Rockfall Vale

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rockfall Vale


Rockfall Vale enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or more other lands.

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RousseausDisciple on Help with EDH Food Deck

9 months ago

The one glaring omission I see is Tireless Provisioner. That said, I do think there are a couple areas this deck could improve within budget: manabase and long game.

I think a couple of your artifacts are slow or lower-impact; Horned Helm in particular seems like it is not doing enough. I would consider cutting this card and potentially Welcome to Sweettooth or Giant's Skewer for card that recur your resources, something like Palace Siege or Oversold Cemetery or The War in Heaven.

For manabase, in particular I am looking at the fact that you have 1) a ton of lands that enter the battlefield tapped all the time, and 2) only 4 other Forests for your Gingerbread Cabin. I would suggest cutting Cinder Barrens, Foul Orchard, Jund Panorama, Akoum Refuge, Gruul Guildgate, and Golgari Guildgate for Many Partings, Cinder Glade, Sheltered Thicket, Woodland Chasm, Smoldering Marsh, and Rockfall Vale. A lot of these dual lands are cheaper right now due to the Doctor Who commander deck release, so you can pick most of them up for <$1 each.

Best of luck to you!

thefiresoflurve on Naya Populate True

1 year ago

Welcome to big board state club! (I used to run G/W populate back in the day).

Disclaimer: not sure what your budget is for recommendations, so I'm going to go by what I see here (Dockside, Smothering Tithe, Parallel Lives level of cost for individual recommendations).

I think Ghired, Conclave Exile would make a better commander here than Palladia-Mors, unless you're tied to the latter for sentimentality/flavor/etc.

Next, land base. The single best thing I did for my Esper deck was upgrading my land base. You don't have to go super hard here to see results, but I would put together a list like: 1x Cabaretti Courtyard 1x Command Tower 1x Jungle Shrine 1x Sungrass Prairie 1x Rockfall Vale 1x Branchloft Pathway  Flip 1x Needleverge Pathway  Flip 1x Rogue's Passage 1x Kessig Wolf Run 1x Gavony Township. If you like this route, there are even more cheaper dual lands you can add in like the Temple of Triumph and friends.

There are a few cuts or substitutions that I think the main deck could make really easily:

Ultramarines Honour Guard -> Caller of the Pack. If Ghired attacks with a creature that has Myriad, he can populate the token that Myriad creates, but the Populated token forgets about the exile clause. Thus, you can end up with a theoretically infinite horde of creatures. It's fantastic. :D

Going off that last bit... Wayfaring Temple -> Treasure. Basically a great card in commander anyway, here it's a free win if you manage to clone it.

Growing Ranks is an easy cut. It's way too slow for EDH (compare it to Parallel Lives...) Could replace it with a Talisman of Conviction or friends to help you ramp faster.

I would replace Momentous Fall with Teferi's Protection or Akroma's Will or Grand Crescendo - some extra source of board wipe dodging. I don't think your creatures are really big enough to warrant a momentous fall.

I would also replace Druid's Deliverance with one of the aforementioned board wipe dodges. There are also some cheaper options like Your Temple is Under Attack, Unbreakable Formation, Make a Stand. Reasoning being: you should have enough board state to block things that want to hurt you, as long as you keep your board alive.

As far as making tokens sooner: well, if you want to do that, you're going to have to run some cheaper creatures.... or ramp faster. I'd probably opt for ramping faster, TBH, since your creatures are really cool. If you add the entire Gruul Signet and friends, along with the Talismans I mentioned earlier, that should get you to the minimum ramp package in tricolor EDH to make sure you can play quickly.

Naya Charm -> Artifact Mutation can help make some earlier tokens.

Brindle Shoat and Call of the Conclave are some decent options for turn 3 tokens you might consider, as well. But adding those would also require cutting other stuff.... horrible choice I don't envy you : P

Sorry for the wall of text...Hope that helps, and happy building!

multimedia on Kalamax Instants

1 year ago

Hey, nice upgrades to the precon on a budget.

With Kalamax I find that instants that can give him evasion while also draw a card are excellent. It's the draw that's makes 1 mana and 2 mana spells like this busted with Kalamax. Kalamax is a great attacker to do real Commander damage if he has evasion.

