Deserted Beach

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Deserted Beach


Deserted Beach enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or more other lands.

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itsbuzzi on

11 months ago

1) You totally need some type of draw engine. Most of the time you'll want to go land pass and have instant speed interaction. It hurts from the aggro side if you don't need to cast any interaction and instead draw some more cards. Memory Deluge is kind of the best one at the moment at instant speed because you can cast it twice. 4 may be too many, I'd try 3.

2) The Wanderer is also a great interaction piece. It's removal at instant speed and leaves behind a body. If they attack with something small enough you can flash it in and make a blocker thus holding off against aggro. The removal set also can gain life which can be important. I'd put in maybe 3 of these as well. The instant speed is the key with her.

3) 3 board wipes sound good as well. You don't have a sideboard so you can move a few things there. Some Silence and Syncopate can move there as they seem not as strong as other pieces you can play.

4) For lands I usually use this site: http:// With your current deck it looks like it should be about 25.

5) I don't play much control but if you have draw spells I wouldn't run 4 copies of Teferi. You may be able to run more Shark as you can cycle them away. The thought behind 3 Teferi is you will get to late game and draw him.

6) The sorcery speed is what hurts that card. You are looking for more instant speed interaction.

From all this I would remove: 4x Silence and 4x Syncopate and put in 3x Memory Deluge, 3x The Wandering Emperor, 1x Doomskar, 1x Deserted Beach and my personal idea is swap 1x Censor, 1x Make Disappear and 1x March of Otherworldly Light for 3x Disallow. Can be cast with Lotus and can counter abilities as well. You can put the removed cards in the sideboard.

plakjekaas on Are the Original Dual Lands …

1 year ago

The current landbases don't prevent the 5c goodstuff from happening. That's no reason to withhold them. Duals would be equally vulnerable to Blood Moon as fetches and shocks are.

Meta impact: Burn would drop win% if shocks weren't needed anymore, because players would have more life in their fetch-manabase.

The best argument made is that, with the duals legal in the format, there's no reason for other interesting two-color lands anymore. Pioneer is already reduced to shocklands (Hallowed Fountain ), fastlands (Seachrome Coast ), painlands (Adarkar Wastes ) and pathways (Hengegate Pathway  Flip ), with the occasional Deserted Beach-type lands for slower decks. Introduce the duals there, and nobody would care for Pathways anymore. Not much added to the format, just some possible play patterns eliminated because they'd've been "strictly bettered" and homogenized out of the format.

Not necessarily too powerful in their effect, just boring in their consistency, in a way that can't be fixed in the future.

legendofa on Redstuff

1 year ago

What's the intention behind the dual lands? I don't see anything that requires or , so the Deserted Beach in particular strikes me as an unusual choice.

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

Rune-Scarred Demon and Sidisi, Undead Vizier are two more cards that I would like to see reprinted.

I predict that there shall be at least one cycle of dual lands in this set, but I am not certain which cycle I would like to see, since the shocklands (i.e., Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain, etc.), the filter lands (i.e., Wooded Bastion, Cascade Bluffs, etc.), and the check lands (i.e., Isolated Chapel, Glacial Fortress, etc.) have all been reprinted, recently, so I think that the dual lands from the third Innistrad block (i.e., Deathcap Glade, Deserted Beach, etc.) are ideal candidates for reprinting, to keep them available and affordable. I very much would like to see the cycles for Horizon Canopy, Nimbus Maze, and Cinder Glade finished, but Masters sets are entirely reprints, so the players shall need to wait for those cycles to be finished.

Last_Laugh, I, also, would like to see the allied-colored talismans reprinted, with new artwork and quotes from planeswalkers, to make them uniform with the enemy-colored talismans.

Arrzarrina on Roon Shenanigans

1 year ago

19/01/2023 changes: There have been a few rounds of changes. Removed counterspells to attempt to make the deck to make more fun to play against, sold the Mox Diamond because it's become worth a mint in the last 7 years, added more draw and refocused the deck on creature ETB based interaction instead of something like Oblivion Ring. It's a good card but I don't get the value that I could get out of a Fiend Hunter. You know where I'm going with this. I've also added more mana fixing to the land base and adjusted colours for the new balance.



Max_Hammer on Shorikai go vroom

1 year ago

So, right now, Commander included, you've got 126 cards. Seeing as you're only 26 over the cap, this shouldn't be too bad.

This is a low mana cost deck with a lot of draw, you probably only need 34-36 lands if you're being generous. If I were you, I'd drop some of the slower lands, such as Temple of Enlightenment, Skybridge Towers, Prairie Stream, Azorius Chancery, Castle Ardenvale, Castle Vantress, or even Port Town.

You might also want to include more fetch lands, too. Flooded Strand, Fabled Passage, and Flood Plain all come with a pretty high price tag, but they're all good.

On the other side of the coin, Brokers Hideout, Obscura Storefront, Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Myriad Landscape, Esper Panorama, and Bant Panorama are all cheaper fetch lands that you could use.

