Sandsteppe Citadel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sandsteppe Citadel


Sandsteppe Citadel enters the battlefield tapped.

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treeforcorvus on You "lose" the game

11 months ago

Looking pretty good! After some playtesting, I have more thoughts. Your landbase is pretty slow, and with 31 lands your deck wants a little more efficiency. Replace:

You've got a pretty trim list now, but I still have some suggestions.

First off, you need more ramp. Warrior's Oath looks good, but since it can't be searched by Sunforger, you're better off with ramp. I strongly recommend Tempt with Discovery, which is one of the most powerful land-search cards for a multicolor deck using green: You get any land, and then if any opponents search for lands you get that many more of any land.

Although Black Market Connections is superb, you might find more utility in Rites of Flourishing or Elven Chorus.

Djeru and Hazoret looks great, but since you're only running 16-17 other Legendary creatures excluding your commander, the odds will be 20%-25%. Not great. Consider the power of being able to flicker your commander in & out of play, allowing it to re-position targets: Ephemerate is cheap, or Eerie Interlude can protect your creatures from Wrath spells, but both spells can also be fetched with Sunforger, which improves your deck synergy.

Odric, Master Tactician looks good on paper, but he's much better when a deck is built around him. Here are 4 better options:

Argy on About Oblivion Sower and tap …

1 year ago

If you put Sandsteppe Citadel in play with Oblivion Sower, is it tapped?

DrSnipy on Frogyard

1 year ago

I see that you want to work on the landbase, may I suggest Indatha Triome (a little investment) and Sandsteppe Citadel (realy buget friendly) for 2 Lands that give you acces to all you colours.

Alesamuel on Jodah Big Spell

1 year ago

I would recommend some of the Eldrazi titans, such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger as some big top end bombs. Some ramp creatures wouldn't go amiss either, such as Birds of Paradise, and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove.

In terms of Instants, Sorceries, and Enchantments, getting some more of the Ultimatum cycle (Brilliant Ultimatum, Cruel Ultimatum, Emergent Ultimatum) might be a good idea, and Sunbird's Invocation would be a good idea too if you are casting such big CMC cards.

Another recommended addition would be Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh as it is just a straight up good card for the colour and big mana theme.

I'd recommend replacing the tapped tri-lands (Arcane Sanctum, Crumbling Necropolis, Frontier Bivouac, Jungle Shrine, Mystic Monastery, Nomad Outpost, Opulent Palace, Sandsteppe Citadel, Savage Lands, and Seaside Citadel) with the shock land cycle (Blood Crypt, Breeding Pool, Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain, Overgrown Tomb, Sacred Foundry, Steam Vents, Stomping Ground, Temple Garden, and Watery Grave) as they are easier to fetch for or find with ramp spells.

Final notes: Give the deck a little more of a creature focus, having as few as you have right now you'll find there is very little to hit with your reanimation, but other then that, good job on the first draft! looking forward to see how it plays out!

multimedia on Budget Slivers

1 year ago

Hey, nice version so far for well under $100.

40 lands is a lot, consider cutting some for some more low mana cost ramp for five colors to help gameplay?

Manaweft Sliver is the other staple mana dork Sliver. Sol Ring is staple budget mana rock in Commander. On a low budget and playing five colors Commander's Sphere is fine.

Because playing five colors then Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are better than the New Capenna fetches. Wilds or Expanse can get any type basic land not just one of three types.

Unclaimed Territory is a helpful land when playing so many different colored Slivers and it enters the battlefield untapped.

Some of the Pain lands got reprinted in the newest set Dominaria United and those lands are down to $2 or less each right now. Pain lands enter the battlefield untapped to make colorless or colored mana to speed up gameplay. By replacing some basic lands with more dual lands that can enter the battlefield untapped that can make the color of the basic land it replaced or another color this can improve gameplay as well as color fixing.

The Tango lands are other budget lands that care about basic lands. These lands are good with Farseek, land ramp that can better color fix.

After these land changes, example upgraded budget 36 land five color manabase (20 G, 17 W, 17 R, 15 U, 14 B):

This advice was just about improving the manabase and ramp, if you're interested I offer more advice on other areas. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Minions & Magic token deck

2 years ago

Hey, well done for your first three color deck with partners. Nice start and work in progress. Some good ideas and cards here, other than the obvious staples like Sol, Arcane, Tower, Swords, Farseek, Cultivate, etc.

Nice Fetch lands, Plunderer, Ghave, Beledros, Altar, Dawn, Wake, Intervention, Inkshield, Artist, Blot, Ranger, Remembrance, Damn, Infestation. I see win condition combos of Ghave + Altar + Artist and Life/Limb + Sporemound, but you could expand on token combos if that's the direction you want to go.

Six excellent lands here make up a large portion of the budget, the rest is fairly low budget thus my suggestions will be for lower budget. If I'm wrong about this and you would prefer more pricey options let me know.

My first comment is advice to improve on the basic structure (lands, ramp and draw). If you're interested in me continuing with more advice in other areas I can in another comment. Three areas to consider improving are amount of lands/color fixing from lands, more draw and more ramp.


32 lands is low amount with only 8 ramp sources. Consider adding some lands, at least 3 more and add at least 3 more ramp sources? 21 basic lands is a lot for a three color deck, that makes color fixing subpar from lands. By cutting a few basic lands for more dual lands it will help color fixing. You're playing green which gives you access to many different ramp options such as Tireless Provisioner who creates tokens. Take advantage of ramp when playing green.

Mentor of the Meek and Provisioner are helpful three drops for tokens because of their repeatable effects. Mentor and Shamanic Revelation take advantage of tokens for draw. You're creating 1/1 tokens which Prava makes them 2/5 when they enter the battlefield, but that's still 2 power for Mentor to be a repeatable draw source.

