Transguild Promenade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Transguild Promenade


Transguild Promenade enters the battlefield tapped.

When Transguild Promenade enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you pay .

: Add one mana of any colour.

chivalruse on Don't worry... I've got an enchantment for that

1 year ago

Rupture Spire and Transguild Promenade really trigger me. Those aren't lands you should be running in a constructed deck, even in 5 color I don't like it. Also I skimmed the list and didn't immediately see any payoff for putting lands in your graveyard. So Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds are probably not worth it. I find dual lands are generally just better fixing. Some replacements for the above lands that I prefer are: Path of Ancestry, Silverquill Campus, Waterfront District, Skybridge Towers, Fabled Passage, Thriving Moor, Thriving Isle, Thriving Heath, Celestial Colonnade, Creeping Tar Pit.

Cowmmunist on *Steel Prism* (Child of Alara Deck) 82 Lands

1 year ago

how about a nice Kessig Wolf Run? It might be worth taking out Transguild Promenade because I absolutely hate that card lol. But seriously Kessig is inexpensive and fits the theme. I love this deck! This is very similar to a Lord Windgrace deck I play online. that deck utilizes cards like Dakmor Salvage and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth to loop the graveyard over and over again, so I can storm off with Underworld Breach. I love lands, ever since I first played against it at a legacy tournament.

Gidgetimer on Nonbasic Outcasts

2 years ago

Metroid_Hybrid: I realize that no one said that they were good. Maybe I should have articulated my point a little better. The tempo loss from returning a land to your hand I feel is so bad that not only would I put The tapped tri-lands (Arcane Sanctum) above them, I would also rather play Rupture Spire, Transguild Promenade, Archway Commons, Gateway Plaza, Path of Ancestry in even a non-tribal deck, the vivids (Vivid Creek), Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, panoramas (Esper Panorama), tapped 2 color lands, and even Ravnica bounces since they make 2 mana. Even as a budget tri-land I feel they are outclassed by a mile.

The point about a landfall deck is a good one though, assuming that you are generating enough extra land drops that you are limited by lands in hand.

BossUltinuc on What are some affordable improvements …

2 years ago

So I built this Sliver focused deck, but I really don't have the budget to be spending $20 AUD per card so that I can build the sickest deck ever. Therefore, I'm wondering what some improvements I can make to this deck are to make it more capable, even if it isn't going to be winning any tournaments

Creatures x4 Cloudshredder Sliver x4 Diffusion Sliver x3 Galerider Sliver x2 Megantic Sliver x2 Venom Sliver x3 Manaweft Sliver x2 Tempered Sliver x2 Sentinel Sliver x3 Leeching Sliver

Instant x3 Shock x2 Giant Growth

Sorcery x4 Channel the Suns

Lands x3 Evolving Wilds x3 Transguild Promenade x4 Plains x4 Swamp x4 Island x4 Mountain x4 Forest

vecuu on Bant Commander

2 years ago

Mana talk:

Minimizing taplands is generally good but expensive (as you know). Plan to eventually replace stuff like the Vivids, snow-duals, and whatever the shorthand for Transguild Promenade is (which, btw, this is twice as slow as a normal tapped land and should 100% be replaced). Yes, even eventually replace the 'gain 1 life' lands that I love :(

I don't know the exact recommended land count. I see as low as 29 (with lots of 0cmc extra expensive cards) and as high as low 40s. I've been targeting 35ish with another 7-8 mana rocks, but I'm not in Green. In Green, you can run 2cmc ramp spells instead of 2cmc mana rocks. like Rampant Growth, Sakura-Tribe Elder, and Farseek.

With all of your land-tutor creatures, make sure you have enough targets. Since you're Chulane, erring on more lands overall might be better?

2 mana rocks like Azorius Signet and Arcane Signet are going be substantially stronger than 3cmc stuff like Selesnya Locket.

Cheatsheet and hyperlinks:


Temple Garden

Hallowed Fountain

Breeding Pool


Flooded Strand

Windswept Heath

Misty Rainforest


Mystic Gate

Wooded Bastion

Flooded Grove


Glacial Fortress

Sunpetal Grove

Hinterland Harbor

Stardragon on General Land and Deck Help

2 years ago

I'm made a 5-Color Wealth Deck (it has some food and clue token generation as well but may cut some of those) and it has all 100 cards, Sadly it's only 31 lands and no basics I'm sure if this is good idea or not and if should run more lands. Any suggestions are more than welcome on what to add and cut. Im trying to get rid of the tap lands like Rupture Spire, Transguild Promenade, Archway Commons, Gateway Plaza, Path of Ancestry and the Triome lands as the slow the deck down, but not sure what to replace them with. I'm also think of adding more Instants/Sorceries and maybe some more creatures. Any help is welcome.

Deck Link El Dorado City of Wealth

carpecanum on Sen triplets

2 years ago

One REALLY annoying thing you can do with Sen Triplets is steal LANDS. Especially really fancy lands with special abilities. Boomerang, Capsize, Churning Eddy, Reality Strobe, Tradewind Rider and Eye of Nowhere. (I see you already have two of those in the deck)

Vega, the Watcher is decent card draw

Azor's Gateway  Flip once allowed my son to play every card in the hand of a guy playing Slivers.

Is Realmwright only there to fix mana? I thing you could do better with another Manalith clone like Spinning Wheel, Mana Geode etc. Maybe trade out a couple lands for Transguild Promenade and Rupture Spire.

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