Snowfield Sinkhole

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Snowfield Sinkhole

Snow Land — Plains Swamp

(: Add or .)

Snowfield Sinkhole enters the battlefield tapped.

ToastedBagl on The Saga of Tom Bombadil

7 months ago

With Search for Glory in your deck, you may want to consider snow dual lands since you're 5 color. (example: Snowfield Sinkhole)

nuperokaso on "Vampires are a POX on this Land!"

9 months ago

DreadKhan on "Spem Omnem Reliquite Qui Huc Intratis"

1 year ago

Since you're on a budget and have Sun Titan, you might like Bad River and Flood Plain, these can find non-Basics with Basic typing, like Prairie Stream, which can even come in untapped sometimes, if you're desperate for an untapped land you can always dig out a Basic, it's not really worse than Evolving Wilds, and they first came out in the 90s, so they have old school appeal fwiw. There are a bunch of duals that have Basic types in Allies colours (so WU and UB in your deck), Enemy colours are less printed, so the only budget options are Snowfield Sinkhole and Sunlit Marsh, and they enter tapped. When I use these older Fetch lands I like to include some ETB tapped duals because there are situations when you don't mind them, ymmv obviously.

I wonder if you shouldn't use some discard outlets like Putrid Imp, especially ones that you can use on your opponent's turn, this can dig your way through a dungeon extremely quickly I bet since you can trigger on opponent's turns more readily. Another option might be repeatable self-mill, Syr Konrad, the Grim can mill you as needed, and the opponents will be getting shaved for life while you're digging for Venture triggers.

I wonder if you should run more creatures? Sefris only cares about creatures going to the graveyard, 32 creatures isn't really a ton IMHO if your deck suffers a lot if you don't draw enough of them. If you want some decent budget creatures I could suggest some.

Oh, and you probably want a Street Wraith, and should look hard at any creature with Cycling, those would be pretty useful in here. Any looting (draw a card and then discard a card) or rummaging (discard a card and then draw a card) effects are probably very good too as a rule, but any you can use repeatedly or at instant speed allow triggers on opponent's turns.

MeatTornado on Angels

2 years ago

Hey, it's Dylan's friend, Justin. He asked me to weigh in on the list. So... Hello! The list looks very good, especially if it's your first time building a deck. Plus, Angels are always cool and fun.

If I was to offer any criticism, well, first even before I talk cards and strategy, I noticed the deck is labelled as being *Standard. It's not, but it is very close to being so. So you get to make a choice here. Do you want a deck that you could play against other people in a friendly, competitive environment or do you want just a fun deck to play casually that you wouldn't need to update? You are so close to the former, that I might just recommend that. But if you didn't want to do that, that's fine, too.

If you wanted a standard list you just need to replace the cards marked in red text. there are not many of them and some, I would recommend cutting altogether anyway. For instance, the one mana cards could go. Segovian Angel is an angel, but it's not very impactful and won't be worth the card if you draw it early or late. Soul Warden is an amazing card, but it only really excels when a lot of creatures are entering the battlefield (which your deck doesn't really support) or when cards are triggering by gaining any amount of life - Archangel of Thune is a great example of this, but your deck only has one. AND at that point, we might as well cut the non-standard cards. I would replace the Go for the Throat with Infernal Grasp and Vanishing Verse and I might go as far as playing 4 copies of each of those. I would play 4x Skyclave Cleric  Flip or Ambitious Farmhand  Flip (just to add some consistency with hitting land drops. Speaking of lands, definitely add some duals and maybe some utility lands. Emeria's Call  Flip Great Hall of Starnheim Brightclimb Pathway  Flip Scoured Barrens Shattered Sanctum Shineshadow Snarl Silverquill Campus Snowfield Sinkhole Are all in standard and you can choose how much $ you want to spend. I would settle on x8 dual lands and 0-2 utility lands from among those. I would also just play x4 Righteous Valkyrie, that to me looks like your best card and has the best synergy with the rest of the deck. The deck also looks soft to early aggressive decks... so I might consider adding in 1-2 Doomskar to help with that. Lastly, I might try to find room for a few of these cards, but they are more preference-based as I think they deck looks very playable already. I would try to jam maybe a few of these cards: Enduring Angel  Flip Starnheim Unleashed Haunting Voyage.

If you didn't want to worry about standard legality, I would find someway somehow to find room for some amount of Baneslayer Angel. Maybe a Linvala, the Preserver as a cool one-of and if you wanted to spend the $, Resplendent Angel seems like a perfect include as x1-x4 of.

Hope that was helpful! And... take what I say with a grain of salt, I'm not exactly what you would call an active Magic player.

multimedia on Minions & Magic token deck

2 years ago

Hey, well done for your first three color deck with partners. Nice start and work in progress. Some good ideas and cards here, other than the obvious staples like Sol, Arcane, Tower, Swords, Farseek, Cultivate, etc.

Nice Fetch lands, Plunderer, Ghave, Beledros, Altar, Dawn, Wake, Intervention, Inkshield, Artist, Blot, Ranger, Remembrance, Damn, Infestation. I see win condition combos of Ghave + Altar + Artist and Life/Limb + Sporemound, but you could expand on token combos if that's the direction you want to go.

Six excellent lands here make up a large portion of the budget, the rest is fairly low budget thus my suggestions will be for lower budget. If I'm wrong about this and you would prefer more pricey options let me know.

