Seachrome Coast

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Seachrome Coast


This enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands.

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Balaam__ on Azorius aggro spirits

7 months ago

As far as I’m aware, Drogskol Captain isn’t Pioneer legal so that will need to be swapped out. Otherwise, you may want to reconsider running Temple of Enlightenment. Scry, while useful, comes at the cost of the land entering tapped which puts you at a disadvantage regarding speed. Ideally you want to tap the land for use the very turn it enters play.

Since fetchlands or shocklands aren’t legal in Pioneer, I’d recommend doubling down on Glacial Fortress-type lands, such as Prairie Stream or maybe Seachrome Coast. The requirements to enter play untapped can be easily met (minor adjustments to your mana base may be necessary), and you’ll gain the benefit of a dual land without putting yourself behind the curve.

plakjekaas on Are the Original Dual Lands …

1 year ago

The current landbases don't prevent the 5c goodstuff from happening. That's no reason to withhold them. Duals would be equally vulnerable to Blood Moon as fetches and shocks are.

Meta impact: Burn would drop win% if shocks weren't needed anymore, because players would have more life in their fetch-manabase.

The best argument made is that, with the duals legal in the format, there's no reason for other interesting two-color lands anymore. Pioneer is already reduced to shocklands (Hallowed Fountain ), fastlands (Seachrome Coast ), painlands (Adarkar Wastes ) and pathways (Hengegate Pathway  Flip ), with the occasional Deserted Beach-type lands for slower decks. Introduce the duals there, and nobody would care for Pathways anymore. Not much added to the format, just some possible play patterns eliminated because they'd've been "strictly bettered" and homogenized out of the format.

Not necessarily too powerful in their effect, just boring in their consistency, in a way that can't be fixed in the future.

kamarupa on Moonlight Sonata

1 year ago

I think I might favor Tocasia's Welcome over Collected Company here, though Welcome would be even better if your bounce effects could happen on your opponent's turns. Ephemerate isn't quite as repeatable as Soulherder, but it is cheaper to cast, though not a creature spell itself. There's also the classic Restoration Angel, but that seems too high MV and only a one time use. Saltskitter seems interesting, but not particularly reliable. Eldrazi Displacer would be great if it didn't require 3 mana to activate. Thraben Doomsayer doesn't give the all the benefits of a bounce, but token generation is still a powerful trigger with Soul Sisters. If any of those made the cut, then I'd say you didn't need Blue spells at all, which would make your mana base faster, cheaper, and more reliable.

I think Speaker of the Heavens is a pretty perfect fit with Soul Sisters.

While on principle, I like protecting permanents, I think Patch Up might be strong enough that removing your creatures could prove more helpful to you than to your opponents - something that usually frustrates the hell out of me.

I'm not convinced shock and fetch are the best lands. While the lifeloss is less painful when counterbalanced with Soul Sisters' lifegain, it also negates some of the advantage of gaining life. Equally efficient lands that don't cost life would be better. Pathways and fast lands seem, at least to me, just as good if not better: Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Branchloft Pathway  Flip, Hengegate Pathway  Flip, Seachrome Coast, Razorverge Thicket, Botanical Sanctum

abbatromebone on

2 years ago
  • Poppet Stitcher  Flip Is great when you have 1/1s but bad if they do anything more. Prowess is an ability so you tokens wouldn't be as strong. 3 mana is also fairly espensive. We would want to slow the game down more. I might suggest Luminarch Ascension being this is a value control deck. It helps keep card advantage and if you are holding mana you can sink it here at the end step.
  • Manamorphose also seems pretty good in the deck its a spell that gives you your mana back/fixes it into any of your needed colors and is card neutral.
  • Hard Evidence might be replaced with Slight of Hand or Serum Visions being you want to filter your deck better.
  • You are sitting a 8 fetchlands i wouldnt go past 6, 6 shock lands is also high Jeskai control is current running 7 fetch and 3 shock lands.
  • Consider Mystic Gate Castle Vantress Celestial Colonnade 1x Raugrin Triome Hall of Storm Giants 1x Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire The creature lands can help close games or stall games when needed.They also are more evasive which can help. Utility lands are worth it they really help. Fiery Islet and Sunbaked Canyon can also help draw cards and filter. I run 5 in my burn deck.
  • I also think 6 basics is a lot i would only do 2-3 personally. Espically when Seachrome Coast Inspiring Vantage and Spirebluff Canal exist.
  • Spectral Procession is a good value card to think about, Lingering Souls is also a card but i wouldnt go that route personally.
  • Boros Charm is also a great card that can protect against board wipes or give some burst with a mentor token or just give you the needed reach to close some games.
  • Let me know if you want me to look at the deck some more

