Safe Haven

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Safe Haven


(2), Tap: Remove target creature you control from the game.

At the beginning of your upkeep, you may sacrifice Safe Haven. If you do, return each card removed from the game with Safe Haven to play under its owner's control.

TimelessLove on Krenko's Goblin Meat Market

6 months ago

Additionally, I would Mainboard Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and/or Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip the latter of which being a valid Kiki-Jiki duplicate target. It's another option to go infinite, or simply increase the good parts of a boardstate.

Personally, I'd sideboard the Stax elements like Orb of Dreams and Winter Orb, even if there's some interaction with Throne of the God-Pharaoh. I might be undervaluing the card draw aspect, but Gempalm Incinerator only targeting creatures greatly devalues it for me.

Goblin Chirurgeon, I consider it essential to protecting valuable goblins on board since there's no way to bring them back from the graveyard. Your love for fancy lands might also have you consider Safe Haven. Similarly, Castle Embereth, Spinerock Knoll, and Den of the Bugbear each fits.

Goblin Goliath, offers much the same effect as Siege-Gang Commander while also giving a damage-doubling effect on tap.

While not being a sac outlet Battle Squadron offers an effect similar to Clickslither and Voracious Dragon while still being a Goblin, and not taking goblins off the board.

Goblin Warchief needs help with Haste enabling, whether pre-infinite or not, I think another option to win on board same turn is needed. Goblin Bushwhackerfoil, Goblin Chieftain, and Roar of Resistance offer this, while Ardoz, Cobbler of War can additionally capitalize on it.

Gauntlet of Might, Dolmen Gate, and Herald's Horn are good preference options. I keep wanting to add Basilisk Collar because of Goblin Sharpshooter, but it'd be a wasted slot too often.

Conspicuous Snoop is a fun card, which I now realize goes infinite with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker on top of the library.

carpecanum on Steal n' Heal

2 years ago

If you can blink your boss you should sac or exile the creatures you stole first. Safe Haven, Altar of Dementia etc.

The_Acid_Drip on Volrath: No School, like Old School

3 years ago

Hey Asgeren thanks for the reply. As a semi-budget player (my most expensive deck is $1500) may I offer an alternative to Tawnos's Coffin in the form of Safe Haven or Cold Storage.

They do something quite similar and are not $400 on the reserved list...

Kazierts on Manufactured Destruction (Golem Token Deck)

3 years ago

Soulherder seems like a card that would have a blast blinking all those splicers. Momentary Blink and Hallowed Respite both also seem like very good cards for this deck.

Maybe a single copy of Endless Sands and/or Safe Haven as meme options to reactivate the splicers' abilities?

(Tried to suugest only things that are very cheap and synergise with your deck)

Omniscience_is_life on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Endless Snow

Snow Land

: Add

, : Exile target snow permanent you control.

, , sacrifice Endless Snow: Return all permanents exiled with Endless Snow to the battlefield.

I like Endless Sands a lot as a concept (and its predecessor, Safe Haven), so I felt a snow version would be interesting. It's not all that interesting, but I already made it so whatever ;3

Make a cat

Idoneity on The Lands Restored

4 years ago

king-saproling - Ah, a well-knowledged player!

When I reworked this deck, my goal was to make it rely less on the commander and thusly removed pieces such as Knight of New Alara and Lovisa Coldeyes, but there are some here I really like. I really only cast him with Evolutionary Leap, Purphoros, God of the Forge, or Gaea's Cradle.

Genesis Wave is a card I always knew somewhat what it did, but never truly read the card. It seems excellent in here, and I've been meaning to remove Ajani Unyielding.

I am not too fond of cards that merely ramp lands with X in the cost, especially if it may get not value. Animist's Awakening, though can be impressive, there is better I can do with my mana.

Lotus Cobra is one I own but isn't in here. It probably should be.

Stone-Seeder Hierophant is one I have never heard of, one of my avocations being perusing older sets for unseen gems. Though it can be powerful and is findable with Imperial Recruiter, it's ramp with summoning sickness on turn four, having but one toughness. Lotus Cobra seems more idoneous.

Avenger of Zendikar is quite literally perfect for this strategy. The only reasons I do not run it is because I do not enjoy having multiple of the same finisher across my decks and it's arguably a strictly better version of my commander. I couldn't do that to Hazezon. xD

Emeria Angel could get out of control quickly and I do love birds (thank you Beholden to Birds), but Field of the Dead is horrendously easy to find and more difficult for some decks to interact with.

Impact Tremors is more difficult to tutor version than Purphoros, whilst being far less impactful on its own.

Nature's Revolt is quite fun as wrath protection. I used to run Jolrael, Empress of Beasts for the same reason. Still, not my style, but thank you.

This deck already has quite a few tutors, and it doesn't actually make that many tokens afore turn five. The value in Enlightened Tutor and Imperial Recruiter is that they can find setup pieces early due to the low cost and have value later. Oracle of Mul Daya early, Ulvenwald Hydra later. I am not too fond of the high cost of Chord of Calling here, also because the deck has a fair amount of tutoring as is.

Green Sun's Zenith, on tother hand, looks lovely. I could easily see this in here, though a Dryad Arbor would be wise.

Tempt with Discovery tends to be a four mana ramp spell that finds one land. I do prefer a Pir's Whim or Hour of Promise.

I've tried Reap and Sow. Strip Mine does the job rather well, and four mana ramp for one land is heftily underperforming.

Creeping Renaissance is an interesting one, though the deck isn't actually that graveyard reliant. I'm rather copacetic with my Genesis and Eternal Witness loops.

I have also tested with Safe Haven, though it was just far too slow.

Divine Visitation can get out of hand very quickly, but I have it as a finisher in tokens. Best not to end the games the same way as other strategies, in my eyes at least.

I used to love Shields of Velis Vel. Oh, the blowouts it bestowed. I cut it when I made the deck less reliant on the commander, but I would love to use it again.

In summation, I like Genesis Wave, Lotus Cobra, and Green Sun's Zenith, with Shields of Velis Vel urging me. I merely must find out what to remove.

Walukut would be fun to include, though the lands slot is rather tight, and I refuse to remove Hammerheim. (It's never done anything. Not yet, anyway.)

Thank you for the comment. You obviously know the game well, and I'll have to look at some of your decks. :)

king-saproling on The Lands Restored

4 years ago

Cool deck! Thoughts on these? Genesis Wave, Animist's Awakening, Lotus Cobra, Stone-Seeder Hierophant, Avenger of Zendikar, Emeria Angel, Impact Tremors, Nature's Revolt, Chord of Calling, Green Sun's Zenith, Tempt with Discovery, Reap and Sow, Creeping Renaissance, Safe Haven, Divine Visitation (gets around Hazezon's downside), Shields of Velis Vel (this one is fun with Hazezon. If somebody plays removal on him, target an opp with Shields of Velis vel and Hazezon will exile all their creatures as he leaves).

griffstick on Yasova end the turn

4 years ago

Conjurer's Closet and Thassa, Deep-Dwelling do this really good for stealing creatures with that clause. Also you could just gain control of it with Bazaar Trader.

Also Cold Storage works too. I have stolen creatures with Safe Haven before too.

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