My first comment is advice to improve on the basic structure (lands, ramp and draw). If you're interested in me continuing with more advice in other areas I can in another comment. Three areas to consider improving are amount of lands/color fixing from lands, more draw and more ramp.


32 lands is low amount with only 8 ramp sources. Consider adding some lands, at least 3 more and add at least 3 more ramp sources? 21 basic lands is a lot for a three color deck, that makes color fixing subpar from lands. By cutting a few basic lands for more dual lands it will help color fixing. You're playing green which gives you access to many different ramp options such as Tireless Provisioner who creates tokens. Take advantage of ramp when playing green.

Mentor of the Meek and Provisioner are helpful three drops for tokens because of their repeatable effects. Mentor and Shamanic Revelation take advantage of tokens for draw. You're creating 1/1 tokens which Prava makes them 2/5 when they enter the battlefield, but that's still 2 power for Mentor to be a repeatable draw source.

I see Verdant Catacombs and Windswept Heath which are great as well as Farseek, but I only see Temple Garden as the dual land these Fetch lands/Farseek can get. Consider adding a few more lands that the Fetch lands can get such as Murmuring Bosk? Farseek can get a black source from Woodland Chasm or Snowfield Sinkhole.

For some cuts, the cards I've chosen for you to consider are less impactful then others in your deck. Creatures who all they have is lifelink are not worth playing because you can get life from other sources that do much more. Transcendent Master is not worth the mana investment into it for what you eventually get.

Bad Moon is subpar because you don't have enough black creatures and the majority of token creatures are not black, they're white or green especially since Prava only creates white creatures. Dramatic Finale mana cost is too difficult to consistently make with three colors and only nontoken dies. Other anthems such as Glorious Anthem are fine since it affects all creatures you control, but in my opinion are not worth a card spot since all it does is +1/+1 pump.

Black in my opinion is better as a splash color here with dual lands and a few basic Swamps since green and white give you much more for tokens and life gain strategies. It takes a lot of black mana for Vorpal Sword to have a good effect which without a lot of treasures or more color fixing help will be too difficult to make.

Would you like me to continue with more advice? Good luck with your deck.

Neotrup on Tokens of parallel lives

2 years ago

You'd get two token Parallel Lives. Parallel Lives ability is a replacement effect, not a triggered ability, so it never triggers. Replacement effects on permanents entering the battlefield only apply if they only effect that permanent (such as Snowfield Sinkhole entering tapped or Kalonian Hydra entering with counters). Replacement effects that apply to a general subset of permanents that include the one it's printed on don't apply to itself entering (Orb of Dreams enters untapped). The token Parallel Lives will attempt to enter, see the original, and two will be created instead. They're created simultaneously, so neither are around to effect the other, nor can they effect themselves.

multimedia on Firja, Judge of Valor Budget EDH

3 years ago

Hey, well done so far on a budget.

Consider the Emeria Shepherd + Pyre of Heroes interaction with basic Plains? Shepherd is an Angel to reanimate because then she along with Plains can reanimate any nonland permanent. The interaction of these two cards comes from being able to sac an Angel to tutor for to cheat another one onto the battlefield and then reanimate the Angel you just saced with Shepherd. Just by playing a land Shepherd can get a nonland permanent into your hand such as Mind Stone to cast to help to trigger Firja.

Angel of the Ruins has a powerful ETB effect and is another nice Angel with Shepherd because any land can return Ruins to your hand to then plainscycle to search for a Plains. Another interaction with Pyre is repeatedly sacing the same Angel such as Angel of Despair and reanimating it with Shepherd as long as you have Plains.

Firja as a five drop starts the chain nicely with Pyre when saced to get a six drop Angel such as Valkyrie Harbinger and then Harbringer the next turn gets Shepherd. From there get back Harbringer with Shepherd and then sac it later on to get Sephara, Sky's Blade.

Profane Tutor is a budget low CMC tutor that you cast from suspend. Open the Armory is a low CMC tutor to get Mask of Memory or Animate Dead. Dawn of Hope can do a lot when your Commander has lifelink as well as has evasion.

Court of Grace can be repeatable Angels as well as draw from the monarch. Flying Angels especially ones with vigilance can help to defend for you to keep the monarch, not letting your opponents do combat damage to you. Cleric Class is another one mana card that can help to gain life to trigger various effects and the other levels are good too.

Apprentice Necromancer has interaction with Sun Titan to repeatedly reanimate any 3 CMC or less permanent for one black mana. With Titan in your graveyard reanimate him with Necromancer. Titan ETB reanimates Necromancer and Titan has haste thus he attacks reanimates any other 3 CMC or less permanent. At your end step Titan is saced putting him in your graveyard to reanimate again with Necromancer on your next turn and repeat.

Titan can reanimate Evolving Wilds which is fuel for Emeria Shepherd. Because of Titan For one black mana you could repeatedly trigger Shepherd two times until you run out of Plains or nonland permanents to reanimate/recur. Patriarch's Bidding and Victimize are upgrades for some reanimate spells and Bidding is now a budget card.

Dark Ritual is one mana to help to cast a second spell to trigger Firja or use it to help to cast Firja since she's double black mana cost. Orzhov Signet, Talisman of Hierarchy, Mind Stone are some budget mana rock additions/upgrades. Caves of Koilos, Shineshadow Snarl, Snowfield Sinkhole, Path of Ancestry, Esper Panorama, Ash Barrens are some budget lands to consider adding.

If interested in any of these suggestions then I offer more advice of cuts to consider. Good luck with your deck.

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