Red_X on Mechtitan Aggro

2 years ago

I'd consider switching some Glimmervoids for Seachrome Coasts. You're almost entirely a two color deck, and hands that rely on glimmervoid for land one or two can be very fragile. Don't get rid of all of them because of courier and intervention, but I'd cut down. For Dispatch, I'd swap out some number of welding jar or heroic intervention, simply because you don't really want 5 of that effect. I'd also swap out Hotshot Mechanic for anything else, since you don't get any benefit from its effect. Steel Overseer would be my suggestion, but I'd also peruse some modern affinity lists for ideas. Maybe consider Treasure Vault in the mana base to color fix, ramp, and add a bunch artifacts for affinity. Also, Arcbound Ravager is pretty much a staple for this type of deck. Mechtitan is kind of taking its spot in this list, but the ability to move the counters around after blocking for no mana is very powerful.

TriusMalarky on How Good are the New …

2 years ago

I'm going to have to say that first, Fastlands Seachrome Coast are actually very good in cEDH or in any deck that never really has cards that cost more than 3. Also, show lands Port Town are just guildgates 99% of the time.

For the Innistrad slow lands . . . great budget lands, 10/10 for that role, but outside of the fact that they're gonna drop to $1-2 pretty soon, and then stay there(and if they don't . . . something's messed up, they're NOT better than the checklands and the checklands are cheaper) they're not all that great.

Of course, having very solid lands on a budget is a good thing for EDH, even if they're a bit clunky

plakjekaas on How Good are the New …

2 years ago

Commander is an increasingly fast format because of the cry for not ramping on turn 2 being a death sentence. You can still Farseek off of one of these if you play it turn 1. The only turn they're bad is turn 2, and if you have to play it tapped turn two, you should probably have mulligan'd your hand. I'll play Deserted Beach over Seachrome Coast in any commander deck. Which doesn't mean I'll play it, to be honest, I think it goes the two-colored equivalent of:


Hallowed Fountain

Sea of Clouds

Glacial Fortress

Horizon land if available (Horizon Canopy and such)

Mystic Gate

Hengegate Pathway  Flip

Prairie Stream but only with fetches

Celestial Colonnade

Adarkar Wastes

Irrigated Farmland better with fetches, cycling still solid

Deserted Beach

Temple of Enlightenment

Azorius Chancery

Seachrome Coast

Port Town

Glacial Floodplain higher with fetches, of course

And then all the tapped minor downside stuff like Razortide Bridge or Tranquil Cove or a Campus for enemy colors, whatever fits your deck for synergies could raise those too of course.

That's the general order I'd consider them to include in my 2-color deck if available, I guess.

wallisface on Flyers

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Celestial Colonnade is only really played in hard-control decks that generally lack any other practical ways to win. In general, i'd say ditch all of your taplands and just ru basics. You'll find that a land coming in tapped will trip up your tempo faaar too often, and with your current card selection I don't see you having many issues at all just running basics anyway. If you are wanting a better manabase on a sudo-budget, I'd suggest getting cards like Glacial Fortress, Adarkar Wastes, and Seachrome Coast. You want to avoid lands that enter tapped at all costs.

  • Warden of Evos Isle and Watcher of the Spheres don't look like they'll do too much as they won't be able to reduce the cost of a lot of your team (i.e. Skycat Sovereign, Healer's Hawk, Watcher of the Spheres, realistically Sephara, Sky's Blade). I'd think it would make sense to reduce the number of these you're playing (personally i'd ditch Warden of Evos Isle entirely)

  • a playset of Squadron Hawk should be useful here.

  • As Foretold does almost nothing for you here, I'd suggest ditching it. Griffin Aerie should probably also be ditched, because there are just too few ways to get value from it in your current list.

  • Creature based lists like these oftentimes can't make good use of countermagic, like Absorb and Counterspell, because they're using their mana on their turn to play creatures. I thing you would be better off playing proactive-spells instead of reactive ones. Stuff like Path to Exile is going to get you a LOT more value, because it lets you keep playing aggressively on your turns, without having to slow down so much for countering stuff.

  • Modern decks should always aim towards 60 cards. While running 64 might not seem like much more, it will make your hands & draws weaker overall, and create less consistency. I would suggest strongly to aim to get down to 60 cards (there are a lot of suggestions of stuff to remove above so should be an easy job)

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