Emergence Zone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Emergence Zone


: Add .

, , Sacrifice Emergence Zone: You may cast spells this turn as though they had flash.

DreadKhan on bungo

2 months ago

I'm not super familiar with Zombie decks (and have zero experience with Crime decks), but I think I can spot a few cards that you could probably cut for something better. Brain Pry seems like it'd be embarrassing to cast, I'd cut this unless you want actively bad cards (I keep them in some decks so I know when I'm drawing truly awful, but it's very suboptimal). Crippling Fear seems pretty small when there is Kindred Dominance and even Necromantic Selection, either of these is a much bigger, beefier effect. Diabolic Tutor is not a very good card IMHO, if you have access to large amounts of mana potentially (and you do from multiple sources) Diabolic Revelation is a much bigger, better effect, I like to run it with Emergence Zone. Gravestorm is a pretty uneven card if your Commander isn't out, I'd cut this for Phyrexian Arena, your Commander comes out late and resolving Arena on turn 3 feels amazing, if you miss 2 or 3 free cards you might not even be able to cast Gisa. I feel like I'd run Sadistic Hypnotist over Cabal Therapist, even at 5 mana the effect is so much stronger. I might be missing something with Hunted Bonebrute, it's not a Zombie, and Hunted Horror exists, offering a much stronger political play. I usually like Keen Duelist, but your MV might not be high enough to support this kind of effect, in general you should be regularly walloping your opponent with huge MV stuff to justify this. I guess if you throw in Kindred Dominance and/or Necromantic Selection Duelist gets a bit better, but your MV probably needs to be closer to 4 or this will just give free cards to opponents unless your Commander is out (and people are going to be wiping you a lot I suspect). Unless you throw an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in I don't know if Oblivion Sower is good enough, ymmv. If you already have it by all means keep it in, but I feel like Urza's Incubator is not a very good card in here? You have a lot of mana requirements, and your zombies aren't especially big overall, I'd switch this for Sceptre of Eternal Glory if possible.

This is a bit out in left field, but can you imagine if you have Zombie Trailblazer out with your Commander and an Amulet of Vigor? That's infinite, right? Not sure if you want infinites or not, just wanted to mention it (because it'd be a sweet combo because you'd still need Haste or your Altar of Dementia, so it'd still be a 'look out next turn!' thing at 3 cards).

Generally I'd say discard effects are a lot less powerful the less of them you use, but I get that you want to commit crimes in here, perhaps you could look into repeatable removal sources? Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief is a budget card that can commit a crime for BB, and if you have extra mana you can also pump Drana while killing off Blockers. You might also try out Transmogrifying Wand, this can commit 3 very useful crimes, 2/4 vanillas are about as useful as floppy carrots in Commander, especially compared to 3 of the best creatures on the board (which you can reanimate I guess, since it's a Destroy effect). There is always good old Royal Assassin, this is SO MUCH better than Urza's Glasses in practice, and it's only BB more to make a gigantic impact on the board.

Here's some stuff you might consider adding, Night's Whisper is a very good low-to-the-ground card draw effect, as is Sign in Blood, both can help you get your Commander out on time more consistently. Sign can even be used to finish off a vulnerable opponent in a pinch. You also might be curious about War Room and Bonders' Enclave, both are lands that can draw, very useful with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.

Sorry if I missed some synergies, I like the idea of this deck but am a bit agog at how much this Commander can do if properly supported, Ward seems like major overkill! Have fun out there!

austintayshus on My 3-headed baby girl

3 months ago

Thank you Profet93 for the suggestions! I really like shamanic revelation, alhammarrett's archive, and greater good and greater good, i'll try to find spots for some of those in the deck.

I hadn't really planned on putting in any token doublers to focus on the lifegain, but it's probably worth including one at least. I think I have a Parallel Lives laying around somewhere.

I also had not considered Emergence Zone, but I'll try to find a spot for that.

Thanks again for the suggestions!

Profet93 on My 3-headed baby girl

3 months ago


Tokens are outside my wheelhouse, but I'll do my best to help. Also, I see you run the Emeria Shepherd + Sakura Tribe elder synergy, nice!

Shamanic Revelation - Draw with a side of lifegain

Alhammarret's Archive - Double lifegain, double draw!

Harmonize - Simple draw

Elemental Bond - Steady draw

Skullclamp - You run a decent amount of mana dorks.

Reliquary Tower - Maybe not needed yet but once you add more card draw, it should definitely be considered. Currently, Creeping Renaissance could warrant this inclusion.

Greater Good - Such a good card for draw. Also helps prevent exile and theft tactics.

Momentous Fall - Used in response to removal. Beware of the blue player! Also note Life's Legacy.

I understand that tokens are secondary, but have you considered at least adding one token doubler card such as Doubling Season? Not necessarily doubling season itself given the price constraint but any one of it's close cousins can fit the bill.

Winding Canyons/Emergence Zone - Flash would help primarily with Felidar Sovereign, Sunblast Angel and combat tricks. It also helps you from over-extending your board

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp

Profet93 on Petrified by the Gorgussy [Primer]

3 months ago


I read your update, I'm unsure if I already suggested it so I apologize if so. Have Given your update and how seedborn + wild rec was instrumental, would you consider Emergence Zone or Winding Canyons? They are great for combat tricks + bluffing as well.

I think exotic orchard could be taken out given you are a 2 color deck, one of them being green. With orchard, there is a small chance that you don't get the color you need.

Slurpz on Stax Colony

6 months ago


Buried Ruin is a great suggestion, thank you. I'm not sure I'm ready for a commander switch out. For flash I have Vedalken Orrery, Emergence Zone and Winding Canyons, and tutors that can search for them. More flash would be good, not sure if I'm missing anything.

Crow_Umbra on Puro Pinche Party [Primer]

7 months ago

After your comment Profet93, I looked the deck over and decided to make a few updates:

Azoth2099 on Miracle Wizard | You shall not pass! (LOTR Theme)

8 months ago


Yeah man, dialing in the landbase is so crucial for consistency, it can't be overstated. Personally, I try to keep the curve on my decks below 2.00 if I can manage it, which allows me to cut down to 30 lands and retain speed along with ~10 mana rocks and perhaps a few rituals depending on the build. Your build's got plenty of rocks, don't be afraid to cut down a bit as you switch things up.


Here's all the applicable lands within the color combo. Even upon refinement, I'd imagine that your deck will include a few that come in tapped under specific conditions like Spirebluff Canal & Training Center, but that's fine. Just be discerning as to how often they'll realistically come on untapped (quite often).

I'd obviously also recommend the 5-color lands like Mana Confluence & City of Brass if you can afford them or are willing to proxy them. Cheaper options like Command Tower, Spire of Industry & Gemstone Mine, Forbidden Orchard & Exotic Orchard aren't to be forgotten either.

The only colorless lands I'd consider on a budget are Crystal Vein & Emergence Zone. If budget/proxy constraints aren't an issue, I'd also consider Ancient Tomb, City of Traitors & Boseiju, Who Shelters All.

Also give Mystical Tutor, Enlightened Tutor & Gamble a shot for sure. They just got reprinted, they're super cheap right now! Speaking of sick reprints, Sapphire Medallion, Ruby Medallion, Pearl Medallion & Smothering Tithe have all seen big price drops lately. Gotta strike while the iron is hot, ya know...

Lastly, I'd recommend testing out fellow all-stars Elsha of the Infinite since you're running Sensei's Divining Top so heavily & Kykar, Wind's Fury, which can be utilized as both a wincon & and absurd value engine here with what you've already got going on.

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