Tyrite Sanctum

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tyrite Sanctum


: Add .

, : Target legendary creature becomes a God in addition to its other types. Put a +1/+1 counter on it.

, , Sacrifice Tyrite Sanctum: Put an indestructible counter on target God.

SufferFromEDHD on The Abyss

3 months ago

Cabal Interrogator tech! Well played. Ill-Gotten Gains is my Tergrid tech.

That Maze of Ith needs Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.

Deserted Temple is always nice alongside utility.

Tyrite Sanctum Tergrid wears a target. This solves most problems.

Blighted Fen perhaps.

RufusTheGrufus on Gonna Need A (Myrkul)

3 months ago

Okay, Necramus, as promised here are some 'spicy' suggestions for you to think about:

-Yawgmoth, Thran Physician: A creature-based sac outlet, source of card draw, and a way to incrementally whittle down opponent's creatures; I really like Yawgmoth in Myrkul personally.

-Similarly, while I see you are running Viscera Seer, you may also benefit from running other creature-based sac outlets such as Yahenni, Undying Partisan or Carrion Feeder. Fanatical Devotion is another interesting sac outlet I've considered running but haven't taken the time to playtest yet.

-Syr Konrad, the Grim: triggers twice, once when your creatures die, and also when you exile them to make enchantment tokens with Myrkul.

-Ondu Spiritdancer: With Myrkul, Lord of Bones and Grim Guardian on the battlefield, playing Ondu Spiritdancer and finding a way to kill it will infinitely ping all opponents to close out the game.

-Tyrite Sanctum: Offers a backup way to give Myrkul indestructible

-Windborn Muse: Build-your-own Ghostly Prison on a creature with Myrkul

-Loxodon Gatekeeper: Build-your-own Kismet on a creature with Myrkul

-Stinging Study: offers a big burst of card draw while also lowering your life total to make Myrkul indestructible.

-Options like Plumb the Forbidden and Deadly Dispute could be fun to both sacrifice creatures to turn into enchantments with Myrkul as well as generate card advantage.

In my tinkering around with Myrkul I can definitely relate to wishing that you could run more than 100 cards; I had the same problem with both Myrkul and Anikthea! They're both pretty open ended and also lean into super supported strategies, (enchantments, graveyards, tokens), so there's an over abundance of fun cards to build with; and ultimately I just ended up messing around with multiple builds for both of them. Overall I think your deck looks like a lot of fun to play, +1 from me!

ToastedBagl on The Saga of Tom Bombadil

4 months ago

Tyrite Sanctum would make Tom Bombadill instructible.

The Mending of Dominaria would allow you to play lands from graveyard and/or fetch lands. Also Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse. It also helps if they destroy your Hall of Heliod's Generosity.

Maaloufler on 7 lands? Good!

6 months ago

Cool deck. Some creature options you might want to consider Cultivator Colossus for a beater, Wild-Field Scarecrow can act as a second Armillary Sphere, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild can help combo for infinite mana with Magus of the Candelabra.

With all the excess mana you're going to be making Jinxed Choker, Goblin Cannon, Rocket Launcher, and Magma Mine are pretty tempting to one shot an opponent.

Protection for your commander can come in a few forms. You're already running a great one, That Which Was Taken. Tyrite Sanctum, can give your commander indestructible. Heroic Intervention can help as well. If you're worried about targeted exile cards like Tamiyo's Safekeeping, Autumn's Veil, and Veil of Summer can help protect.

SufferFromEDHD on The True God of Mill [[The Ancient One EDH]]

7 months ago

Dread Return on theme reanimation.

Increasing Confusion on theme mill.

Mass Diminish helps you overrun.

Siphon Insight not on theme but still neat tempo removal.

Tyrite Sanctum commander tech.

MrHighscore on Annihilate with Rocks

11 months ago


I'm still assembling the deck (expect the last pieces to be in my hands this week)


  1. I like Mazemind Tome, but will need to playtest it before making a cut call on that. If that goes out, I'll probably replace it with Rise of the Eldrazi.
  2. Don't want to get rid of Karn Liberated. I like him, and I have a borderless version I want to see table time.
  3. Blinkmoth Well, does not seem that important to me. Arch of Orazca is for sure a cut candidate. Could make room for Sensei's Divining Top.
  4. Yeah, no change
  5. Not win more. Adds a nicely scaling ramp at X >7, would not be without it. Voltaic Key combo is just a bonus, but cutting it would reduce value of adding Voltaic Key in the first place. 
  6. Not going to cut Rogue's Passage. I feel I owe the table (and myself) some way to make those Eldrazi count! But I may be able to drop lands, just not too happy about it
  7. Budget is not a real concern, and I do have a metalworker somewhere. I don't think it will add enough to the deck, as I want my artifacts on the table and not in hand. 
  8. Drownyard Temple is for sure not important. Can also do without Sanctum of Eternity though. 
  9. I can't really find a good use case for Rise of the Eldrazi. I do think Artisan of Kozilek carries its weight with Annihilator 2. But could be a valid swap. They are both candidates for swapping in ulamog, the ceasless hunger

I guess potential changes could be:

Other thoughts:


DreadKhan on Taste the Painbow

1 year ago

You might like Double Major and/or Mystic Reflection, both seem on theme and Reflection can be used aggressively vs an opponent's creature. Reflections is very good with effects that make lots of tokens simultaneously, such as with Ezuri's Predation, those two can easily win the game.

Does Proteus Staff make any sense in here? You have some token makers, this would turn a token into a main deck creature for a few mana. Another random card that might fit is Tyrite Sanctum, this can make your God Commander Indestructible in one step I think.

Really out there thoughts here, but have you even considered Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait/Tatyova, Benthic Druid? I think you have enough lands/land ramp to justify them, if I had 37 enchantments I'd run stuff like Verduran Enchantress I suspect. I also wonder about Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, if you have Aesi/Tatyova out, any non-token creature that ETBs will draw you a card, I think you could use it as a backup Commander in a pinch, since it turns all your non-tokens into lands.

Beebles on You Mean "Our Turn", Comrade

1 year ago

Hey there. I've also been brewing this commander. Here are a few pieces I really like that you could consider adding:

Those were some that came to mind :). Check out my brew here: Heliod is drawing all of the cards

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