Temple of Malice

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Temple of Malice


Temple of Malice enters the battlefield tapped.

When Temple of Malice enters the battlefield, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)

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Wesinator69 on Imma Baddie I Do What I Please

1 day ago

I know you hate tapped lands so I would suggest the following:

Also I hate Temple of the False God it should stop being included in precons. Plus 37 lands is a bit much. There are a couple other cards that don't seem to do enough for the mana cost. So I would also suggest the following:

eliakimras on Equipped Samurai

1 year ago

Since your deck is a fast one, consider running lands that don't enter the battlefield tapped:

You might also want to run some utility lands:

Also, since speed is the name of the game for Voltron decks, consider those swaps in your ramp package:

The_Warleader on Brewing gross poisons

1 year ago

The Battlebond lands (such as Training Center ) are usually an auto-include for me and aren't too expensive (around 6-12 dollars each) and basically function as regular dual lands in EDH. You could use those instead of the fetch lands.

You aren't running a Command Tower.

Reflecting Pool is another powerful option (especially in 3-4 color decks) that isn't too expensive since it's been reprinted several times.

I wouldn't run Prismatic Vista at all even if you had the budget for it - there's just no reason to be fetching basics unless you're trying to fill your graveyard/or have important landfall triggers, etc. The same logic applies to the panoramas and Evolving Wilds, however if you are on a budget then it makes sense to include those as they're dirt cheap.

Another auto-include for me are buddy lands (e.g. Woodland Cemetery. They should work very well since you already have triomes and honestly they usually work fine even if you're running a lot of basics.

Temples are good but enter tapped ( Temple of Malice )

Exotic Orchard is quite cheap and is a staple in 4-5 color decks because you're almost guarenteed to get 2+ colors out of it.

If you're still looking for a lower budget, I would include the Battle Lands (e.g. Smoldering Marsh ) and just keep lots of basics and basic-fetches.

As for tutoring options - there are no good budget options really. Tutor's are often quite expensive because of their extensive use and the fact that most were printed early on in Magic's history. But you could go for the worse tutors like Diabolic Tutor and Increasing Ambition. Or Solve the Equation to look for spells that will target your Venerated Rotpriest.

Hope this helps!

BringerOTBD on Breya, Etherium Shaper

1 year ago

Update: -Marionette Master / +Cyberdrive Awakener -Machine God's Effigy / +Imotekh the Stormlord -Blasphemous Act / +Their Name is Death -Disciple of the Vault / +Steel Overseer -Reverse Engineer / +Losheel, Clockwork Scholar -Bedevil / +Void Rend -Temple of Malice / +Cryptothrall -Temple of Enlightenment / +Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip -Temple of Deceit / +Thirst for Knowledge -Temple of Epiphany / +Shivan Reef

Notes: I chose Cryptothrall over Spellskite because they serve the same function, to protect your stuff, but Cryptothrall requires less effort. I put in Optimus because I wanted to experiment with him. Lastly, I'm keeping Austere Command in the deck since I like to have a board wipe that hits enchantments and artifacts.

zapyourtumor on Grixis Cat Pact

2 years ago


You can reduce costs on your lands by cutting shocks and bad lands like Crumbling Necropolis for other decent dual lands. Here are some of my suggestions:

Painlands: Shivan Reef

Slowlands: Shipwreck Marsh, Haunted Ridge, Stormcarved Coast

Pathway lands: Clearwater Pathway  Flip, Blightstep Pathway, Riverglide Pathway

Temple lands: Temple of Malice, Temple of Epiphany

Of course, if you can afford them I'd keep in as many shocks as possible, but crumbling necropolis isn't great. I removed brackets around some of the lands because I ran out of suggestion space.

Core Cards

Harmless Offering is only good if you have something to donate, which is why I suggest going down to 3 at most. In my version I actually only play two, which I doesn't really make sense until I introduce my next card suggestion...

Teferi's Time Twist: This card definitely requires a bit more of a build around, but my deck ran 3. Why is it so good? We can use it to reuse our Demonic Pact at instant speed, which means we now have 5 cards that prevent us from losing to pact. This means it gives us a 4 CA swing + 4 life + removes something for only 2 mana. It also synergizes well with other cards like Phyrexian Scriptures and Snapcaster Mage (although the latter is pretty expensive).

