide them proportionally into basic lands, including hybrids as full pips. Let's say I'm putting together a EDH deck and have landed on 38 land slots. I count the green pips and get 50, blue pips are at 66, and white pips are at 45, for a total of 161 pips. I want at least 50/161 of my mana base to be green, 66/161 to be blue, and 45/161 to be white. That's 31% green, 41% blue, and 28% white.

The next step is to put that into the 38 land slots. I start with basic lands to ensure the balance. Using the percentage above, that's 12 Forests, 16 Islands, and 11 Plains, for a total of 39 lands. Cut one from the highest (rounding error), dropping Islands to 15. Next, check if any colors are overrepresented at mana value 1-2, and take 1-2 from the highest and give it to that color. In this example, let's say I loaded up on low MV green cards for ramp, so cut one more Island for a Forest. Final basic land totals are 13 Forest, 14 Island, and 11 Plains.

Finally, because I want multicolor lands in there, I switch basics out for nonbasics, keeping the colors as proportional as possible. So I'll take out a Forest and and Island for a Breeding Pool and Yavimaya Coast, a Forest and a Plains for Bountiful Promenade and Overgrown Farmland, a Plains and an Island for Port Town and Nimbus Maze, one of each for Seaside Citadel, Treva's Ruins, and Spara's Headquarters, and so on. Fetchlands are treated as lands that can add mana of the colors it searches for, and single-color lands like Eiganjo Castle are switched out one for one with their basic lands.

I always try to keep enough basic lands to cast any spell in the deck off basic lands alone. If I have cards that cost and in the deck, I will keep at least five basic lands. At least two of those will be Islands, and at least one will be a Forest and a Plains each. You never know when a Back to Basics or Ruination will come by to mess up your day.

Finally, colorless lands. I add these on a case by case basis, usually skimming from the color I have the most sources for.

So it's a process, but I've found it to be very reliable in the long run.

GangstaFranksta on Heroes of the Weatherlight

2 years ago

I see that you are thinking of adding cards that make your creatures indestructible which is useful for combat and potential board wipe spells, but I have a few suggestions that might have a little more utility. Ajani's Presence is ok, but you have to pay 3 mana for every target after the first. And regardless this wont protect anything from exile or sacrifice. Fight as One is similar but also only targets 2 creatures. Most of the instants in your maybe board do similar things. I think it might be a better idea to protect them from everything that a board wipe could do (sacrifice, deal X damage, destroy, and exile) and simply buff the creatures so you don't have to worry about losing them in fights. Akroma's Will will protect all of your creatures from everything (except for Eldrazi with Annihilator or colorless cards). Eerie Interlude blinks all of your creatures which also would protect them from literally anything. The only downside is that it targets them independently so if they have hexproof this doesn't work. Ghostway does the exact same thing but doesnt target so works around hexproof (and is really cool).Silence is a pretty cool card that completely just shuts down someone's turn. Sigarda, Host of Herons protects from forced sacrifice. Lastly, (and most pricey) Teferi's Protection also protects from literally everything.

I also notice you don't have much in the way of removal. Again, I think we can buff your creatures so that they don't need to worry about losing fights, but sometimes there are specific pesky creatures that you need to deal with. For that I'd recommend Urza's Ruinous Blast and Mangara of Corondor. The Wanderer is also really cool, has removal, and protects you from all noncombat damage like damage from Ruric Thar, the Unbowed for example, which is awesome. Aura Shards is also great in this deck for removing non creature problems.

These are those crowd buffs I've been talking about. You've already got Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite which is great. Day of Destiny is pretty cool and works really well with the theme of the deck. Hunting Grounds is AWESOME for increasing your board presence. Seedborn Muse is good for obvious reasons. God-Eternal Rhonas is also a good 1 turn crowd buff. Windbrisk Raptor and True Conviction aren't bad either. Saryth, the Viper's Fang both makes your creatures 1 touch killers but also protect the ones you aren't swinging with. Avacyn, Angel of Hope is pricey but also incredibly strong for a deck like this.

There are a few Selesnya cards that just absolutely shut down other colors. I might recommend these if you can find room for them: Yasharn, Implacable Earth, Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker is awesome and discourages people from attacking you, Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is absolutely brutal and will shut down everyone else's board if not dealt with immediately. Lastly, Linvala, Keeper of Silence will keep a lot at bay.

Real quick, I notice the deck doesn't have much draw. Consider adding something like Beast Whisperer or more expensively Mangara, the Diplomat.

Lastly, I have a few land suggestions. First of all, why not Sol Ring and Command Tower? Sunpetal Grove and Temple of Plenty are good dual land that can help early game get you the right mana. Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper is a really cool land that isn't that useful in most decks but is great for this one; same goes for the less useful but still cool Eiganjo Castle. Emeria, The Sky Ruin is pretty useful later in the game if you have enough planes; not so good early game. Tyrite Sanctum is another unique land made just for legendary creatures. Hall of the Bandit Lord is expensive but good in almost any creature based deck. Hall of Heliod's Generosity can help you get back your enchantments; I don't think you had anything else to do that. Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth is a no brainer is basically any green/other color deck now. If you find yourself about to lose a creature just use Miren, the Moaning Well and sac it instead for some extra life. Kor Haven is a dope old school card with obvious utility. Last and far most expensive Yavimaya Hollow fits really well in this deck is incredibly useful especially for it to be a land (that's OP!) but that price tag hurts.

Hope this helped!

mlequesne on Sisay's Landfall Titans

2 years ago

If landfall is your thing, I would recommend you yo add more legendary lands that you can fectch with your commander, these are my recomendations (not so budget friendly): Yavimaya Hollow, Oboro, Palace in the Clouds, Minamo, School at Water's Edge, Eiganjo Castle, and Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers. There are a lot more.

See you :)

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