I see Verdant Catacombs and Windswept Heath which are great as well as Farseek, but I only see Temple Garden as the dual land these Fetch lands/Farseek can get. Consider adding a few more lands that the Fetch lands can get such as Murmuring Bosk? Farseek can get a black source from Woodland Chasm or Snowfield Sinkhole.

For some cuts, the cards I've chosen for you to consider are less impactful then others in your deck. Creatures who all they have is lifelink are not worth playing because you can get life from other sources that do much more. Transcendent Master is not worth the mana investment into it for what you eventually get.

Bad Moon is subpar because you don't have enough black creatures and the majority of token creatures are not black, they're white or green especially since Prava only creates white creatures. Dramatic Finale mana cost is too difficult to consistently make with three colors and only nontoken dies. Other anthems such as Glorious Anthem are fine since it affects all creatures you control, but in my opinion are not worth a card spot since all it does is +1/+1 pump.

Black in my opinion is better as a splash color here with dual lands and a few basic Swamps since green and white give you much more for tokens and life gain strategies. It takes a lot of black mana for Vorpal Sword to have a good effect which without a lot of treasures or more color fixing help will be too difficult to make.

Would you like me to continue with more advice? Good luck with your deck.

DemMeowsephs on First Is The Best! (An EDH First Sliver Deck)

2 years ago

Hey there! Not sure how your mana-base is faring, but here are a few suggestions, as manabases in a five color deck can be very difficult.


Run all of the tri lands! I hate tap lands, trust me, but with the first sliver at the head I'm willing to bet you want him out as fast as possible. You're running most of them, but I'd recommend getting your hands on the others: Arcane Sanctum, Jungle Shrine, Nomad Outpost, and Sandsteppe Citadel.

Of course, the Ikora triomes would be awesome, but they can be a bit much per land if you have a smaller budget. For reference, here they are: Savai Triome, Ketria Triome, Indatha Triome, Raugrin Triome, Zagoth Triome.

Not sure how you feel about these, but something else to consider would be the 5 panoramas from wherever it was they were first printed. Having that choice of fetch without spending money on the big fetches can be a really big asset in many games: Naya Panorama, Jund Panorama, Grixis Panorama, Esper Panorama, and Bant Panorama.

Semi-Expensive Side

I'm sure you're aware of these, but in case you aren't, there are of course the expensive duals and fetch lands. The fetches (like for example, Bloodstained Mire) are incredibly powerful. They give you the power of choice between yes, the two colors, but beyond that virtually any color you wanted if you ran all the shock lands (like Stomping Ground). If you drew that Bloodstained Mire and needed a green, you could fetch Stomping Ground and boom, you have it. Of course, that is quite a lot of money, but if you weren't aware of them, it's a good thing to keep in mind. On a side note, the fetches are even more extremely powerful as they go to your graveyard, allowing you to recur them (with say, Ramunap Excavator) and get tons of landfall triggers per turn.


You don't seem to have too much ramp in the deck besides the 3 green guys and a bit of Artifact ramp. Not sure how much you need more, but some I'd recommend are Fellwar Stone, Ornithopter of Paradise, Three Visits/Nature's Lore if you add the shock lands (like Stomping Ground, etc., then you can use these to find any color), Noble Hierarch, Ignoble Hierarch, Bloom Tender (adds one of each when big sliver is out!!), Birds of Paradise, definitely Arcane Signet, Sylvan Caryatid, etc. The dorks aren't slivers, but they are really really crucial in adding any color. It is a bit much of green though, which is probably not something you want to do, so maybe pick and choose wisely- especially if you replace the green ones I mentioned before (maybe not all of them). Let me know if you'd like some more of these kinds of ramp suggestions.

Anyways, I've got some stuff to do so I'll leave it at that for now- I'm not gonna read through this so sorry for any grammar errors too. Hope some of this is helpful, and insightful. Feel free to check out some of my decks (main one is Double Trouble EDH ⫸PRIMER⫷), and let me know if you have any questions or want some help. Best of luck with your deck, and have a wonderful evening.

edit: most of the slivers and all look good there's a couple things I'd swap no biggies, small things like maybe consider Kindred Discovery or Toski if you like Bident of Thassa) but that looks all good!

AwesomeJMS5 on Ghave deck

2 years ago

Hey, I see you're building a pretty cool Ghave deck. I've never had one, but I've seen them in action, and he seems pretty fun. I understand wanting to go budget though, so I'll try to recommend a few cheap options for you.

First of all, I'd recommend pumping the land number up a few, maybe closer to 35 lands. As for your lands, though I know you want cheap options (So no shocklands or such things), so I have a few ideas: Sandsteppe Citadel is only 50 cents, and taps for all 3 colors of your deck. Temple of the False God is bad early game, but once you have a few other lands, it will tap for 2 colorless, and is a cheap card, too. Command Tower is another cheap pickup at 25 cents, and taps for any color you need. Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse both are cheap and can find lands you need.

Next, a few other cheap cards that could help you out. Moldervine Reclamation works well with your commander, and is less than $1. Shamanic Revelation can draw you a ton of cards if you have a ton of creatures, and is also less than $1. Putrefy , Krosan Grip , and/or Mortify are decent removal spells. Abzan Charm and Golgari Charm are pretty useful in a variety of situations, and Overrun can be a good way to kill an opponent with combat. Finally, two favorite cards of mine you could consider that aren't expensive are Song of Freyalise and Commander's Sphere , where they both add mana for you, the first of the two can make your army deadly after a few turns, while the second can be sacrificed to draw a card in a pinch.

I hope these suggestions help, and remember: This is your deck. Build it the way you want it to be!

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