Khalni Ambush


Khalni Territory  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Khalni Ambush


Target creature control fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)

Darb_the_Bard on Buttercup: Princess Bride

9 months ago

I really want to add Queen Marchesa to the deck. I've been feeling a bit sad that we've taken out most of the small, non-legendary deathtouch creatures that were in the original list. Don't get me wrong - I think the deck is stronger for leaning more heavily into the legendary and keyword soup themes. But I also want to make sure Westley has a chance to shine, particularly if our opponents remove Odric and we need another way to get a bunch of deathtouch creatures in play. Plus, many of the deck's removal spells (fight spells) were added with the expectation that we would always have a deathtouch creatures in play: Infectious Bite, Smell Fear, and Khalni Ambush  Flip.

So if the goal is to increase our deathtouch creatures while maintaining our other themes, then Queen Marchesa seems like a great fit. She is legendary and provides three colors for Buttercup, but what I'm most excited about is that she has deathtouch herself and can create more deathtouch dudes (plus the haste she provides to the soup is a bonus). And she also introduces the Monarch upon ETB, so whether we cast her or tutor for her, she replaces herself with a card draw that turn. Then she is either creating another deathtouch creature every turn or drawing us an additional card every turn. I also feel like the Monarch is just a fun and flavorful way to play with Princess Bride cards.

I'm having trouble deciding what to take out though. Any thoughts?

Grind on

1 year ago

Cool deck!!!
Would you consider Nature's Will, Command Tower, Sol Ring, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Khalni Ambush  Flip, Kazuul's Fury  Flip, Malakir Rebirth  Flip?
Anyway just some thoughts, cheers and have fun!!!

patrickd117 on Janky Leviathans

1 year ago

I'd cut: Rush of Knowledge - there are much better draw spells, even when you generally have your general as a 4cmc land out. Frantic Search - I don't think this is worth playing unless you care about the discard. Elvish Piper - there are better cards like Monster Manual now. Displacement Wave - potentially alright with how high cmc your stuff is? But it is kind of inefficient and works against your mana artifacts. Generally I think you want to replace more of your ramp with land fetches like Rampant Growth over the mana rocks.

For adds: Monster Manual, hullbreaker horror as one of the best new Sea Monsters. Trench Behemoth seems interesting to me? Khalni Ambush  Flip as a way to get your land count up. Farseek as land ramp.

I'm not sure about the small instant-speed subtheme you have going with Rewind and Unwind and just general high-amount of instants. You've got a lot of high cmc leviathans which I think would tend to lead to you playing more sorcery speed. Might be easier to have lower cost interaction over expensive interaction that untaps.

Also agree on all of Lynn's cuts.

Kazierts on Pushing Poison

2 years ago

As someone who loves infect, I have to say your list has waaaaaaaaaay too many creatures and lands. Even slower versions like mine, a Monoblack one, run around 12 creatures + 4 Inkmoth Nexus. Infect is a strong mechanic. So, in order to make it balanced, WOTC made the creatures really bad, which is why it's usually a bad idea to run this many of them. And 28 lands is asking to get mana flooded

Nevertheless, I'll give my suggestions without trying to chance to core ideia of the deck. If playing this was is how you have fun and it works for you and your friends, then I just want to help you make it better without modifying its core.

If you want me to give you suggestions more aligned with how Infect is normally played, tell me and I'll be happy to help. I just wanted to respect your deckbuilding style as much as possible with these.

Chief_Warlock_Engineer_of_Skavenblight on +1/+1 deck

2 years ago

What about an Ivy Lane Denizen with Scurry Oak or Herd Baloth to make infinite Tokens and a infinitely big creature. I see you run Craterhoof Behemoth but not a single token creater.Maybe some more Tutors would also help like Shared Summons which puts these to pieces at instant speed into your hand? Eventhough Shared Summons is a bit low powered considering that you run such a powerful Manabase. So maybe Worldly Tutor, Summoner's Pact or Survival of the Fittest instead? I'd probably cut Abundance, Triumph of the Hordes, The Great Aurora (since you only run 32 lands) and Managorger Hydra, since you run Forgotten Ancient already which is a strictly better version of Managorger Hydra. Also in terms of carddraw it seems like you could have some more. Maybe a Return of the Wildspeaker or Greater Good to be able to use these big creatures to keep on drawing into fuel. Maybe consider dropping the fight effects like Khalni Ambush  Flip and Smell Fear. They seem rather inconvenient without deathtouch even if they can easily be used as target removal, but i guess drawing into a wincon is worth more than getting rid of a creature?

Ardees on Meren of Clan Nel Toth EDH

2 years ago

Would recommend lowering your mana curve, increase the ramp base, and add some tutors.

I'd suggest playing all the one-mana elves (Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, etc.) perhaps with the exception of Boreal Druid.

Run also Collector Ouphe and Manglehorn to slow down decks that heavily rely on artifacts, which is most decks at the current state of EDH.

Depending on your budget, you should definitely run Green Sun's Zenith and Worldly Tutor, and perhaps squeeze in a Profane Tutor. Also cheap pick ups that are a must are Unmarked Grave, Reanimate, and Animate Dead.

If you don't want to run infinites (like Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Walking Ballista), a nice non-infinite combo is Dauthi Voidwalker + Mindslicer + an infinite sac outlet (you should consider running also Carrion Feeder). Also if you run Phyrexian Delver, you can have your opponents lose around 20 life points each in a turn with Kokusho, the Evening Star (if Meren is also in play).

Cards I'd remove to accomodate the changes: Burning-Rune Demon, Khalni Ambush  Flip, Hagra Mauling  Flip, Dictate of Erebos, Read the Bones, Izoni, Thousand-Eyed, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, Tormod, the Desecrator, Springbloom Druid, Greater Good, Satyr Wayfinder.

I have a decklist which is semi-competitive and quite expensive, but I can guarantee it is nice to have the deck running faster, smoother, and without having your opponents targeting you as the archenemy form the beginning. Meren Surgical Toolbox [2K22].

Omniscience_is_life on Lathril and a lot of elves

2 years ago

33 Lands seems like too few for an average cmc of more than two and a half, especially with only 11 draw effects. Even the fact that you have 17 ramp effects doesn't sway me, as many elf decks sitting closer to 25 barely scrape by with 33. And MDFC or two could help with this, though--Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Khalni Ambush  Flip... and speaking of Ambush, I couldn't help but notice your distinct lack of interaction. These days at least 9 removal effects are suggested. Masked Vandal, Nullmage Shepherd, Viridian Zealot, and maybe Gilt-Leaf Winnower could all work alongside the aforementioned Ambush, and a handful of less synergistic cards as well. It's gotta be done :(

Some protection could be good seeing as you're such a creature-heavy deck; as it stands, one Wrath of God and you're out! A Heroic Intervention, Wrap in Vigor, etc. maybe

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