Underground River

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Underground River


: Add .

: Add or . Underground River deals 1 damage to you.

Last_Laugh on Wilhelt and Sheoldred unite!

10 months ago

Arcane Signet, Dimir Signet, and Talisman of Dominance over Mind Stone, Sky Diamond, and whatever.

Plumb the Forbidden over Read the Bones. Instant speed makes this card.

Feed the Swarm is your only answer to enchantments in black.

Exotic Orchard, Underground River, Drowned Catacomb, Darkwater Catacombs, Morphic Pool, Tainted Isle, and Sunken Ruins are all pretty budget friendly.

Idoneity on When Will WotC Finish the …

1 year ago

WOTC is rather capricious as to what land cycles they finish and when.

Typically, they finish land cycles in adjacent set releases, such as the checklands in Dominaria and Ixalan (see Isolated Chapel and Glacial Fortress. But they have also quixotically completed the showland cycle with Strixhaven in 2021 (see Furycalm Snarl), despite it first being introduced on a separate plane in 2016's Shadow's Over Innistrad (see Fortified Village). They do this a lot, starting with the allies then bargaining it over to the enemies:

1995 brought Underground River then 2001 had Shivan Reef, 2010 brought Darkslick Shores then 2016 had Spirebluff Canal. These are rather large gaps, ranging from months to years.

There are plenty of land cycles that haven't been finished or haven't even begun. The five ally-colored lands from Future Sight has partially been officiated, consisting of Horizon Canopy, Grove of the Burnwillows, Graven Cairns, Nimbus Maze, and River of Tears. All of these are rather unique; two have been finished. Kind of. Modern Horizons parlously gave Horizon Canopy an enemy family. The Graven Cairns cycle was completed in Eventide and Shadowmoor. The rest are lonesome.

There's still Amonkhet's cycling cycle to finish up, so who knows when the buddy lands will be tended to.

fluffyeel on Help make deck good

1 year ago

Unfortunately, to up the power level, some of the things I will recommend might be pricey (cost-wise), but I'm already seeing some places to improve.

multimedia on The Best Urza

1 year ago

Hey, well done work in progress for your first Commander deck on a budget. Good card sense upgrading the precon.

For the manabase consider upgrades of the Pain lands?

The Pain lands have been reprinted in the last two Standard sets, making them the least expensive right now. Now is the best time to get them since they will only increase in price as time goes on. Tyrite Sanctum is a nice budget utility land especially with The Flesh is Weak.

I'm playing Urza on a low budget and these are some cards, most less than $2, that I've found to be helpful.

  • Ornithopter of Paradise: artifact creature for ramp.
  • The Flesh is Weak: make Urza and all other creatures you control at the time an artifact. -1/-1 can wreck opponent's nonThopter token strategies who can be blockers against Constructs. Tyrite Sanctum makes it so you don't have to control nonartifact legendary creatures including Urza when you play Weak since it can put a +1/+1 counter on any legendary creature you control turns after to make it an artifact.
  • Liquimetal Torque: mana rock for ramp or make Urza or any other nonland permanent an artifact. Pair with Master Transmuter to bounce any nonland permanent.
  • Soundwave, Sonic Spy  Flip: new Transformers card that's good in multiplayer Commander, no mana cost to cast your choice of opponent's instant or sorcery. Constructs make it consistent to trigger with a high mana value and Soundwave, Superior Captain can be a repeatable source of artifacts.
  • Sculpting Steel: good in multiplayer Commander because it can be any artifact on the battlefield and it can change with Master Transmuter bounce.
  • Armix, Filigree Thrasher: because of menace it can be repeatable opponent creature removal, Losheel, Clockwork Scholar helps a lot too.

Being able to make Urza an artifact can make Urza a threat with menace to do Commander damage especially with Cranial Plating. Urza surviving nonartifact creature board wipes can give you a huge advantage. Making other nonartifact creatures an artifact is good too especially Padeem, Consul of Innovation for much more protection.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Filigree Attendant, Darksteel Juggernaut, Etched Champion are just beaters, they don't do anything else. You don't really need them since you'll have plenty of better beaters, Constructs, who don't cost mana. Burnished Hart is slow for ramp. Chief of the Foundry is subpar for an anthem effect, it's a lesser Master of Etherium.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Budget Death's Shadow Help!

1 year ago

Hey, the Pain lands, Underground River, Shivan Reef and Sulfurous Springs were just reprinted making them budget land options. They ETB untapped and can be another source of making yourself lose life to make mana. They could replace basic lands or add a lot of them for the price of one Otawara, Soaring City.

Plunge into Darkness can be risky, but it's 2 mana to lose as much life as you want while also potentially finding a Shadow. Apostle's Blessing can protect for 1 mana + 2 life.

multimedia on Breya Budget EDH

1 year ago

Hey, well done version on a budget.

