Darkwater Catacombs

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Darkwater Catacombs


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Wesinator69 on Imma Baddie I Do What I Please

1 day ago

I know you hate tapped lands so I would suggest the following:

Also I hate Temple of the False God it should stop being included in precons. Plus 37 lands is a bit much. There are a couple other cards that don't seem to do enough for the mana cost. So I would also suggest the following:

Last_Laugh on Wilhelt and Sheoldred unite!

10 months ago

Arcane Signet, Dimir Signet, and Talisman of Dominance over Mind Stone, Sky Diamond, and whatever.

Plumb the Forbidden over Read the Bones. Instant speed makes this card.

Feed the Swarm is your only answer to enchantments in black.

Exotic Orchard, Underground River, Drowned Catacomb, Darkwater Catacombs, Morphic Pool, Tainted Isle, and Sunken Ruins are all pretty budget friendly.

nuperokaso on Ninjas and Rogues

1 year ago

DreadKhan on Zur the enchanter $100 budget

1 year ago

Cool idea with good execution!

Not sure if you are 100% satisfied with your mana base, some stuff like Esper Panorama, Darkwater Catacombs, Skycloud Expanse, and Ash Barrens can help fix your mana, I always find Zur is a hassle to get out without stretching the budget. There are also somewhat worse options like Obscura Storefront, it's worse than Arcane Sanctum but not by a ton. I recently found out about Planar Atlas, but this looks like exactly what Zur needs to get out faster, but I do run Signets and Signet Lands, so I have more use for colourless arguably. If you're using a Sun Titan, any lands that fetch something before going to the Graveyard become pretty strong in my experience, but Myriad Landscape is hilarious if you can recur it.

Not sure if it's outside your budget, but Mirrormade is the cheapest Copy Enchantment I know of that Zur can fetch, and it can also copy an artifact, so if there is a ramp rock out Zur can find mana. Another way Zur can ramp you is The Restoration of Eiganjo  Flip, which also turns into a creature. Dance of Many is a pretty interesting option if someone has a really big body out against you, not sure if you face many Blightsteels.

If you like to run Rule of Law effects in Zur, you might enjoy using a little Moderation to fuel you, it's a nice cheap card. If you can draw enough cards, Stronghold Machinist and/or Stronghold Biologist are pretty interesting cards. Obviously better with Necropotence though.

If you have Vanishing on Zur, you can fetch Out of Time to wipe the board in a shockingly thorough manner, if the board is full nothing is coming back. Obviously better if you can copy it before it goes away, but Copy Enchantment and Estrid's Invocation are both pretty pricey, and there are few things as good as copying All That Glitters. Another weird thing you could do is combine Spy Kit with Cornered Market, nobody can play creatures, if you have Zur out then you should be set.

If Propaganda or Ghostly Prison are too pricey, War Tax can be an interesting alternative, it's especially useful in a Rule of Law deck where you can't play multiple Sorcery speed spells, this lets you use spare mana to hassle whomever you want, it's non-targeted and scales with the game.

I always wonder if non-cEDH Zur decks should consider running Honden of Seeing Winds and Sanctum of Calm Waters to draw cards, Zur can find you a few other Shrines if you ever draw into a Draw engine, none better than Sanctum of Stone Fangs. I guess you'd have to decide how much work 2-3 cards per turn is worth, at least once it's set up it doesn't use more resources.

DreadKhan on Cheap dragon

2 years ago

Alright, I'll try to keep that in mind and minimize the jargon. One thing I'd say about running lands, it's easy to end up with less than you actually need. The difference between 36 and 38 is extremely minor in terms of how many lands you can draw, so the exact number isn't that important, but if you have a higher cost Commander (Tiamat has a Mana Value of 7, or MV 7), you'll want ramp. A higher cost is usually any Commander requiring more than 4 mana, and/or one that requires more than 2 colours, either makes a Commander harder to cast. I end up on 38 in a deck like Reaper King, but I also use a lot of ramp in that deck to generate the huge mana values that deck can require. This deck probably wants anywhere from 36-42 lands, with 42 being where you want to be if you run relatively few ramp effects, 36 would mean running more of them, at least 10. You should probably run Command Tower. Temple of the False God is a risky land in a deck that isn't running a lot of lands, I hate to run it with less than 40 in a deck unless I have a payoff for a land tapping for 2.

