Primal Amulet


Primal Wellspring  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Primal Amulet


Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost less to cast.

Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a charge counter on Primal Amulet. Then if there are four or more charge counters on it, you may remove those counters and transform it.

09102023 on Naya Adventures

8 months ago

Apollo_Paladin Thank you for your feedback, I haven't considered adding Mondrak, Glory Dominus before. Doubling the tokens that come in might help solve some of the problems I have been seeing.

The deck actually seems a little reliant on getting a Lucky Clover out and feels weaker than I had hoped without one on the field. People will often target them with removal too. the deck is playable without one, but it's not fun using Lovestruck Beast turn one to get a single 1/1 token for a forest, when the opponent played a 1/2 or a 1/1 that produces mana on their first turn.

Right now, getting one clover on the field means Bonecrusher Giant will probably take care of creatures and planeswalkers that Giant Killer is not able to hit. Another advantage of having a clover out is that Questing Druid is going to be giving 4 cards the same as Showdown of the Skalds. The way the deck plays right now, it seems like I don't run out of cards to use; I can pretty reliably get one of those two by turn 4.

Doubling the number of tokens produced is essentially the same as having one clover out for quite a few cards in the deck and the effect should stack with's definitely worth considering. Doing that might make it easier to win with a bad hand too.

I'm very tempted to drop the land count by 1 and was actually thinking of replacing Primal Amulet  Flip. It seems like a good card, but I think I've cast it once in the last 30 or 40 games I've played. I've never been able to get enough charge counters to flip it either. Showdown seems to work best with low mana cost cards too...I've had a lot of turn 4's where it gets played because I'm low on cards and then I get something like Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival, Virtue of Loyalty and 2 lands to use for turn 5. I guess I could always try Escape to the Wilds over showdown, I'm not sure what one is generally considered better.

That being said, there's definitely a balance point with the number of lands...I want to consistently hit land drops since adventure cards get played twice and I can try overwhelming/outlasting an opponent that way. But exiling 4 cards or even 6 cards and getting 2 or 3 lands is a thing that can happen right now and it could be nice to have more options when I exile a bunch of cards.

If you have any more suggestions, please let me know.

Master_J on Crazy Eights

1 year ago

Out: Sol Ring, Primal Amulet  Flip

In: Faerie Mastermind, Chrome Host Seedshark

The amulet can be good from time to time, but the payoff isn't worth it for a top-of-curve artifact that does nothing.

Sol Ring is good, but I need sources of blue mana, not colorless.

SirHipHopHippo on You'll Wish You Had One With Nothing

1 year ago


Thanks for the suggestion! I worry about Dual Casting, there aren't a lot of creatures in the deck, though I guess I could always enchant a snake! I wouldn't want to enchant Xyris because I like to attack with Xyris to add 3 more cards to my opponents hand so that Sudden Impact or Gaze of Adamaro hurt more. If I attack with Xyris while it's enchanted it will be tapped from combat. I'm thinking about adding Primal Amulet  Flip though

Jett2112 on Rog / Si Grixis Spellbook cEDH Refined

1 year ago

For redundancy, complete the playset of Forks by adding Twincast. You could add a combo potential by running Burning Inquiry with your Underworld Breach and Storm-Kiln Artist. It looks like you need to fix your land base to work with Tainted Pact. In my experience Wheel of Misfortune and Primal Amulet  Flip are overrated, consider taking them out to lower the mana curve. Otherworldly Gaze is a cool pick, I might try that in my Kess deck Pox Diamond.

Taillas on Burning Frogs

2 years ago

Made several changes recently to improve the deck. Nivix Guildmage was replaced with Ral, Storm Conduit, who does the same thing without ongoing mana costs. The number of Enigma Drakes has been increased to 4 to take advantage of the large number of instants in the deck. Primal Amulet  Flip was replaced with Dual Casting, which provides copy-power much faster. Flame Javelin was also added for situations where the deck needs a little more damage, such as sniping planeswalkers or finishing off players. Experimental Overload was added as a late-game play to take advantage of casting.

AlistarFiend on

2 years ago

Nacht, Primal Amulet  Flip is already in the deck! What would you recommend cutting for Toshiro Umezawa?

Nacht on

2 years ago

Awesome deck, a shame I just built a Grixis spellslinger before this guy was spoiled!

Have you considered Toshiro Umezawa? He might be a alright fit for the deck. Primal Amulet  Flip would be nice in this too!

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