Flood Plain

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Flood Plain


Flood Plain enters the battlefield tapped.

, Sacrifice Flood Plain: Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

wallisface on Blinking Cowards

9 months ago

Some thoughts:

DreadKhan on "Spem Omnem Reliquite Qui Huc Intratis"

1 year ago

Since you're on a budget and have Sun Titan, you might like Bad River and Flood Plain, these can find non-Basics with Basic typing, like Prairie Stream, which can even come in untapped sometimes, if you're desperate for an untapped land you can always dig out a Basic, it's not really worse than Evolving Wilds, and they first came out in the 90s, so they have old school appeal fwiw. There are a bunch of duals that have Basic types in Allies colours (so WU and UB in your deck), Enemy colours are less printed, so the only budget options are Snowfield Sinkhole and Sunlit Marsh, and they enter tapped. When I use these older Fetch lands I like to include some ETB tapped duals because there are situations when you don't mind them, ymmv obviously.

I wonder if you shouldn't use some discard outlets like Putrid Imp, especially ones that you can use on your opponent's turn, this can dig your way through a dungeon extremely quickly I bet since you can trigger on opponent's turns more readily. Another option might be repeatable self-mill, Syr Konrad, the Grim can mill you as needed, and the opponents will be getting shaved for life while you're digging for Venture triggers.

I wonder if you should run more creatures? Sefris only cares about creatures going to the graveyard, 32 creatures isn't really a ton IMHO if your deck suffers a lot if you don't draw enough of them. If you want some decent budget creatures I could suggest some.

Oh, and you probably want a Street Wraith, and should look hard at any creature with Cycling, those would be pretty useful in here. Any looting (draw a card and then discard a card) or rummaging (discard a card and then draw a card) effects are probably very good too as a rule, but any you can use repeatedly or at instant speed allow triggers on opponent's turns.

wthompson714 on Custom Commander Brew

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

Since your commander already gives evasion, I don't think you need both Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves.

The group decided Cyclonic Rift is banned in tier 3. I don't know what tier these decks are considered...

Burgeoning is less good the fewer lands you have in the deck. I don't think you will find it as helpful as you would want it to be. I think you have enough ramp to not need it, but if you want something that will ramp similarly to that, consider Carpet of Flowers or Utopia Sprawl.

I like Distortion Strike and Artful Dodge in more casual decks, but I think they are simply less good in commander. I think it would be better to have creatures that simply are unblockable. I do see the value of making anything (including your stand alone commander) unblockable, but only being able to do it twice isn't good enough in my mind. Aqueous Form is great! But some suggested replacements (with extra upsides) for the others are Invisible Stalker, Flitterstep Eidolon, Mercurial Spelldancer, Suspicious Stowaway  Flip, Silhana Ledgewalker, Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun, Surge Engine. I also think these cards would be better than Wu Light Cavalry, Treetop Scout, and Nettle Sentinel (not sure why this is in the deck).

I like a little bit of additional flicker magic for value, but I think Yorion, Sky Nomad and Roon of the Hidden Realm are too slow. I like Brago, King Eternal and Displacer Kitten.

Mavinda, Students' Advocate doesn't seem to fit here. It only works with instant and sorceries that are targeting creatures you control. Yes, it works with Distortion Strike, but Artful Dodge already has flashback, and it isn't good enough to include mavinda only for Cloudshift and Distortion Strike. I think it can go along with the other two.

You have 18 instances of ramp. I think this may be too much. initial cuts: Llanowar Elves, Ranger's Path, and Burgeoning. Growth Spiral is good, but I think you need to be playing 2 more lands to include. Nature's Lore and Three Visits are great, but you need more dual lands with basic land types to make those good. Otherwise, Rampant Growth is better. Other thing to consider here: If you have fewer mana rocks, the better chance that your commander's ability will help you blow up artifacts. I guess in general, you may want to try to limit the number of card types you play.

Treva's Ruins and Flood Plain seem too slow. And again, as a midrange value deck, I think you need to be playing at least 38 lands.

I think Venser, the Sojourner is better here than Sun Quan, Lord of Wu. You can make the team unblockable for one less mana, and if that isn't helpful at the time, you can flicker stuff while you wait. Ultimating is just an insane bonus.

I gotta go, but I will try to come back and offer some suggestions on other cards you should include!

Max_Hammer on Shorikai go vroom

1 year ago

So, right now, Commander included, you've got 126 cards. Seeing as you're only 26 over the cap, this shouldn't be too bad.

This is a low mana cost deck with a lot of draw, you probably only need 34-36 lands if you're being generous. If I were you, I'd drop some of the slower lands, such as Temple of Enlightenment, Skybridge Towers, Prairie Stream, Azorius Chancery, Castle Ardenvale, Castle Vantress, or even Port Town.

You might also want to include more fetch lands, too. Flooded Strand, Fabled Passage, and Flood Plain all come with a pretty high price tag, but they're all good.

On the other side of the coin, Brokers Hideout, Obscura Storefront, Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Myriad Landscape, Esper Panorama, and Bant Panorama are all cheaper fetch lands that you could use.

Drawing mana late game can be a dead draw a lot of the time, so being able to remove that excess from your deck can be a really nice tool to have, so you can draw just what you want. Maybe take out cards that are fast, but not necessary such as, Skycloud Expanse, Sea of Clouds, Mishra's Factory, and Crawling Barrens.

Changing it to this (or a list of just 35 mana), should bring us down to 122 cards.

As for non-land ramp, you have a lot. I’m going to say you want to kick out Silver Myr, Gold Myr, Mind Stone, and Ornithopter of Paradise. Normally I’d say more, but for this specific deck that seems to love ramp, this seems more than fine.

118 left.