It's worth considering basing your mana base around Green, not because most of the cards will be Green but to use Green ramp spells/mana dorks. I'm guessing you aren't aiming to spend a lot on this, so the cheapest $$$ way to increase your mana available is to use Green spells which can find Basic lands for you. Circuitous Route, Harrow, Roiling Regrowth, Search for Tomorrow, and Dire-Strain Rampage are all very good ramp effects, with most of them being cheap and able to find you colours of mana you might need. Sacrificing a land can be a good thing if you've got several of the same Basic land, which can happen easily. There are a ton of other ramp spells, many quite cheap, especially if you don't mind 3 mana effects. Spells that find land can be much better than artifacts, because artifacts can be blown up very easily compared to lands. I would also look for ones that can find any Basic land compared to ones that can only find a Forest unless you want to raise the budget a bit, as these lands are generally more expensive, but Kaldheim has 10 Snow type dual lands, one for each pair, and they are fairly cheap, and ramping with one of these off of Three Visits or Nature's Lore feels really good, but it'll be more investment. There are a lot of effects that find Forests and can find non-Basic Forests like Breeding Pool or Rimewood Falls, and finding one of those can really help make sure you can cast Tiamat. I would still play cards like Arcane Signet and Sol Ring, and most 2 MV mana artifacts are good cards usually.

A card that should be very useful in Tiamat would be Maskwood Nexus, which makes all creatures, wherever they are (in your hand, library, graveyard, or in play) are all every creature type, including Dragons, so Tiamat can find any 5 creatures. If you end up playing many cards that care about Dragons, this is worth looking at. Silverglade Pathfinder and Dreamscape Artist are pretty helpful some games as creatures that can also ramp you, potentially repeatedly if you are playing Casual games where you have a few more turns.

Interaction to protect your creatures can be very useful, Bolt Bend and Stubborn Denial are interesting options for you in a deck that will often have a power 4 creature out. Disdainful Stroke can stop board wipes, and Saw it Coming can stop anything in it's track, involving only U to cast, I would watch out for counterspells that cost UU (Blue Blue mana) to cast, this can be hard to arrange. You might think of Vindicate and/or Utter End to have removal vs any type of permanent, AFAIK neither is very expensive atm. There are 5 'Signet lands', Darkwater Catacombs, Skycloud Expanse, Shadowblood Ridge, Mossfire Valley and Sungrass Prairie are all very cheap and pretty good dual lands. Ash Barrens is a very good way to find a needed colour, especially Green. The World Tree is getting up there a bit, but it's a card worth looking at in 5 colours, especially if you run plenty of cards that find lands for you. If you have especially good non-Basic lands, IE lands that tap for 2 or more, Crop Rotation, Hour of Promise and Reap and Sow are all worth considering, finding a World Tree or other especially good land can be much stronger than finding a Basic. Faeburrow Elder and Jegantha, the Wellspring are very good ways to generate mana, probably don't run Jegantha as a Companion, just put him in the deck and you have no restrictions from him.

Well, that's what I'm thinking of right now, I'll probably have more later for you. I'll try to think of cards that are cheap and work for your deck, it might be a few posts before I've run out of relevant thoughts.

DreadKhan on Mei's Alela, Artful Provocateur

2 years ago

You should probably consider upgrading to untapped lands a priority, it generally seems like quite a good deck otherwise. If you don't want to buy more expensive lands, Ash Barrens is a nice cheap mana fixing land, and always comes in untapped in a pinch. Similarly, Darkwater Catacombs and Skycloud Expanse offer a cheap dual, as is Caves of Koilos. Unfortunately Adarkar Wastes is fairly pricey, as is Underground River, and there isn't a WB version of the filters. I also like Pathway lands, which can be either colour (but only 1 or the other after being played), Brightclimb Pathway  Flip Clearwater Pathway  Flip and Hengegate Pathway  Flip aren't too bad of a price. There are many other options, and you might find some cheaper than these, but I find these ones are fairly strong for their price, especially the Signet-like filter lands. I'm not sure if your deck would have enough mana fixing, IE you might not always have the right mana for your spells, so if you don't want to add untapped duals, I'd keep the tapped ones over basics, 3 colours without Green ramp is very tough on basics.

Spear of Heliod is a nice dual-purpose card, but it's hardly needed. If you want a strong attack discouragement card, you could try No Mercy, which is very tough to play around if you can't remove it.

multimedia on Kess Control

2 years ago

Hey, well done so far on a budget.

Some advice to consider is how to improve the manabase on a budget.

These three lands are called Rainbow lands. Crumbling Necropolis is the Grixis Tri land, it can make any one color of mana you need.

These are budget Fetch lands to search for any basic land.

These two are Tango lands which care about lots of basic lands.

These are Reveal lands that also care about basic lands and have interaction with Tango lands.

Some lands to consider cutting:

Updated budget manabase example (38 lands, 24 blue mana sources, 21 black, 20 red):

Good luck with your deck.

DreadKhan on

2 years ago

Darkwater Catacombs and Skycloud Expanse tend to play very well for me, low budget or not tbh. War Tax is a solid pillow-fort effect. Slow Motion is a really good budget card, since you keep getting it back. Contempt might be worth casting. Fool's Demise Mark of Eviction are also interesting, mostly as repeatably castable enchantments that can hinder opponents.

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