Abyssal Persecutor isn't good enough, in my opinion. The ceiling is only a 2BB 6/6 flyer, and the plan of reducing your opponent to 0 life and then destroying/donating it seems pretty dubious. And if you donate it to your opponent ahead of time, they have tons of ways to answer it, such as removing it themselves or sacrificing it. Removing Persecutors would help to focus your deck a bit.

Control Package

In general, I'd say you have too much dig and tutors and not enough control pieces.


3-4x Counterspell seems like a no-brainer. Yes, it is slightly harder on the mana than Mana Leak, but it is just so much better. It's also not that expensive (unlike Cryptic or Charm).

Drown in the Loch is a very good removal spell and counterspell in modern for any UBx deck, I'd run at least three of these as well. Drown and CS let you also cut Mana Leak.

Removal and Sweepers

Terminate is a decent card, but not super efficient and efficiency is important. Lightning Bolt is a staple removal spell, and also gives you an alternate win condition of burning them out with Demonic Pact, flickering pact multiple times, and bolts to the face. It's rare but it has come in handy for me before.

Fatal Push is another one that's worth a few spots. Remember, if you run Drown you don't need as much other removal.

I do honestly like Radiant Flames in this deck, I've run some in my pioneer version for a while. Straight Damnation may be better, but Flames lets you curve out into Pact.


Duress is not good. Thoughtseize is really expensive, but Inquisition of Kozilek is quite affordable, a great card, and also just a really good modern staple in general. I'd pick up 4 for sure. You frequently want to take cards with 0-3 cmc anyways, and the life loss on Thoughtseize hurts.

Tutors and Dig

Expressive Iteration is modern's premier card advantage spell right now. While it isn't always great with counterspells, you can frequently exile a removal spell or a pact or something else to cast on your turn. I would cut the other dig/draw spells for more of these.

Painful Truths is honestly not bad. It may be better to relegate 1-2 †o the sideboard for slower, grindier matchups, but it seems too slow for the maindeck. Dark Petition seems ok but I don't think it's good enough either.

Memory Deluge is a great instant speed dig spell for any control deck. I'd replace the Petitions and stuff with these. You shouldn't need any dig past EI and Deluge.

Other stuff

I do like the idea of Persecutor as an additional win condition that wins through combat damage, but something less combo oriented seems better to me. My pioneer deck ran 2 Sprite Dragons along with some Bloodthirsty Adversary in the side to be able to win through combat. Murktide would be a good choice for an alternate wincon but it's pretty expensive. I think Sprite Dragon or maybe Dragon's Rage Channeler may be decent sideboard choices for this role.

Kozelek on Yurlok

2 years ago

Temple of Malady, Temple of Malice Temple of Abandon cut Witherbloom Campus, and one of each color combo of ETB tapped lands

multimedia on Oliviiiaaaaa

2 years ago

Hey, good start and budget Vampire version of Olivia.

Consider getting the Crimson Vow Vampiric Bloodline Commander precon? The precon would be a fine start at upgrading your Vampires and has many staple cards for Commander such as Command Tower and Arcane Signet. What all precons lack however is a good basic casual Commander deck structure to start a deck with:

Not all areas of a deck are covered in this structure example just the basics and of course these numbers can change as you're deck building. Some cards can cover many areas which is what you really want with cards you choose to play especially in this case Vampires.

Vampire upgrades in Vampiric Bloodline: Patron of the Vein, Necropolis Regent, Anowon, the Ruin Sage, Champion of Dusk, Butcher of Malakir, Crossway Troublemakers, Stromkirk Captain, Sanctum Seeker, Cordial Vampire, Rakish Heir, Indulgent Aristocrat, Malakir Bloodwitch, Bloodtracker, Vampire Nighthawk, Falkenrath Noble, Blood Artist.

Other good nonVampire cards in Vampiric Bloodline: Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Command Tower, Olivia's Wrath, Vandalblast, Stensia Masquerade, Swiftfoot Boots, Rakdos Signet, Blasphemous Act, Feed the Swarm, Rakdos Charm, Night's Whisper, Commander's Sphere, Tainted Peak, Unclaimed Territory, Exotic Orchard, Path of Ancestry, Smoldering Marsh, Foreboding Ruins, Shadowblood Ridge, Temple of Malice.

Of course you don't have to get the precon, but in doing so you get a lot of cards at one time. I listed many cards that would be upgrades to pick and choose from if you would rather do that, if at all. If interested I offer more advice in another comment.

Good luck with your deck.

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