Izzet Guildgate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Izzet Guildgate

Land — Gate

Izzet Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.

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legendofa on Kaiso's Deck

2 years ago

I should add that colorless cards like The Underworld Cookbook are legal in any Commander deck.

Token creatures do not count toward the 100. This next note is a little more advanced, but you can create tokens that are not in your commander's color identity, as long as the source is within the color identity. As an example, Experimental Synthesizer creates a white creature token, but is legal in a deck. The way to tell if you can use a card is if it has the symbol , , , , or . If it simply says the word white, to use the Experimental Synthesizer example, it is legal with any commander that uses .

To determine how many lands of a given color to add, aim for the same balance as the card color requirements. On TappedOut, there's a pie chart by this comments section. The closer the inner circle matches up with the outer circle, the more accurate your land balance will be.

You can also go the more math-intensive route and count the number of symbols of each color in your deck and divide that by the number of land slots. So if you have, say, 80 and 40 across all the mana costs in your deck, you will want twice as many lands that produce as lands that produce .

As you expand your collection, look for lands that can produce more than one color of mana. These are available at every level, from the common Swiftwater Cliffs and Izzet Guildgate to the rare and valuable Steam Vents and Fiery Islet. These can take the place of a basic land of either color, but remember, you can only have one of each card in Commander, aside from basic lands.

Also important are other cards that can produce mana. Arcane Signet, Sol Ring, and Izzet Cluestone are all examples of these.

wallisface on Izzet Weird

2 years ago

My big advise, before doing anything else (and before I can reasonably provide any constructive feedback), is to get this deck down to 60 cards. You’re currently at 92, which is well above where it needs to be, and will make both your hands and draws super inconsistent and generally weaker than they should be.

Its hard to provide much more advise without seeing what this deck at 60 cards, but from a glance:

  • you’re effectively running <17 lands (scaled to 60 cards)… that’s insanely low. After “the cull” imo you’ll want to be at 22 lands minimum.

  • for a “spells matter” deck you’re percentagely very-low on spells, and waay too high on creatures.

  • your mana curve is waaay too high to be practical.

  • taplands like Izzet Guildgate are just too slow. You’re better-off just playing basics if you don’t have access to the more expensive options.

I’m happy to provide more specific feedback when you’ve tuned the deck down to 60, if wanted.

9-lives on

2 years ago

To be frank I've noticed that most of the people I know play rather slow decks. Unless I am facing aggro, I don't think Eidolon of the Great Revel will be very useful. Three mana cost cards are really somewhat small in the grand scheme of MTG. Also, since Eidolon of the Great Revel is , it's kind of unwieldy to have multiple reds in my mana pool, but considering my manabase, I don't think that will be a problem. The whole reason I have 8 jeskai tri-lands is so that I can be 100% sure to cast everything I ever have in my hand, especially one or twice in a row. Should I swap out Izzet Guildgate and Boros Guildgate for simple 1x Plains and 1x Mountain? Surely the two latter than the two former are more valuable for the respective tempo than the variegation.

multimedia on Pirates a'hoyyyyyyy

2 years ago

Hey, nice version, but where's Glint-Horn Buccaneer? I saw your deck in the featured decks ad.

You can improve on balancing card quality since you have some amazing cards here, but also quite a few lackluster ones that are much lower on power level compared to the others. An example is Scalding Tarn which is excellent, but not playing a dual land that Tarn can search for... Steam Vents could replace Izzet Guildgate and Volatile Fjord could replace Highland Lake. Other Izzet dual lands to add in place of some basic lands to improve color fixing from lands: Training Center, Cascade Bluffs, Sulfur Falls, Stormcarved Coast and Frostboil Snarl.

I don't think I've even seen Armillary Sphere in the same deck before that also has Mana Drain, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Jeweled Lotus, Dockside Extortionist, Goldspan Dragon, Jeska's Will and Urza's Saga. Sphere is really out of place power wise. Consider cutting Sphere for Arcane Signet? The Diamonds are also subpar, considering cutting both of them for Talisman of Creativity and Izzet Signet? These are not expensive changes, but can make a big improvements on ramp.

Another example of card quality balance are the counterspells. Mana Drain, Counterspell, Pact of Negation, Negate are great thus you don't also need to play Hornswoggle, Admiral's Order and even Lookout's Dispersal because these are not as good.

Some more one drop/two drop flying Pirates and unblockable Pirates can more easily trigger Malcolm and Breeches. Spectral Sailor, Warkite Marauder, Departed Deckhand could replace some higher mana cost Pirates such as Captain Ripley Vance, Deadeye Quartermaster, Prosperous Pirates and Sailor of Means. You have Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Dockside Extortionist, Goldspan Dragon and Corsair Captain which are all excellent thus you don't really need to play other Pirates that create treasures when they ETB because those cards are not as good.

Wonder and Anger are powerful with Pirates, but they need help to get them into your graveyard because you don't want to ever cast them. Expanding with more loot can help to draw/discard them that also adds more draw to your deck. Faithless Looting, Windfall, Mask of Memory and Frantic Search could replace Mutiny, Hornswoggle, Dowsing Dagger  Flip and Admiral's Order. These changes are also not expensive and improve card quality.

Good luck with your deck.

Balaam__ on izzet burn

2 years ago

Something like Swiftwater Cliffs would be better than Izzet Guildgate if you’re going to stick with a tap land. Otherwise, something like Sulfur Falls isn’t too pricey and is an upgrade to consider.

Coop_Thom on Izzet Tempo

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, Balaam__! I think I'll take your suggestion and dig out some of my old Izzet Guildgates to replace the bounce lands.

multimedia on Kess Control

2 years ago

Hey, well done so far on a budget.

Some advice to consider is how to improve the manabase on a budget.

These three lands are called Rainbow lands. Crumbling Necropolis is the Grixis Tri land, it can make any one color of mana you need.

These are budget Fetch lands to search for any basic land.

These two are Tango lands which care about lots of basic lands.

These are Reveal lands that also care about basic lands and have interaction with Tango lands.

Some lands to consider cutting:

Updated budget manabase example (38 lands, 24 blue mana sources, 21 black, 20 red):

Good luck with your deck.

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