Krosan Verge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Krosan Verge


Krosan Verge enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add .

, , Sacrifice Krosan Verge: Search your library for a Forest card and a Plains card, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

DreadKhan on Shadow of the Dragon Queen

2 weeks ago

I think you should do something about your mana fixing, you have a reasonable 39 lands, but you don't have a great deal of mana fixing options (you do have Chromatic Lantern, but not The World Tree), in addition you don't run many land ramp spells (stuff like Nature's Lore or Untamed Wilds that can find lands are generally better than creatures that will die when people wipe the board to get rid of your Dragons, land ramp makes it easier to recover). In a deck with lots of Basics I like stuff like Kodama's Reach, Harrow, Roiling Regrowth, and Entish Restoration are all options that are really good at getting you to WUBRG (and Tiamat). I like Blighted Woodland, Myriad Landscape, and even Krosan Verge for fixing in a deck with lots of Basics, but note that Krosan Verge can fetch a non-Basic Forest and Plains, I like to find Murmuring Bosk and a typed Plains/Island or Plains/Mountain, so it can find 4 colours without a fancy/expensive Triome. If you run lots of Green land ramp spells you should probably not cut any Forests (even for duals that offer Green), I would cut non-Forest Basics instead since your deck will work better if it has access to Green mana. I have a Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck that REALLY needs to have at least one Green source very early or it's dead, that deck runs 19 Green lands, and even though the deck is mostly Black spells the deck only runs 11 Black lands; my Green sources can find my Black ones for me, so I don't actually need to draw any Swamps in a normal game to have plenty of Swamps. Hope this helps/makes sense, making a great mana base is really hard to do.

I think recasting Tiamat is probably a useful enough thing that Netherborn Altar might be handy, as would similar effects. You can also use Capsize or Unsummon to return Tiamat to hand so you can get her trigger again (to recover from a wipe).

If you're really into Dragons you might like Crux of Fate, this can clear out non-Dragons, probably letting you alpha strike. You can also try Mandate of Abaddon and target a Dragon that is big enough to kill all the relevant blockers, yet small enough to not kill your important Dragons.

GangstaFranksta on Arcades, the Strategist's Army

4 months ago

You should think about adding The Pride of Hull Clade because he is good but also cool. But I think you would benefit a lot from improving your mana base. I suggest it should look more like this:



8x Plains, 8 Island, 4 Forest


Adarkar Wastes, Brushland, Yavimaya Coast

Scry Lands

Temple of Mystery, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Plenty

Tri Color

Brokers Hideout, Seaside Citadel, Bant Panorama

Any Color

Command Tower, Exotic Orchard

If you wanted you could also add the gain 1 life lands: Tranquil Cove, Blossoming Sands, and Thornwood Falls. You may also consider adding Krosan Verge or Myriad Landscape just to help ramp.

It would also be really beneficial to have at least a Sol Ring and an Arcane Signet.


Remove Verity Circle. Seems like there are a lot of possibilities where it is just sitting on the field not providing any value. And it isn't even a creature so it can't block. You could replace this with one of the mana artifacts I mentioned earlier or like a Swords to Plowshares, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Path to Exile (I kind of think you need some more removal lol, but you could replace Verity Circle with whatever you wanted.)

Remove Alive / Well. Just straight up not worth. Replace with one of the cards I have mentioned.

Other than that I think this is a really good deck. I think you could use most of my suggestions and keep it close to $100.

capwner on The Harvesttide Festival [Human Primer]

6 months ago

Selesnya legendary toolbox was my first EDH deck, with Captain Sisay! Love the theme and flavor on this, recent changes look really solid too! Maybe Sisay herself could fit, being a human that tutors for a lot of key cards :) First thing I noticed was your amount of protection effects (which I think is a good idea in this creature strat), maybe adding something like Ghostway or Eerie Interlude which protects you through things like Toxic Deluge or Farewell could be good even though it clears your counters. Teferi's Protection is of course the peak of these cards, but I know that one's kinda spendy. Hardened Scales would probably fit well too and is $2. Yasharn, Implacable Earth, Krosan Verge, and Gaddock Teeg are some of my favorite Selesnya cards in general. Overall cool deck, I like the flavorful legends!