For the rest, I’d say Ondu Inversion  Flip, Access Denied, Tezzeret the Seeker, Tezzeret, Artifice Master, Phyrexian Metamorph, Cultivator's Caravan, Invoke Justice, and An Offer You Can't Refuse, all mostly because they’re too expensive.

That leaves you with 109

Okay, so, this decklist is surprisingly tight for being 30~ cards over and I don’t know where to kick the last 9 off. Maybe Artificer Class? Maybe some of the creatures/vehicles? Idunno, good luck.

DreadKhan on Fata Morgana

2 years ago

Not sure how helpful this would be, but you could try some Flood Plains to help with fixing, they are slow and you don't have duals, and this is the only one you'd likely want, so I'm just tossing it out there. If you take out 1 Plains and 1 Island for 2 of them, you effectively have improved your access to W and U mana. If you run 4 of it, you effectively have 2 more Plains and 2 more Islands with the same number of lands. This would let you toss in another Mountain if you wanted, and still have improved odds of finding all 3 types of mana. You don't run many 1 drops, so you could play one turn 1 I guess at little cost, but I guess it'll stink when your 5th land drop comes in tapped and you can't Desertion on time!

Really cool deck idea, the deck might be more funny if you went 'all in' on the Political Trickery/Undiscovered Paradise interaction, they'll lose the land when they tap it, you just keep their I guess, but it's hard to justify cutting cards that'll actually help you win for a combo that is mostly about trolling them. I actually might try building that some time, Political Trickery is also stapled to a body, which can be flickered I would think.

Gidgetimer on Are all fetchlands banned on …

2 years ago


That link is to the official banned and restricted list. Pioneer lists 22 cards as banned. Those 22 cards are the only things banned. However there are other cards that are simply not legal in the format. To be banned a card must first have the possibility of being legal in the format, which for pioneer means a standard legal set since Return to Ravnica. Polluted Delta was printed in Khans and is banned. Flood Plain has not been printed in a standard legal set since RTR and is not legal. Evolving Wilds was printed in M15 and is not banned, so it is legal.

While you are getting used to what was printed when it is probably going to be best to just use a card search engine (I prefer Scryfall) and just look at the legality of cards there if you are unsure. If you would prefer the official source Gatherer is the official WotC website, but the interface is pretty bad.

LoliTron on Are all fetchlands banned on …

2 years ago

First of all, i am new to the game, so i get a bit lost sometimes. But hear me out, the thing is, there is a small amount of people who play magic (non digital version) here where i live, and the format everyone here plays is pioneer, so here is my problem: I have been having this argument with a friend who plays with me, he says (and other players back him up on it) that all fetchlands are banned from pioneer, things like Evolving Wilds. That are, in fact, some fetchlands banned from pioneer, like Flood Plain, but every site i looked into says that evolving wilds is not actually banned from pioneer, and the same goes for other fetchlands, such ass: Blighted Woodland and Fabled Passage. I recently went and did some research. when wizards announced the pioneer format back in 2019, the format actually came with 5 cards banned initially, all of them fetchlands (from Khans of Tarkir).

So, the thing is, these guys i play with are thinking that those bans meant all fetchlands that got released during that time or any fetchlands that were released after the format began, are banned. I do not know what to believe, being a new player and having so much info and so many rules thrown at you is already too much, but now i can't even be sure of which cards are banned or not? What should i believe? What is the truth here?

Thanks for your atention, sorry for such a big question.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

2 years ago

Hey abierto,

Indeed it’s been awhile since you commented, glad to hear from you. Thank you for bringing these cards onto my radar, let’s discuss them - I can easily tell that Survival of the Fittest would dramatically change the way the deck plays – with Survival of the Fittest + Dregscape Sliver on the board, access to at least 3 mana, 1 creature in hand, and at least an additional I can combo out and win the game on that turn. The only drawbacks I can see here are the mana requirements coupled with the more than likely opponent interaction that would be coming my way. Given that Dregscape Sliver’s ability is only sorcery speed – that only solidifies my concern as A simple Bojuka Bog could wreck me If I do not populate my graveyard with care and proper timing. This makes me wish that Paradox Engine wasn’t banned – I really miss that card. The verdict is out on Survival of the Fittest, I want to like to this card but I can’t help but feel hesitant in including it (let alone the investment). I think I’ll maybe proxy it in and see where that takes me. Speaking which, check out this really awesome alter:

Survival of the Fittest Sliver Alter Show

Dregscape Sliver on the other hand I’m considering including. Maybe cutting Patriarch's Bidding, as I do not like the mana investment and the potential added bonus of assisting opponents. In the metas I play in there are a lot of tribal decks – I’m sitting across from at least one or two other tribal decks every game. I’m ordering a copy today, so thank you for mentioning that card again.

Hi Sneuxfox (death by Snu snu?),

Welcome to my deck page! Thank you for posting. I’ve always wanted to work Magma Sliver into this decklist, but I don’t think it would be a good fit – Magma lends itself toward a Sliver deck that compliments a more Aggro strategy where the goal is to hit a “critical mass” of creatures and abuse enough evasion keywords to get a single creature to knock an opponent out. First Sliver's Chosen would be an absolute must include alongside Magma Sliver, as it would solidify a Voltron strategy by stacking Exalted triggers alongside Magma’s ability. I definitely agree that the aforementioned can get out hand when you have just one Sliver be the target of multiple triggers.

I agree that it's criminal that Magma doesn't make it's way into alot of lists, maybe it's due to most decks wanting to lean into the Mid-range Sliver tool box? Or maybe it's because the deck would need to be more Voltron centric? I decided to throw together a quick decklist as an example of what I think the average deck running Magma Sliver would look like:

Budget Aggro Sliver Decklist Show

What're your thoughts on the list, Sneuxfox ?

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