Sheltered Thicket

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sheltered Thicket

Land — Mountain Forest

(: Add or .)

This enters the battlefield tapped.

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

Mofogigas on A Pimp Named Sliver Overlord

4 months ago

If your going to abuse Mana Echoes then I don't think you need as much cost reduction. There are only 8 slivers in your deck that benefit from having there cost reduced by two. I think the first card I'd cut would be Urza's Incubator. Also I would consider Farseek instead of Fellwar Stone or Darksteel Ingot, which I would cut both. Farseek is in the same vein as Nature's Lore and Three Visits which ramps you the same amount of mana as those potentially removable mana rocks would while also filtering land out of your deck. On the matter of your mana base, I don't see a reason to run Prairie Stream, Smoldering Marsh or Sunken Hollow since they are almost guaranteed to enter tapped anyway because of the lands you run. If you must play the ones with multiple land types the cycle with cycling would work better since you can discard them for something else if you no longer need the mana, Scattered Groves, Sheltered Thicket, Fetid Pools, Irrigated Farmland, and Canyon Slough.

RousseausDisciple on Help with EDH Food Deck

9 months ago

The one glaring omission I see is Tireless Provisioner. That said, I do think there are a couple areas this deck could improve within budget: manabase and long game.

I think a couple of your artifacts are slow or lower-impact; Horned Helm in particular seems like it is not doing enough. I would consider cutting this card and potentially Welcome to Sweettooth or Giant's Skewer for card that recur your resources, something like Palace Siege or Oversold Cemetery or The War in Heaven.

For manabase, in particular I am looking at the fact that you have 1) a ton of lands that enter the battlefield tapped all the time, and 2) only 4 other Forests for your Gingerbread Cabin. I would suggest cutting Cinder Barrens, Foul Orchard, Jund Panorama, Akoum Refuge, Gruul Guildgate, and Golgari Guildgate for Many Partings, Cinder Glade, Sheltered Thicket, Woodland Chasm, Smoldering Marsh, and Rockfall Vale. A lot of these dual lands are cheaper right now due to the Doctor Who commander deck release, so you can pick most of them up for <$1 each.

Best of luck to you!

eliakimras on B.F.D.

1 year ago

Glancing through your cards, your deck's problem might be because you're building it based on best-case scenario, with tons of clones and blink synergies. (In my playgroup, Miirym always gets removed before her untap step, so the Miirym player does not rely on her sticking to the board.)

I'll suggest some upgrades for your deck based on making it more consistent and less dependant on Miirym:

1st. Ramp

Explosive turns with lots of cost reducers sound nice... if people don't blow up your dorks before you get any value from them.

2nd. You need more lands (36 lands + 13 ramp cards is a good starting point)

3rd. Better counterspells

4th. Better removal

5th. Better boardwipes

6th. More card draw

7th. Better win conditions

eliakimras on Ur dragon, need recommendations

1 year ago

Hello! I saw your deck help tag and wanted to give some insight.

I don't run Miirym as commander, but I do have her in the 99 in Smashing Faces with the Ur-Dragon, and she always pushes me to victory whenever she's allowed to stick on the battlefield.

Some areas you might want to change to improve your consistency:

1 - Ramp

2 - Draw/Haste

3 - Removal/Boardwipes

4 - Protection

5 - Card draw

6 - Better threats

7 - Some utility lands you might want to run

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

1 year ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



multimedia on Sliver Hive

2 years ago

Hey, well done budget version of Silvers, nice Sliver Legion. You forgot Sol Ring.

Manaweft Sliver is another two drop mana Sliver. Shifting Sliver makes all your Slivers unblockable. Venom Sliver gives all deathtouch. These three Slivers could replace three of the higher CMC Slivers that have redundant effects. Blasphemous Act wrecks your opponents with Hivelord as Commander.

Consider more draw?

Wild Pair and Pyre of Heroes are powerful budget repeatable effects to tutor for and cheat Silvers on the battlefield.

Consider cutting a few of the lesser Slivers for more draw?

Nice Shock lands. On a budget you can do better than the Gain lands such as Blossoming Sands and Cycle lands such as Sheltered Thicket. Consider the Tango lands? Since there's 14 basic lands here.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Gruul Werewolf Pack

2 years ago

Hey, interesting high budget version of Tovolar with less Werewolves.

Human Werewolves that don't have day/night still count towards and transform when Tovolar upkeep triggers. The better Werewolves not having day/night is not really a drawback with Tovolar. Because Tovolar can repeatedly change from day to night then you have more chances to transform nonday/night Werewolves. If you play a nonday/night Werewolf after Tovolar transforms that's fine because more than likely Tovolar will flip back daybound giving you another chance to transform all Human Werewolves you control at your upkeep.

If you want to play a small amount of Werewolves then the ones you play really should give you more than just being a Werewolf.

With such a high budget you can do better than the vanilla Werewolves who don't give you anything when they're Humans as well as when they nightbound transform? Many of the Wolves are also subpar compared to all other cards here. If you're playing the Wolves just to be able to upkeep trigger Tovolar faster any Human Werewolf will do the same thing and give you more than any of these Wolves.

Wolves and Werewolves to consider cutting:

Really nice Fetch lands, but consider playing a Forest/Mountain dual land to fetch: Stomping Ground, Cinder Glade, Sheltered Thicket? Adding these lands will also give Farseek a dual land to search for instead of only being able to search for a basic Mountain. Also by adding some Forest/Mountain dual lands then you could improve the land ramp spells with Nature's Lore and Three Visits.

Some changes to consider:

Some other lands that would improve the manabase by cutting some basic lands especially Mountains:

Arcane Signet could replace Herald's Horn since Horn doesn't do much if you're not tribal. With so few Werewolves or Humans as well as many different creature types then a mana rock would make more ramp.

Door of Destinies is another tribal only card and it's very slow with so few Werewolves or Humans to cast. Could cut Door for Beastmaster Ascension since it's an anthem for all creatures you control.

Good luck with your deck.

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