DreadKhan on Ur-Dragon (Recs. Needed)

10 months ago

I'll give you a few tips from my limited experience with 5 Colour decks and how they achieve their mana requirements.

My first point is that combining the Bounce Guild lands with numerous ETB tapped lands will feel incredibly bad, I would definitely throw in more untapped lands if you're going to use that many Bounce lands. I love the Bounce lands, but they should be played mostly with other lands that ETB untapped, like Basic lands, bouncing an ETB tapped land is not fun in my experience.

I would encourage you to lean into Green ramp, there is lots of it that's very good, including options that find dual lands that have Basic types (or even Triomes if your budget permits, but there are budget fetchable duals out there). To make that Green ramp work you probably would want more Forests because a Forest and ramp spell can fix your mana for you.

Another thing I noticed that helps 5 Colour decks is the fact that you can use budget fetchlands of all sorts. The worst of my favourite 3 is Myriad Landscape, followed by Blighted Woodland and Krosan Verge. Krosan Verge can technically find all 5 colours by itself if you use Triomes, because it can find non-Basics, but there is also Murmuring Bosk to help. In addition to these types of fetchlands, you might find some use for the old Panorama cycle from Alara, Esper Panorama, Jund Panorama, Bant Panorama, Grixis Panorama, and Naya Panorama. None of those are truly great cards, but in a pinch they both enter untapped while eventually offering good fixing. A nice perk to using more Basics is that you are better at enduring non-Basic hate, not sure if people use stuff like that in your area.

Their is the odd good land worth looking at if you want budget mana fixing, the pain lands Sulfurous Springs or Adarkar Wastes are very strong fixing options that are relatively cheap, people use these in budget cEDH builds, they're perfect if you want good non-Basics for a low price, the Enemy pair from that cycle (Shivan Reef and Caves of Koilos are generally quite cheap, the Ally pairs are pricy). There is also the odd land like Exotic Orchard that can fix pretty well, but most 5 colour lands that enter untapped are pricey.

My final suggestion is that I found it helpful to run more ramp than usual in my 5 Colour decks, as well as more lands total. My 5 Colour Sisay deck has 39 lands and iirc over 20 ramp spells/effects (some work as combo pieces), and my Reaper King deck has 38 lands and around 15 ramp sources. It's a big hassle to get 5 colours consistently, but if you straight up run extra lands and ramp it becomes much easier.

A few more general pointers, I noticed you don't have Crux of Fate in here, it's usually pretty good in a Dragon deck. You also might like Stinging Study as a big draw spell. It's usually not as good as Stinging Study, but Imposing Grandeur also exists. Bring to Light and Wargate are two pretty strong tutors, perfect if you want to power your deck up a bit.

treeforcorvus on You "lose" the game

11 months ago

Looking pretty good! After some playtesting, I have more thoughts. Your landbase is pretty slow, and with 31 lands your deck wants a little more efficiency. Replace:

You've got a pretty trim list now, but I still have some suggestions.

First off, you need more ramp. Warrior's Oath looks good, but since it can't be searched by Sunforger, you're better off with ramp. I strongly recommend Tempt with Discovery, which is one of the most powerful land-search cards for a multicolor deck using green: You get any land, and then if any opponents search for lands you get that many more of any land.

Although Black Market Connections is superb, you might find more utility in Rites of Flourishing or Elven Chorus.

Djeru and Hazoret looks great, but since you're only running 16-17 other Legendary creatures excluding your commander, the odds will be 20%-25%. Not great. Consider the power of being able to flicker your commander in & out of play, allowing it to re-position targets: Ephemerate is cheap, or Eerie Interlude can protect your creatures from Wrath spells, but both spells can also be fetched with Sunforger, which improves your deck synergy.

Odric, Master Tactician looks good on paper, but he's much better when a deck is built around him. Here are 4 better options:

DreadKhan on my wife

11 months ago

Have you thought about an Aura or two in here to help your couple consistently survive combat? I like Unquestioned Authority more than a little in a deck like this, but I also like Holy Mantle, both are budget too fwiw.