Kalamax is a mana hungry Commander because to take advantage of his abilities you want to cast an instant on each player's turn and to do this consistently requires having a lot of mana. Consider more ramp?

Relic of Legends is ramp and a source to tap Kalamax that makes mana. Storm-Kiln Artist is more magecraft, ramp with treasures. Roiling Regrowth is like Harrow except the basic lands ETB tapped. From the precon Haldan, Avid Arcanist + Pako, Arcane Retriever aren't needed, they belong in their own deck, with their own strategies.

Three, four or five color Precon manabases are subpar with too many basic lands which makes color fixing from lands quite poor. On a budget there's several land upgrades to consider, replacing not just some basic lands, but other lands that always ETB tapped for lands that don't?

Holdout Settlement and Survivors' Encampment can tap Kalamax to make mana. This is important since relying only on tapping Kalamax because you attacked can be problematic because what if Kalamax can't attack?

Good luck with your deck.

to_regatha_and_beyond on Werewolf

1 year ago

Looks like a quite solid build. You might want to look at some post-VOW spells like Tail Swipe and Tamiyo's Safekeeping, both fit your creature-based archetype pretty well. Additionally, Quirion Beastcaller could be really helpful here as it seems to fit your sub-theme of +1/+1 counters, as well as just fitting creature builds really well in general. Last suggestion, change the Racers' Rings for more Rockfall Vale, those are considerably better in pretty much every situation.

multimedia on elyse's vrondiss deck

1 year ago

Hey, for being new to Magic well done upgrading the precon on a budget having a good amount of cards in each area of deck building (lands, ramp, draw, removal).

What makes Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients a scary Commander is when he has indestructible. Then he can take an infinite amount of damage and each instance of damage he takes creates a Dragon.

Anara, Wolvid Familiar is a budget repeatable source of indestructible for Vronn as long as it's your turn. Roar of Challenge and You Look Upon the Tarrasque forces all defending player's creatures to block Vronn who's indestructible. Each creature who blocks does damage to Vronn which is one instance of damage to create a Dragon. This effect creates Dragons equal to the number of creatures who an opponent controls who blocked. Tamiyo's Safekeeping can also protect Vronn from targeted opponent's removal with hexproof.

If Vronn is indestructible then there's a wincon combo here to create infinite Dragons which is infinite damage to each opponent.

When Vronn creates a Dragon then Scourge does damage to an opponent, then Tempest/Outpost/Surge/Ancients does damage to Vronn or vice versa and repeat.

Some budget lands to consider replacing some basic lands:

Good luck with your deck.

Andramalech on Shrines R us

2 years ago

I noticed you said land value was a concern, so I had some thoughts:

Some ways to keep your utility game strong could include the cycle lands like Tranquil Thicket and Forgotten Cave. Those provide draw when otherwise you don't need the colors.

Bojuka Bog, Temple of the False God, and Crumbling Vestige are other noteworthy utility lands that various people enjoy.

Check lands, like the more recent Overgrown Farmland and Rockfall Vale are (somewhat) cheaper ways to get your value on.

Burn lands like Shivan Reef and Yavimaya Coast are great ways to provide yourself with more options to do the thing without breaking the bank.

I'd recommend using something like Chromatic Lantern to help cover color needs. I know you said budget was a concern so maybe stuff like Utopia Sprawl or Trace of Abundance over things like Bloom Tender.

Considering how (most) WUBRG builds rely on green to do the heavy lifting, if you could spring for a copy of Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth it could really help a lot.

If you consider Bounce Lands (Gruul Turf, Simic Growth Chamber), you'd get more value back out of your cycle lands. Again, I'm unsure what the budget is but I wanted to provide a few interesting options to get you the colors you're in need of!

I hope this helps a bit! Best of luck!

hcmen1 on haha, deck flip over

2 years ago

I see your playing temples, I find that the scry is not worth the lands entering tapped, I prefer the new slow lands Overgrown Farmland, Rockfall Vale, Sundown Pass, but if you like the scry keep them.

bushido_man96 on Double Dragon

2 years ago

How does Rockfall Vale imply card disadvantage?

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