Flamekin Village

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Flamekin Village


As Flamekin Village enters the battlefield, you may reveal an Elemental card from your hand. If you don't, Flamekin Village enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add .

, : Target creature gains haste until end of turn.

SufferFromEDHD on Avoiding Consequences

3 months ago

Really like this shell. Corpse Dance and Sneak Attack are pet cards of mine and this is a great home for both!

Urza's Saga get dreadnought or your ring.

Hall of the Bandit Lord and/or Flamekin Village haste is useful in a pinch.

Riptide Laboratory commander protection.

Demonic Collusion neat discard outlet.

Prismari Command and/or Kolaghan's Command really neat swiss army knives.

Jaxis, the Troublemaker and/or Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance on theme.

Rasaru on Davros, Dragon's Approach

7 months ago

Minor changes include:

Snow-Covered Mountain -> Flamekin Village (Hasty dragons are nice, but this can also be political)

Fiery Inscription -> Worldfire (Fiery Inscription is excellent, but makes it almost too easy. Going add alt win, Worldfire + Spellweaver Helix combo)

Notorious Throng -> Spellweaver Helix (Tokens are nice, but this is more on theme and goes toward the Worldfire + Spellweaver Helix combo)

RiotRunner789 on Commandatog

1 year ago

Didn't really look at the mana base earlier but assuming this is an ideal / budget free base (because of the duals), you could cut 5 basics (or more) and put in fetch lands. This will smooth out your color fixing tremendously. You could also add Rogue's Passage for utility since color fixing shouldn't be an issue. Exotic Orchard is another easy include since it's almost always at least 3 colors.

Path of Ancestry is also an option, though it enters tapped, it will tap for any color and scry almost every turn. Flamekin Village is another tapped land but can give your commander haste and generally people ignore / forget about land abilities.

Noticed you had Second Sunrise which is perfect for this deck but you may also want to consider Living Death as a second version.

Tur on Hidden Power - Crop Rotation

1 year ago

Hello everyone! This will be a trial forum post for a "Commander - Hidden Power" series. My goal is to show relatively inexpensive cards which are often overlooked by commander players in semi-competitive and casual play. (This post is not designed for competitive play.) If you enjoy the topic, please provide positive feedback and I will consider creating similar posts.

The powerful card I plan on discussing here is Crop Rotation.

This card under five dollars and is one of the most powerful mono-green tutors. Period. Yes, I'm counting all mono-green tutors. This includes: Worldly Tutor, Finale of Devastation, Green Sun's Zenith, Survival of the Fittest, Chord of Calling, Natural Order, Tooth and Nail, Sylvan Tutor, Time of Need, Scapeshift, Hour of Promise, Tempt with Discovery, Reshape the Earth, Boundless Realms, Traverse the Outlands, Rampant Growth, Harrow, Cultivate, Harvest Season, Explosive Vegetation, etc.

It's one color, one mana, instant, searches for any land, you can sacrifice a tapped land, and puts the land onto the battlefield untapped (unless otherwise specified).

Although, Crop Rotation is often overlooked by players because of the very expensive cards it can search and not being "flashy" enough. Yes, Crop Rotation is ideal with any of the following cards: Gaea's Cradle, Mishra's Workshop, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale, Serra's Sanctum, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Diamond Valley. However, suppose we don't have a one thousand dollar mana base and cannot play the land cards above. Is Crop Rotation worthless? No. It is still one of the best mono-green tutors. There are so many utility and theme lands which are excellent targets. Ramp lands and color-fixing are also viable options. Here are a few categorized ideas:

Utility Lands:

Theme Lands:

Ramp Lands:

Color-Fixing Lands:

There are many more unlisted cards in each category which could fit your specific deck.

Some of the cards listed above have some pretty cool synergies with Crop Rotation here are a few:Urza's Saga, you can let the saga get to chapter III, then with the ability on the stack sacrifice it to Crop Rotation to get both the artifact and land. Field of the Dead is ideal in every two or three color commander deck with a sufficient mana base (in fact some of my win conditions are given by Field of the Dead). You can also use Field of the Dead as a combat trick. Scavenger Grounds and Bojuka Bog are fantastic for graveyard combo disruption. Maze of Ith and Glacial Chasm will hurt your lands, but sometimes it is needed to stay alive.

Simply having the ability to greatly effect the board state using a one-mana instant speed spell is impressive: life gain, damage prevention, removing steal effects, getting around blockers, denying counterspells, combo stoppers, unlimited hand size, sacrifice engines, haste, recursion, ramp, creating token blockers. The list goes on-and-on-and-on. If fact, if you're playing 3-4 of the lands listed above you should really consider Crop Rotation in the ninety-nine.

All in all, I'm always surprised the number of deck lists which do not play Crop Rotation. This is a fantastic card and one of the best mono-green tutors. It has so much hidden power. Ask yourself if there is a nonbasic land which you are playing (or would play) that would do well with Crop Rotation.

legendofa on Changling Tribal Help Wanted pls

1 year ago

What kind of budget are you looking at for this? Some interesting lands are Flamekin Village, Primal Beyond, Unholy Grotto, and Haven of the Spirit Dragon. I also suggest the other one-mana changelings, Universal Automaton and Mothdust Changeling. If you shave down a few of the three-mana lords and such, and add a couple more lands and 1-2 mana spells, I think your deck will be able to accelerate and apply pressure more efficiently.

Grind on Kaalia EDH Homebrew!!

1 year ago

Cool yeah! Also it is great to give kalia haste- Flamekin Village and Hanweir Battlements  Meld are good for that too. Cheers!!

Grind on Boros Artifact Siege

1 year ago

Cool deck!!
Maybe Flamekin Village over forgotten cave?

Grind on The Boulder Takes Issue With That Comment.

2 years ago

Awesome deck!
I actually borrowed your decklist and played a game on untap and won. Getting a hunter's prowess to go off and drawing 18 cards is pretty sweet, and the extra combats with karlach was critical.
My thoughts - really need some Haste!
There are tons of options, my top budget friendly options:
Flamekin Village, Hanweir Battlements  Meld, Anger, Fires of Yavimaya, Urabrask the Hidden, Dragon Breath...
some other options are:
Rhythm of the Wild, Hammer of Purphoros, Ogre Battledriver, Xenagos, God of Revels, Crashing Drawbridge.... clearly not all of these are needed but sprinking in a few would go a long way.
and have you thought about running Animate Dead?
anyway thanks for sharing your list, i really enjoyed it. cheers and have fun!

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