Jungle Basin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jungle Basin


Jungle Basin enters the battlefield tapped.

When Jungle Basin enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an untapped Forest you control to its owner's hand.

: Gain .

DreadKhan on Fear of The Deep

1 year ago

Here are a few ideas, maybe something will work for you?

One of my favorite cards in Tatyova is Oboro Breezecaller, this can easily be made mana positive, which makes it very easy to go infinite with Retreat to Coralhelm, or to just make mana for you (it helps if you can untap a land that taps for 2, be it Temple of the False God, Guildless Commons, Simic Growth Chamber, or Jungle Basin there are better lands but these untap fine. Another old favorite of mine is Soratami Mirror-Mage, this is also mana neutral at worst (1 mana per land to bounce), and you get to bounce a creature via it. For a bit more money (but you require Islands), you could try Flooded Shoreline, this card is bonkers if you can replay lands/count on hitting 2 Islands. Finally, Tatyova probably shouldn't leave home without Gush, even without Mystic Sanctuary shenanigans it's still a very strong draw spell.

I could be wrong, but I feel like Gretchen Titchwillow is a better card than Zimone? Both are decent fits, but it's very hard to combo off with Zimone in my experience as the lands enter tapped, Gretchen lets you use spare mana to ramp/draw cards at the same time. I think you could easily justify both if you wanted.

At the moment Crop Rotation is pretty cheap, it's a very good card in Tatyova, if you replace a land with a 2 mana land like Temple of the False God you actually ramp yourself (right away with Temple).

Stone-Seeder Hierophant is a really good version of Lotus Cobra if you have lands that tap for more than 1, but it's also another budget Lotus Cobra either way. This card is much better on a higher budget (with stuff like Ashaya, Soul of the Wild especially, or Lotus Field/Lotus Vale), but it should do work here too.

A few more budget fetchlands you could run include Bant Panorama, Terminal Moraine, and Warped Landscape, any of these enters untapped and can find whatever land you want if you have nothing better to do with your resources.

If you've got a lot of lands (and tend to put out some tokens, but not an infinite number), The Great Aurora offers a weird-but-useful board wipe option. As long as you've got a decent board (and run more lands), you'll get enough lands that you aren't hurt very much, spikier decks that are thin on lands get hurt badly, while decks with too many tokens just draw themselves to death.

As Tatyova decks tend to have a fair bit of mana, you might look at Curse of the Swine, and/or Mass Manipulation. Another bigger mana card that can do a huge amount of stuff (almost anything you need really) is Primal Command, I use that and Elixir of Immortality to recycle my graveyard, but I tend to end up in infinite loops pretty easily, so YMMV without strong discard outlets like Mind Over Matter.

If you want a high budget card that has ridiculous synergy, you might take a look at the aforementioned Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, this makes all your creatures into lands, meaning any non-token creature that ETBs will draw you a card, but it also forms various combos. It's hard to find a card that Tatyova wants more in my experience.

It was mentioned already, but 40 lands isn't exactly a ton in Tatyova, you've also got a lot of creatures that benefit from having extra lands in hand. At 40 lands you are at a real risk of missing your 5th land drop, let alone your 6th to draw a card. I run 45, and I often feel like I should run more (keep in mind, at 45 lands you still only 'expect' to have 3.2 lands, so if you have even 1 less than normal you almost certainly have to mulligan, 40 means even more mulligans). In my experience, many ramp spells that normally are worthwhile just aren't in Tatyova when you could just run a land instead (and not have to pay mana for your land drop).

PrismMTG on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago


Prismatic Omen is actually in the decklist in order to get Forest etb triggers from Titania, Nature's Force off of many of the fetch lands I run in the list, getting 2 Forest triggers the same way any other landfall trigger would work.

Field of the Dead is a card that Profet93 and I already and we came to the conclusion that the list doesn't run enough non basic lands, that specifically aren't fetches, to consistently activate Field of the Dead. Even if you slot in half the Forests as Snow-Covered Forests, there are only 10 non fetch land cards with different names; Forest, Snow-Covered Forest, Field of the Dead, Yavimaya Hollow, Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, Lotus Field, Lotus Vale, Jungle Basin, Dryad Arbor and Boseiju, Who Endures. Leaving a fetchland in play without cracking it is a really painful cost just to have Field of the Dead up and running, and without doing that, I don't know if it is consistent enough to consider running.

carpecanum on Harvest Festival

1 year ago

Treetop Ambusher. Cast for the Dash cost and get a landfall trigger. You don't need to attack, just pop her back into your hand and cast her again next round.

Jungle Basin, Guildless Commons, Khalni Gem

multimedia on trelassara, the stomper

1 year ago

Hey, impressive version on a budget, you've put a lot of thought into your deck.

An excellent compact infinite combo for life is Staff of Domination + Accomplished Alchemist by gaining five or more life on a turn. What makes this combo compact is it's two cards and Staff can draw which is helpful when you make infinite mana to draw your wincon in this case Aetherflux Reservoir. Staff can be a mana sink for any other infinite mana combos you play. Heronblade Elite is an overlooked mana dork who can get out of hand quick when playing counters as well as other Humans. With 5 or more power it also infinite combos with Staff of Domination.