I like Blighted Woodland in a deck like this, but there is also Krosan Verge, and Verge can actually find you two dual lands if they have the Plains/Forest typing, I checked and in your colours there are Arctic Treeline, Radiant Grove, and Scattered Groves that you could add. All should be cheap, and while none are as good as Temple Garden, I find a budget deck can run a few ETB tapped lands and not lose, especially if they are duals. Wood Elves is another relatively cheap ramp creature that can find either an untapped Forest if you need mana that turn, or a dual if you don't need the mana right away. There aren't a ton of cheap ways to fetch non-basic Forests, but they aren't bad. I think you might consider Crop Rotation to dig out one of these ramp lands, but if you added Temple of the False God to your list (I would add a 35th land for it if you add it) you can use Crop Rotation like a Sol Ring when you draw it later, either way it can help get your Commander out.

I am very confident that you should run Sylvan Offering, it even got a LotR reprint, so it's incredibly cheap right now. Another card that is usually pretty bad but is probably pretty good in here is Orochi Hatchery, each turn you can make a bunch of tokens for your couple to buff. Silverwing Squadron is pretty cool, it makes decent tokens and can be a large evasive attacker. It's probably not completely on flavor, but Nacatl War-Pride can make quite a few tokens, and you can stack the triggers from War-Pride and your Commander so that you first make the tokens and then give each a counter, it can be a better Ezuri's Predation. Not sure if you should run Predation or not, it's a heap of mana but Selesnya decks are often good at ramping, you should lose nearly nothing to Predation if you've been buffing your board, but you get a 4/4 for each weenie your opponent's have, and if you somehow haven't buffed your Commander they only have 3 power. I'm not sure if it's really a great card or not without cards that can put it on top of your deck for next turn, but Entreat the Angels can make quite a few Angels sometimes, which can make for fun/memorable games. It's pretty bad if you only get 1 Angel, but if you're getting 3 or more it's not a bad card.

It's a bit higher budget than you want at this point (it used to be really cheap for a long time, so I bought some and wondered why everyone else was sleeping), but Blossoming Bogbeast would be bonkers in here, if you swing with your power couple, Bogbeast and 3 other creatures each of them gets +6/+6 (and most get a +1/+/1 counter) and Trample, your creatures don't need to be very big for that to be very scary, if you've got 10 creatures attacking with Bogbeast you get +12/+12. It's less explosive than a Craterhoof Behemoth (an expensive staple), but it can be bigger and better (while coming down sooner), and it's not an ETB so you can use it again, so I think if you wanted to upgrade it'd be worth looking at.

eliakimras on Dinosaurs go Rawr!

11 months ago

Great build! Dinosaurs are such a fun experience for newcomers.

Some points you might want to consider regarding your ramp package:

1: Ramping with creatures or artifacts is riskier than with lands (boardwipes usually leave lands alone). Also, has many mana doublers that benefit from land ramp:

2: If you're willing to include Cinder Glade and Canopy Vista (or their expensive siblings Stomping Ground, Temple Garden and Sacred Foundry), you open up some more options for you:

3: Then you might want to increase your land count. 33 is too few for Temple of the False God to realiably function.

I recommend swapping out your mana dorks for lands that ramp you (you can never have too much mana with kill-on-sight Gishath, Sun's Avatar):

4: Some card draw:

5: Better combat tricks

6: Broader utility

I'd suggest removing Reliquary Tower. If you have more than seven cards in hand as Gishath, you're already winning hard. In its place, consider one or more of the following:

DreadKhan on Swing Big Butts with Funny Names

1 year ago

Not sure if they're 'too slow' for how you play, but I really like land ramp cards, stuff like Myriad Landscape, Blighted Woodland, and if you have access to Forests and Plains Krosan Verge. Any of these offers some fixing, and Verge can actually find non-Basic lands, like Murmuring Bosk for example. These are truly impressive in a Sun Titan using deck. Archangel of Strife might fit in here, your deck has lots of 'butts matter' stuff, and the Archangel effectively buffs both your power and toughness, while boosting only 1 for each opponent. Not sure if you really need another tutor, but Eladamri's Call and Altar of Bone exist. If you want a so-so anthem there is Spidersilk Armor, and I generally think a deck like this should run 1 or more of Tragic Arrogance, Farewell, or Austere Command. They're clunky, but they also can clear out large numbers of other problematic permanents for you.

Neat deck idea, thanks for posting!

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