Kabira Crossroads

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kabira Crossroads


Kabira Crossroads enters the battlefield tapped.

When Kabira Crossroads enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.

: Add to your mana pool.

TheRoaringRegisaur on Ajani's Pride

1 day ago

Also, since it's a modern deck, I'd add some Soul Sisters (Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant). I also like Lunarch Veteran  Flip, but he's not as good. With all these Clerics/Angles, consider Righteous Valkyrie. Daxos, Blessed by the Sun is another worthy consideration. ... Instead of Revoke Existence, I really like Banishing Slash, even if you don't get the token from it. From the same set, Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire is a great land with good utility. Also, if you wanna drop Scoured Barrens/Blossoming Sands entirely, I'd look at Kabira Crossroads. And although it's not actually out yet, you'll want Essence Channeler from Bloomburrow.

orcopollo on Angels We Have Heard On High [PRIMER]

7 months ago

Thanks for your suggestions and your interest in my deck, Hexapod! Those are all excellent cards, I even originally considered some of them (Esper Sentinel and Urza's Incubator above all), while I didn't think about the others. Unfortunately, as my budget is limited, these are a bit out of range for me, but maybe with time I will manage to get my hands on some of them! :) Also regarding lands, even though I agree that Kabira Crossroads can slow me down a bit in the early game, it can be quite useful to gain two extra life and trigger either some token producing effect or Dawn of Hope. The reason for Bant Panorama is that it's not a tap land and, if I need it, I can always replace it with a plains and get to shuffle my deck, which I found being quite useful if I'm getting horrible draws haha! Thank you again for engaging and if you have any other suggestions I would be happy to read them! Cheers!

DWM024 on Poggers

11 months ago

Being able to run Emeria, the Sky Ruin is one of the few perks of mono-white, you should try to increase the number of plains you have to be able to consistently get emeria active. you can prolly just replace these with basics

  • Terrain Generator - you dont really have the card draw to support this
  • Command Tower - effectively just a plains that doesnt count towards emeria, replace with basic
  • Kabira Crossroads - slow tapland that isnt worth its effect, replace with basic
  • Karoo - This land sucks, replace with a basic
  • New Benalia - a one off scry trigger is iffy for the slow land, rely more on repeatable effects like Path of Ancestry
  • Reliquary Tower - I'm not sure mono white has the card draw to justify this slot
  • Roadside Reliquary - colorless sac land for a one off draw can really fuck you over early in the game

random stuff

TheoryCrafter on Angel Idea for a Friend

1 year ago

Have you considered Revoke Existence? It's a great way to get around the indestructible.

Another card you may want to consider is Scroll of Avacyn for some card draw.

Lands you may want to consider for this deck are Kabira Crossroads, Sandstone Bridge and Scavenger Grounds.

Some other graveyard hate you can put into your deck are Calamity's Wake and Tormod's Crypt.

I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

SufferFromEDHD on Celestine, Re-Living Saint

1 year ago

Inventors' Fair easy +1 and tutors for serious engine pieces.

Kabira Crossroads or Radiant Fountain quick +2 in a pinch.

Dust Bowl with that many basic plains is much better than Ghost Quarter/Field of Ruin. Flagstones of Trokair is great ramp with it.

amarthaler on EDH Vampiric Bloodlust (C17 Precon Upgrade)

2 years ago


Out: 1. Akoum Refuge 2. Bloodfell Caves 3. Boros Garrison 4. Kabira Crossroads 5. Orzhov Basilica 6. Rakdos Carnarium 7. Scoured Barrens 8. Wind-Scarred Crag 9. Opal Palace 10. Path of Ancestry 11. Well of Lost Dreams 12. Merciless Eviction 13. Fell the Mighty 14. Blood Baron of Vizkopa

In: 1. Plains x4 2. Mountain x4 3. Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 4. Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 5. Farewell 6. Toxic Deluge 7. Welcoming Vampire 8. Flawless Maneuver

The land base needed to be refined a bit, so I got rid of anything that comes in tapped and replaced them with basic lands. I also added two legendary lands from Kamigawa, Neon Dynasty.

The board wipes, although decent, were replaced with two that have more flexibility in them - Farewell and Toxic Deluge.

Flawless Maneuver is something I'd like to play test in this deck, so it replaced Well of Lost Dreams since we don't really have a heavy lifegain strategy in this deck (and Necropotence is already in the deck).

Lastly, Blood Baron Vizkopa was replaced with Welcoming Vampire to benefit more off our token strategy with Eminence.

The_Fallen_Duke on No Pain No Lifegain

2 years ago

If I may make another couple of observations, I think those cards you should cut instead:

  • Chalice of Life  Flip is not worth the mana investment for such minimal effects.
  • Kabira Crossroads is deceitfully bad, as you will realise that being a turn behind in terms of available mana (especially in mono white) is not worth the 2 extra life, not even in a lifegain deck.
  • Anointed Procession is a powerhouse in a token deck, but in my opinion you do not have that many token-producing effect to make the most out of it, so I feel like often it will end up being a 4CMC do nothing permanent. Unless you experienced otherwise.

lhetrick13 on Ajani's Army

2 years ago

First off, love the concept as I have something played with a similar deck but it has diverged a lot from a its original lifegain strategy.

A few things I could suggest with my experience with mono-decks and cats are the following:

  1. Lands - Maybe add Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx as your devotion to white is going to be pretty high. Another possibility would be Extraplanar Lens as you will likely have a lot of basic plains and that is a good way to increase your mana pool in your situation. Radiant Fountain would be a great replacement for Kabira Crossroads as it does not enter tapped and you should have plenty of other ways of getting mana.

  2. The presence of Emerge Unscathed and Brave the Elements seems odd considering how much better Brave the Elements is.

  3. Ajani's Welcome would fit in nicely considering your heavy focus on gaining life to pump creatures or win.

  4. I would recommend dropping Spirit Mantle for more removal spells. it just seems pretty lackluster.

The last thing I would mention is that protection from a color is handy at times but it does not provide 100% protection. Board wipe spells such as Damnation or similar spells that do not have any particular target ignore protection. With that said, protection still does have its benefits but just keep in mind it is not foolproof.

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