To improve gameplay use cards that are part of combos, but are good without combos? Cards that do other things such as ramp or gain life and can be used in more than one combo. Try to limit the combos to two cards to make it easier to assemble.

Staff of Domination, Accomplished Alchemist, Ivy Lane Denizen, Spike Feeder, Cleric Class, Heronblade Elite, Scurry Oak are combo cards that are also good outside of combos. In contrast Sorcerer's Wand, Lurking Roper, Famished Paladin, Krosan Restorer, Presence of Gond are subpar cards that are only here because of combos or are only part of one combo. I'm not suggesting to cut all these cards, just to think about what other uses do they have here besides a combo and are they really needed because of that?

For example, Illusionist's Bracers is an expensive price card here that's only in one combo with one card, Krosan Restorer. Consider cutting Bracers and Restorer? Doing this change would also let you cut some of the lesser Bounce lands, Karoo and Jungle Basin because only playing them for Restorer combo. For a budget manabase Canopy Vista and Fortified Village could replace those lands. By adding Canopy Vista then you have a Selesnya dual land that Three Visits can get.

Many of the combos here require an equipment or an aura, Open the Armory can tutor for either one.

Some changes to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

DreadKhan on Tatyova

1 year ago

Harrow is worth a look, it'll net two landfall at instant speed. In a pinch, you could ramp while finding two islands to cast a counter, not many ramp spells let you 'catch' someone like that. There is even Dreamscape Artist, which I like. Parcelbeast is not bad value, but it's better with a higher land count. Abundance is a fun card in a Tatyova deck like this, if you've got access to extra lands per turn, you just keep playing them out. You could pull stuff like Brainstorm IMHO, I don't think you want cards like this, I'd run a land over it even. I'd also run a land like Simic Growth Chamber over a basic, and if you have a really high number of basics, you might even look at the Karoo lands, Jungle Basin and Coral Atoll. Guildless Commons is another land you can play that will net you an extra land fall, which is good even if it's a colourless land. You could run lands or land ramp over mana dorks, other than 1 mana ones, there are 2 mana ramp spells you could run over mana dorks, and these don't generally die to wipes. If you ran more lands, I'd suggest Sakura-Tribe Scout and Skyshroud Ranger, but at 36 I'm not sure it'll come up.

I think Molimo is a fair bit worse than Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar. There aren't many better beaters in a land ramp deck.

If you want, I could link you to my Tatyova deck, you could take a look at the manabase, it's designed to get Field of the Dead out and online quickly, while also letting me utilize Mystic Sanctuary as a potential combo piece with an extra turns spell. Field and Sanctuary are both really good cards, you do need a way to get Sanctuary to ETB, I use land bounce. The rest of the deck is a huge pile of combo, but Field is a great card if you can turn it on reliably.

DreadKhan on green machine

2 years ago

Hey, I think I understand you correctly when I say you want more utility/non-basic lands you can use in here? Do you have a budget in mind?

First off, I personally don't love Arcane Signet in a mono-Green deck, that shouldn't hurt to remove as a start? Sol Ring is probably good enough to keep. As for some non-basics you could look at, Wirewood Lodge is a good Elf land, Gilt-Leaf Palace is a good land maybe, not too cheap though. Tainted Wood might work, I'd consider Blighted Woodland, Tyrite Sanctum can make your Commander Indestructible, Mortuary Mire or Witch's Cottage can get you back a creature, I like to include bounce lands like Guildless Commons in decks short on lands (they count as 2 drops effectively), Nephalia Academy is probably useful if you face discard decks (bad if not though), Woodland Chasm can be found with Wood Elves (but comes in tapped unfortunately), Mosswort Bridge is a good Green land on a budget, War Room is a good one if you're splurging, Castle Locthwain can draw as well, but it's clunkier than War Room most of the time, Jungle Basin might be fine as a bounce land if you've got lots of basic forests, Castle Garenbrig has potential relevance, Buried Ruin can get back an artifact (if you add Vanquisher's Banner, or Staff of Domination, which combos very well with Elves), Scavenger Grounds can exile graveyards, and Bojuka Bog exiles 1 graveyard when it enters.

If you end up liking basics more than you expect, you could also go low on non-basic lands and use Primal Order, which can cause some decks considerable grief. I'll check in later, hope these give you something to think about at least!

bushido_man96 on Close the beaches #seamonsters

2 years ago

If you're looking to capitalize on the landfall theme more, I recommend more land ramp to get the triggers. I'd ditch the Simic Signet for another spell like Nature's Lore or Kodama's Reach/Cultivate. I'd ditch Jungle Basin and Coral Atoll for some other fetch lands like Bant Panorama and Naya Panorama. Gush is a fantastic draw spell in a deck like this. Psychosis Crawler is a great payoff for drawing a bunch of cards.

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