Ice Tunnel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ice Tunnel

Snow Land — Island Swamp

(: Add or .)

Ice Tunnel enters the battlefield tapped.

fluffyeel on Help make deck good

1 year ago

Unfortunately, to up the power level, some of the things I will recommend might be pricey (cost-wise), but I'm already seeing some places to improve.

cyeRunner on Sultai Flash Control

1 year ago

With Nightpack Ambusher out you can change some lands, because you need less , I recommend the following:

Also i'd cut 1 Brazen Borrower for some card advantage: Cling to Dust, JtMS, Memory Deluge

wallisface on Kaldheim: Narfi and Jorn

1 year ago

MadMork you only really need to get 1-pip of each land to have your deck functioning, so i’d suggest trying to have a distribution of pretty-equal colours.

Something like 2x each of Ice Tunnel, Woodland Chasm, and Rimewood Falls, and then 6x each of Snow-Covered Swamp and Snow-Covered Island, and 5x Snow-Covered Forest, for 23 lands total.

I’m against running too many of those taplands, as they’re super slow & suboptimal. Ideally you’d be running a bunch of fetchlands to fix the manabase, but i’m aware they are pretty cost-prohibitive.

multimedia on Satoru old

2 years ago

Hey, interesting concept, combining Ninjas with sea monsters. Well done if this is your first attempt at deck building, you have good card sense.

Some cards here that are not as good as the others that could be upgraded, even on a budget: Prismatic Lens, Doom Blade, Nemesis of Reason, Ambition's Cost, Commander's Sphere, Rogue Class, Tromokratis, Blade of the Oni.

  • 1x more Island --> Tromokratis
  • 1x more Island --> Nemesis of Reason
  • 1x more Swamp --> Doom Blade

30 lands is low when you want to get to at least four mana to ninjutsu with Satoru. Consider cutting a couple of the high CMC sea monsters that are not as good as the others, Tromokratis and Nemesis of Reason, to add a few more lands? Could just add more of each basic land or there's many other options that are more expensive price: Watery Grave, Morphic Pool, Drowned Catacomb, Shipwreck Marsh, etc. Some budget options are: Ice Tunnel (another land Marsh Flats can get), Temple of Deceit, Esper Panorama.

Prismatic Lens and Commander's Sphere could be upgraded to mana rocks that can combo with Hullbreaker Horror to make infinite mana. Astral Cornucopia and Everflowing Chalice combo with Sol Ring by repeatedly bounce/cast them with Hullbreaker to make infinite mana. Sol pays for itself plus 1 extra colorless mana each time you tap it before it's bounced by Hullbreaker. Astral is better because once you make infinite colorless then you can pay that colorless to cast Astral to make infinite blue or black mana. When you have infinite colorless then Arcane Signet or Dimir Signet can also be used to make infinite blue/black mana.

If you can create a copy of Hullbreaker from Thousand-Faced Shadow then this combo can bounce all your opponent's nonland permanents and keep doing this on each of your main phases.

Ingenious Infiltrator is a good Ninja for repeatable draw. Baleful Strix is a nice creature to enable ninjustu. Prosperous Thief is a Ninja for repeatable ramp who also triggers from a Rogue and there's many unblockable Rogues here.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Undead Unleashed upgraded 10-10-21

2 years ago

Hey, well done with the upgrades of the precon. For less than $150 total deck price you've added Gravecrawler, Acererak, Stitcher, Blasting, Noxious, Belcher and Buried, that's impressive.

Vengeful Dead is another Zombie aristocrat as a win condition for the combos. Apprentice Necromancer can reanimate Stitcher on your last opponent's end step for one black mana to then on your next upkeep potentially flip into Factory. With Wilhelt when Necromancer dies it creates a Zombie token which might be the third token you need to flip into Factory.

I think you've cut down too many lands since 33 is a low number when the most important cards and interactions take a lot of mana. Consider cutting a few of the higher CMC cards to add a few more lands and some more ramp? Talisman of Dominance is in the precon and Mind Stone or Thought Vessel would give you two more low CMC ramp sources.

Esper Panorama can search for a basic Island or a basic Swamp. Mystic Sanctuary is an Island and it lets you recur an instant or sorcery to cast it again. Ice Tunnel is another Island dual land for Wonder.

Something the precon has is a lot of 5 CMC or higher cards and you haven't really changed this. The high end is very loaded in the precon and here with 22 cards that are 5 CMC or higher. You've added Noxious and Mob; these along with Rooftop, Apocalypse, Bidding, Parting, Hordewing, Harvester and Liliana are the better cards. Some of the others could be cut for more lands, ramp and instant protection.

You have very little instant interaction and no counterspell/other protection to protect from opponent exile effects as well as to protect the combo when you want to go off. Counterspell, Lazotep Plating and Arcane Denial would be helpful.

Some changes to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Zombie

2 years ago

Hey, well done for first deck on a budget, nice Demonic Tutor. You've definitely done research into the better budget cards for Varina and adding win condition combos. Liquimetal Torque + Binding Mummy is interesting tech.

I see Wonder which is great with Varina, but it's going to be difficult to consistently activate Wonder needing an Island land with only 4 Islands + Wilds/Expanse for a total of only 6 Island sources. There's several dual lands here that could be replaced by budget Island dual lands to help Wonder and make Marsh Flats better.

Some budget land upgrades to consider:

Command Tower and Exotic Orchard are two staple rainbow lands. By adding Sunken Hollow and Prairie Stream then Marsh Flats has an Island dual land to search for that can potentially ETB untapped.

Graveborn Muse is amazing repeatable draw with Zombies and the life lose doesn't matter much because of Varina. Muse can repeatedly refill your hand at the beginning of your turn giving you lots of choices for looting with Varina. Vile Entomber can tutor for Wonder or Gravecrawler and put it right into your graveyard. Patriarch's Bidding is another spell for mass reanimation of your Zombies.

Shepherd of Rot can wreck opponents life totals, who don't have life gain and it doesn't hurt you as much because you have a lot of life gain with Varina. If you're trying to win with Rooftop Storm then Lazotep Plating is excellent instant protection. Hordewing Skaab is a Zombie upgrade for Eternal Skylord to give all Zombies you control flying not just tokens.

Good luck with your deck.

Vlasiax on The Scarab God commits tax evasion

2 years ago

Liliana, Untouched By Death seems to be better planeswalker option than Liliana, the Last Hope. Also it let's you combo with new Shambling Ghast because it leaves Treasure token behind to recast it from grave. With Diregraf Captain and alike it's an auto win + if you have Rooftop Storm on field you can create infinite Treasure tokens.

Zombie Master is great if you or your playgroup run Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - your zombies become unblockable so you don't have to worry about chump blockers.

Notion Rain is a powerful draw spell, that let's you fill your graveyard thanks to Surveil. Also to be a bit quicker I'd add Night's Whisper.

From lands perspective, since you already have Field of the Dead swap 1 Swamp and Island for Snow-covered versions and add Ice Tunnel for fixing.

HeavyPlay on Snow Duals Bug

2 years ago

I've noticed a bug/library inaccuracy where the Kaldhiem snow duals (like Ice Tunnel ) are marked as illegal in Pauper. Any way this could be updated to avoid confusion?

And before anyone asks why I didn't send a bug report, Tapped Out's contact page recommends posting bugs in the forum :)

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