Haunted Ridge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Haunted Ridge


This enters tapped unless you control two or more other lands.

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FakeHair on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

3 weeks ago

Just got confused by the Haunted Ridge / Haunted Dead issue and submitted a bad card fix. Sorry!

Terrified_Owl on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

1 month ago

Haunted Ridge shows the artwork for the card Haunted Dead instead.

king-saproling on JUDITH IS COOL

6 months ago

Looks like a fun list but remember, Obosh only lets you use cards with odd mana costs, so there are quite a few you will need to cut. Also your number of lands and mana rocks are very low especially considering the high costs of your commander and companion (for a deck like this I would aim for at least 40 lands and 10 mana rocks). Personally I would make these swaps:

The Red Terror -> Bandit's Haul
Thran Dynamo -> Bonder's Ornament
Imodane, the Pyrohammer -> Commander's Sphere
Bloodletter of Aclazotz -> Conversion Apparatus
Unstable Amulet -> Endurance Bobblehead
Impact Tremors -> Restless Vents
Mana Barbs -> Foriysian Totem
Fate Unraveler -> Sword of Fire and Ice
Firebrand Archer -> Dark Ritualfoil
Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might -> Haunted Ridge
Nightshade Harvester -> Mind's Eye
Urabrask -> Blightstep Pathway  Flip
Hedron Archive -> Graven Cairns
Deathbringer Thoctar -> Rakdos Carnarium
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell -> Kyren Toy
Staff of Nin -> Component Pouch

nuperokaso on Dragons,Speed, and Control

1 year ago

In a two-color deck, you should play a lot of non-basic lands such as Dragonskull Summit, Blackcleave Cliffs, Haunted Ridge so that you are always mana fixed and still can afford to play a few non-basic lands with abilities, such as Haven of the Spirit Dragon. Temple of the Dragon Queen is bad in a two-color deck. Blightstep Pathway  Flip is going to be always untapped.

Rebullet on Counter Deck

2 years ago

yea pioneer would be much easier for this deck to handle. check lands (Dragonskull Summit) are fine in pioneer, i wouldnt run more than 4 however. you might want to put in some either fast lands (Blackcleave Cliffs), slow lands (Haunted Ridge), or pathway lands (Blightstep Pathway  Flip, Searstep Pathway  Flip). then fill out with a lot of basics.

multimedia on Bloody Box Social

2 years ago

Hey, I'm not familiar with MTG Arena, but is it difficult to get 4x of a card? I ask because you're entire deck minus lands is 1x and 2x of cards which is not good for consistency. Playing 4x of a card means you'll have more chances to draw it in a game where as if all cards are 1x then you may never draw that card in a game.

The color pie shows you need an equal amount of black, red and white color sources and that's not really doable with a 15 basic land three color mana base. Some advice is play Rakdos Vampires and only splash white with dual lands as well as 4x Secluded Courtyard for a few cards? Other than the dual lands the rest of your deck is low budget because of this I'll give lower budget card suggestions.

When you play tribal you really want a reason to be in the tribe. For Vampires there's only two cards here that are tribal, Edgar, Charmed Groom  Flip and Vampires' Vengeance. Edgar is legendary meaning you can't have more than one of him in your control which sucks since he's a Vamp lord. Other than Edgar and Vengeance there's really no reason to be playing all Vamps and Vengeance is more of a sideboard card against aggro opponents then main deck.

4x Vampire Socialite can be a reason to play Vamps because being aggressive with Vamps then makes Vamps bigger when Socialite enters the battlefield or other Vamps after Socialite. Being aggressive with Vamps to take advantage of Socialite means playing more of one drop and two drop Vamps. Bloodtithe Harvester is 3/2 two drop making it a good attacker and Vamp to make bigger. Can also be creature removal if you need that.

Florian, Voldaren Scion has first strike as well as can be repeatable card advantage when you're aggressive with Vamps. He's good and can trigger the turn you play him if you cast him before you attack. Even though he's legendary you want to consistently cast him turn three, for that reason I would play 4x of him. Plenty of ways to discard other copies of Florian for value.

Socialite, Harvester and Florian is a nice trio of Rakdos Vamps. Voldaren Bloodcaster  Flip is a flying two drop Vamp who can be repeatable source of Blood and Falkenrath Pit Fighter can be an aggressive one drop Vamp who can be saced later if not useful to draw.

Example Vamp core for budget tribal Vamps:

Next is Vamp support and Welcoming Vampire can be repeatable draw from a flying Vamp, reason to splash white. Being rare and expensive price might be difficult to get more of Welcoming. If you can afford more than add more. Nighthawk Scavenger has flying and other keywords making it a nice Vamp to make bigger, but it's power relies on your opponent's graveyard making it a better sideboard Vamp when you know what your opponent is playing.

Edgar, Charmed Groom  Flip can be top of the curve Vamp and a reason to splash white, but Edgar at the top means that you don't need white in the early turns of the game which is helpful to cast black and red Vamps.

Example of Mardu with heavy Rakdos Vamp base:

Deadly Dispute is a good card in Standard especially when you're playing little creatures and Blood tokens. Infernal Grasp is more unconditional instant creature removal and being black is easier to cast then white removal.

Dispute, Florian, Welcoming, Fighter and Blood is a lot of main deck draw which can really help gameplay. This example needs red or black mana in the early turns for Vamps making 4x Secluded Courtyard very helpful because it enters the battlefield untapped and can also cast white Vamps.

DreadKhan on Isshin, Two Heavens as One

2 years ago

If you want a cheaper $ option than Grand Abolisher (or would like another card that can do similar work), Wandering Archaic  Flip is a substantial tax on all opponent's instants/sorceries, but that tax matters most with countermagic, making everyone else's counters either very good (if you want the same thing countered for example), or very expensive (people usually consider Cancel unplayable for costing 3 mana). Archaic isn't as good at protecting your own stuff, but it's a way bigger effect generally.

You might also like Generous Gift over Disenchant, and I prefer Vanishing Verse over Fracture, but Verse is more of a competitive card maybe. Slayers' Stronghold might be nice, vigilance and haste are useful for WR.

For (potentially) untapped duals, there are a few cycles worth a look. Pathways are good (but no longer cheap unfortunately, they might go down after they rotate out of Standard though), Blightstep Pathway  Flip, Brightclimb Pathway  Flip, and Needleverge Pathway  Flip are all solid cards to keep an eye out for. Luxury Suite, Spectator Seating, and Vault of Champions are duals that usually come in untapped when it matters, and are considered among the best non-fetchable dual lands. You could try the new cycle from Innistrad, Haunted Ridge, Shattered Sanctum, and Sundown Pass are good as long as you're not running a low land count, 35 should probably work. While Sulfurous Springs is pricey, Caves of Koilos is cheap, Battlefield Forge isn't bad either, they're always untapped and by mid game you usually just use them for colourless and they have no downside. Concealed Courtyard, Inspiring Vantage, and Blackcleave Cliffs are very good, some are really expensive once again. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is a great way to make all your lands Swamps, handy for stuff like Cabal Coffers as well as just to fix your mana. Shadowblood Ridge is an untapped source of RB, which isn't a bad, but there is only the 1 in your wedge of colours, this land might be handy if you run a cycle where the RB land is really pricey.

Hope some of this is helpful, the deck seems pretty decent.

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