Drawing mana late game can be a dead draw a lot of the time, so being able to remove that excess from your deck can be a really nice tool to have, so you can draw just what you want. Maybe take out cards that are fast, but not necessary such as, Skycloud Expanse, Sea of Clouds, Mishra's Factory, and Crawling Barrens.

Changing it to this (or a list of just 35 mana), should bring us down to 122 cards.

As for non-land ramp, you have a lot. I’m going to say you want to kick out Silver Myr, Gold Myr, Mind Stone, and Ornithopter of Paradise. Normally I’d say more, but for this specific deck that seems to love ramp, this seems more than fine.

118 left.

For the rest, I’d say Ondu Inversion  Flip, Access Denied, Tezzeret the Seeker, Tezzeret, Artifice Master, Phyrexian Metamorph, Cultivator's Caravan, Invoke Justice, and An Offer You Can't Refuse, all mostly because they’re too expensive.

That leaves you with 109

Okay, so, this decklist is surprisingly tight for being 30~ cards over and I don’t know where to kick the last 9 off. Maybe Artificer Class? Maybe some of the creatures/vehicles? Idunno, good luck.

Vicarian on Raffine Metaschemer

1 year ago

It looks like you might have a lot of trouble coming up with a blue source, when nearly half of your mana symbols are blue. Land bases are unfortunately expensive, but it looks like some of your dual-colored lands weren't that necessary. I copied your deck and experimented a bit: 1x Adarkar Wastes 4x Deserted Beach 3x Evolving Wilds 7x Island 3x Plains 4x Raffine's Tower 3x Tranquil Cove

You're needing 1x Adarkar Wastes and 3x Deserted Beach over what you've already got, which shouldn't be too rough on the wallet. Could potentially trade the Caves of Koilos 1:1 for the Wastes.

As far as counterspells go, as a cruel control player, I'll let most critters hit the field, then remove them at instant speed. I keep my counterspells for more dangerous things, like walkers or annoying creatures that have powerful ETB effects, or huge Enchantments.

Necramus on

1 year ago

Okay. So, I think you should really lean into the control/combo shell. This deck could use combos like Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood, with some added redundancy in the forms of Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose and Marauding Blight-Priest, or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Triskelion to close out the game. In order to accomplish this, I think you should cut a ton of the creatures and really lean into board wipes, control spells, and resource denial.

Things like:

Arterial Flow

The Meathook Massacre

Dovin's Veto

Spell Pierce


Ghostly Prison


Revenge of Ravens


Wrath of God

Supreme Verdict

Time Wipe


Mana Drain

Rhystic Study

Smothering Tithe

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse

Gray Merchant of Asphodel

Vampiric Tutor

Demonic Tutor

Search for Glory

Idyllic Tutor

Enlightened Tutor

Mystical Tutor

Cyclonic Rift

Murderous Rider

Feed the Swarm

Infernal Grasp

Fierce Guardianship

Deadly Rollick

Fateful Absence

Underworld Dreams

Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted


Solve the Equation

Baleful Strix

Drown in the Loch

Mana Leak

Professor Onyx

Narset, Parter of Veils

Nihil Spellbomb

Arcane Signet

Azorius Signet

Orzhov Signet

Dimir Signet

Talisman of Dominance

Talisman of Progress

Esper Sentinel

Lion Sash

Swords to Plowshares

Deep Gnome Terramancer

Archivist of Oghma

Teferi's Protection

Teferi, Hero of Dominaria

Teferi, Time Raveler

Teferi, Master of Time

Dig Through Time

Drannith Magistrate

Malevolent Hermit  Flip

Aven Mindcensor


Aura of Silence

Sea Gate Restoration  Flip


Sphinx's Revelation

Authority of the Consuls

On Thin Ice

Generous Gift


Gitaxian Probe


Gadwick, the Wizened

The Magic Mirror

Echo of Eons

Narset's Reversal

Swift Reconfiguration

Land Tax

Blind Obedience

Darksteel Mutation

Grasp of Fate



Jace, the Mind Sculptor

You could also do cute stuff like Phyrexian Unlife + Solemnity, giving yourself time to wipe the board again or go for the win with Peer into the Abyss. You should also consider taking a look at your mana base.

I'd suggest going for some fetches, checks, and shocks like:

Flooded Strand

Polluted Delta

Marsh Flats

Hallowed Fountain

Glacial Fortress

Watery Grave

Drowned Catacomb

Godless Shrine

Isolated Chapel

Deserted Beach

Shattered Sanctum

Shipwreck Marsh

Command Tower

You also have way too many plains right now. Even before you get the lands I just named, you should cut 6 Plains for 4 Swamp and 2 Island.

I know I've given you a lot of suggestions. I think if you tried putting a list together with all the cards I named, plus some of the bangers from your current list and you'd have a badass deck! Don't worry about trying to do all that right now, though. See which look most appealing/are in your price range and add those first. A lot of these should be long term goals!

Don't tell Rett I gave you so many suggestions XD


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