Arch of Orazca

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arch of Orazca


Ascend (If you control ten or more permanents, you get the city's blessing for the rest of the game.)

: Add .

, : Draw a card. Activate this ability only if you have the city's blessing.

darkemoji on Titans, The Clean-Up Crew

5 months ago


Appreciate the feedback!

  1. Fantastic little combo with built in utility from either card, however I've been leaning towards keeping the deck towards high power in casual. So that's why the current list only has one combo so far which is Forsaken Monument + Basalt Monolith.
  2. As above.
  3. This is an interesting land. Was considering Clock of Omens at one point for tapping artifacts. May test how well Blinkmoth Well works with Winter Orb and Trinisphere as I've been favoring stax lately in colorless.
  4. Have never seen this little artifact before and it's hefty in utility. Synergy with Emrakul, the Promised End and some recursion sounds spicy. Will test this in the future.
  5. Considered Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice in the original decklist, however I found that the cards were too niche when played separately and decided to cut them for some fun/win more cards such as Helm of the Host and Mirage Mirror. Even keeping Rise of the Eldrazi in the decklist.
  6. I was wondering about adding some recursion in and missed this little include. Arch of Orazca -> Buried Ruin

One question from me to you is: how do you feel about Chimil, the Inner Sun? On paper, I like its utility in preventing counterspells and discovering cards off the library the same turn it comes into play, but I have yet to play test it.

MrHighscore on Annihilate with Rocks

11 months ago


I'm still assembling the deck (expect the last pieces to be in my hands this week)


  1. I like Mazemind Tome, but will need to playtest it before making a cut call on that. If that goes out, I'll probably replace it with Rise of the Eldrazi.
  2. Don't want to get rid of Karn Liberated. I like him, and I have a borderless version I want to see table time.
  3. Blinkmoth Well, does not seem that important to me. Arch of Orazca is for sure a cut candidate. Could make room for Sensei's Divining Top.
  4. Yeah, no change
  5. Not win more. Adds a nicely scaling ramp at X >7, would not be without it. Voltaic Key combo is just a bonus, but cutting it would reduce value of adding Voltaic Key in the first place. 
  6. Not going to cut Rogue's Passage. I feel I owe the table (and myself) some way to make those Eldrazi count! But I may be able to drop lands, just not too happy about it
  7. Budget is not a real concern, and I do have a metalworker somewhere. I don't think it will add enough to the deck, as I want my artifacts on the table and not in hand. 
  8. Drownyard Temple is for sure not important. Can also do without Sanctum of Eternity though. 
  9. I can't really find a good use case for Rise of the Eldrazi. I do think Artisan of Kozilek carries its weight with Annihilator 2. But could be a valid swap. They are both candidates for swapping in ulamog, the ceasless hunger

I guess potential changes could be:

Other thoughts:


OberstHati on Om Nom Trample

1 year ago

Yes, makes more Sense,… Have you considered adding Arch of Orazca, with one of the infinite Mana Combos you would get infinite Card draw as well,… just a thought, if you Need to Dig for an answer with no Tutor in Hand,… I didn‘t take the Time to Check your Updates and see if you had it in the Deck at some Point, so maybe you already tried it,…

carpecanum on The First Rule of Fight Club is...

1 year ago

Isochron Scepter and/or Spellbinder would let you reuse Instants if Feather is dead. Not quite card draw but it ameliorates the need for it a little.

Loran's Escape and Sheltering Light et al could be cast every turn and allow you to protect your creatures or nuke you smaller guys with impunity. Lots of 1-2 mana Indestructible Instants.

My favorite Red card draw is Stolen Strategy. Other than that maybe a few artifacts that let you draw for mana or Arch of Orazca?

I'm not sure of specifics but weren't there a lot of older cards that say "draw a card during your next upkeep"? I bet a few are Instants that would fit here. Some Red ones are in Zada, Hedron Grinder decks for massive card draw.

amarthaler on EDH Ganax, Astral Hunter & Tavern Brawler

1 year ago


In: Treasure Map  Flip and Inventors' Fair

Out: Arch of Orazca and 1x Mountain

I made a mistake with the previous update - Arch wasn't supposed to go in but Treasure Map was. Also added Inventors' Fair, one of my favorite lands! It's going to help us tutor up Gauntlets of Might, Extraplanar Lens, Dragon's Hoard... all the goodies!

amarthaler on EDH Ganax, Astral Hunter & Tavern Brawler

1 year ago


In: War Room and Arch of Orazca

Out: 2x Mountains

The deck is running very well, just needs more opportunities for card draw / use of treasure tokens.

airsoftsniper91 on Giada, Font of Hope

1 year ago

Saw that you were looking for help and this commander seems pretty cool. Not sure what your budget is, but I'm going to make some suggestions at different price points.

Here's some cards I'd cut: Angel's Grace, Cleric Class, Angelic Accord, Treasure Chest, The Book of Exalted Deeds, Panharmonicon, Arcane Signet, Marble Diamond, Campfire, Mass Calcify, Brave the Elements, Cleansing Nova, Everflowing Chalice, and Gift of Estates

I can provide more explanation on why, but generally these cards are low impact, less helpful than they may seem, or off theme a bit. Some of these are life gain or ETB payoffs but they don't have many ways to trigger them.

I'm seeing a wincon through combat with the deck as is. Giada is Ramp in the command zone but only for Angels, and the starting list only has 17 Angel spells. Turn 2 Giada and hitting all your land drops means we can send out 4 CMC angels turn 3.

I recommend Emeria Angel, Guardian Seraph, Angel of Condemnation

A lot of the Angel's are high CMC but you're running a lot of cost reducers. Due to this I think you need more lands and more Draw. Arch of Orazca, Geier Reach Sanitarium, Sea Gate Wreckage and War Room are all utility lands you can run in mono color that tap for colorless mana and help you draw.

That leaves seven more cards to add back in. I'd go with Karmic Guide, Twilight Shepherd, Battlegrace Angel, Angelic Sleuth, Herald of the Host, Dawnbreak Reclaimer, and Aegis Angel

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