If you like Thopters and want to make your deck more competitive then consider adding the budget Sword + Foundry combo? Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry creates Thopters equal to the amount of mana you have available. Foundry sacs Sword, moving Sword to graveyard, Foundry creates a 1/1 Thopter which then returns Sword to the battlefield attached to the Thopter and repeat. Even without Foundry, Sword is a good artifact with Breya for sac fodder because it can return to the battlefield.

If you add Ashnod's Altar to Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry then it's a combo to create infinite Thopters. Create infinite Thopters on an opponent's turn and then attack with them on your next turn to win or attack with them you're same turn with Thopter Engineer. Each time you sac a Thopter with Altar you make enough mana to activate Foundry twice. One Thopter is saced to make colorless mana and the other isn't, results in creating infinite Thopters and infinite colorless mana. Altar was just reprinted in the latest set Brothers War (BRO), Retro Artifacts version (BRR), it's down to $5.

Breya and her Thopters can be a wincon with Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle combo. Because Breya can sac herself to do 3 damage to a player then this can enable Deathmantle to repeatedly return her to the battlefield resulting in doing infinite damage to each opponent, 3 damage at a time. Altar sacs a Thopter + Breya which makes 4 mana and when Breya dies it triggers Deathmantle. Pay the 4 to return Breya to the battlefield and repeat. It's great for synergy that all these combo pieces are artifacts making it much easier to assemble them.

Wishclaw Talisman is busted with Breya because it's an artifact, she can sac it along with any other artifact before an opponent gains control of it. When you activate Wishclaw that puts the entire effect on the stack. In response to this, activate Breya and sac Wishclaw. When you resolve the Wishclaw trigger you search for your card, put it into your hand and since Wishclaw is no longer on the battlefield then an opponent doesn't gain control of it, it instead is in your graveyard to be recurred. Wishclaw is great with Emry, Lurker of the Loch and Goblin Welder for a repeatable tutor.

I see Unwinding Clock here which is good with Master Transmuter because it's an artifact and it taps for it's ability. Transmuter has a unique powerful effect because of the way it's worded, it doesn't target, you can return the same artifact you bounce to your hand right back to the battlefield. With Clock + Breya you can create two Thopters on each player's turn equal to the number of players. Transmuter is also great to cheat high CMC artifacts onto the battlefield by bouncing any artifact you control. Especially high CMC artifacts if they have an ETB ability such as Myr Battlesphere to keep creating Myrs, Spine of Ish Sah to keep destroying opponent permanents, Thought Monitor for repeatable draw, etc.

Making some land changes within your budget can make your deck more competitive by cutting some lands that always ETB tapped for lands that don't. The Pain lands and other lands like them are excellent budget lands especially when your Commander can gain life. They ETB untapped to make colorless mana or you take 1 damage to make a colored mana. The Pains have been reprinted in the last two Standard sets making them the least expensive right now. You can also start to find some Pain lands in new Commander precons which is a welcomed manabase upgrade.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

1 year ago

Hey, you've moved on from snow :) Nice version on budget, interesting strategy of proliferate. Unique combination of Muldrotha with Elementals and proliferate.

Consider less basic Forests? Get more green sources from budget dual lands to help color fixing? Command Tower is a staple land in Commander for multicolored decks. Exotic Orchard in multiplayer Commander will rarely not make the color of mana you need. Path of Ancestry is a Tri land that also provides repeatable scry when used to cast an Elemental.

The Pain lands ETB untapped and in my opinion they're among the best budget dual lands in Commander. Wastes and River have just been reprinted in the latest Standard set Brother's War.

Even cutting some basic Forests for dual lands you'll still have many basic lands therefore consider some dual lands that care about basic lands? The Snarls care about basic Forest in hand and you'll have many of them.

These are staple budget mana rocks in Commander. Sol Ring can be really helpful to cast Muldrotha.

Improving color fixing from lands can also help to cast the five drop budget Cavalier Elementals who have nice ETB trigger and die trigger, that's good with Muldrotha. Cavalier of Night is also a sac source to sac a creature you control to cast it again with Muldrotha.

These are excellent budget cards with Muldrotha and have synergy. The creature you get with Neoform ETB with a counter, ready for proliferate. Jarad's Orders can tutor for Witness and another creature.

Good luck with your deck.

akki007 on Death's Shadow

2 years ago

Attempting to make this modern playable, sans sideboard. I'm of the opinion that your 60 card pile IS your pile

So to start:


-2x Sulfurous Springs
-2x Underground River
-2x Gitaxian Probe
-2x Ponder
-2x Preordain
-1x Brainstorm
-1x Lurrus of the Dream-Den
-1x Thoughtseize


+4x Scalding Tarn
+2x Dress Down
+3x Opt
+3x Consider
+1x Inquisition of Kozilek

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