Treetop Village

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Treetop Village


Treetop Village enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add .

: Treetop Village becomes a 3/3 green Ape creature with trample until end of turn. It's still a land.

DreadKhan on My nadu

5 days ago

I have no idea if you want random input on this, so ignore this if you don't!

It might clog up your mana base, but you could sneak a few more creatures by throwing in a couple man-lands to replace other lands. With Nadu you'd put them directly into play, and even if they ETB tapped they can still become a creature and be targeted. There are a few that only use 1 mana to transform (such as Mishra's Factory and Inkmoth Nexus/Blinkmoth Nexus), but a few that turn on for 2 mana exist as well (Treetop Village, Faerie Conclave, Lair of the Hydra, and Mishra's Foundry), I feel like with all your 'free mana whenever a land ETBs' effects you'll easily be able to use them when you need them. The ETB tapped ones are worse (but usually offer colored mana), but as noted you'll usually see a given land when you're using Nadu (because you go through so many more cards with Nadu than you draw normally), so all that matters is they are creatures too, when I was testing this the issue was running out of creatures and not being able to continue, I often had gobs of mana I had no real use for (I will say the deck can easily hold up a hand full of interaction after using Nadu, even if you don't truly 'go off'). I took a quick look at your land list, and if I wanted to pull a couple lands I think Talon Gates of Madara has low synergy, I'd also consider Nesting Grounds, and since you have a few removal spells you might even switch out Homeward Path, depending on how theft-heavy your meta is.

Since you can generate a fair bit of mana in this deck when you're going off (and playing it for 4 or 5 mana in a slow game could also be a solid play) I think Awaken the Woods might do work in here.

It's pretty minor, but Whir of Invention costs one more (but has improvise fwiw), it doesn't require you to have an existing Artifact out, and it's an Instant so you can use it on an opponent's end step to get your Shuko out so you can go off on your turn. I think this is more than you can do with Reshape, ymmv.

It's a niche use, but if you switch out Amphibian Downpour (a card I legit love btw) for Curse of the Swine you'd have the option of targeting all of your disposable creatures and replacing them with brand spanking new piggies! These can be targeted anew, meaning if you draw into it at the right time it should win the game. It can also be used aggressively to excellent effect (and can do both at the same time), it sucks that it's a Sorcery though!

This is really splitting hairs a bit, but with your Commander I wonder if good old Sunderfoil might be better at doing what Mana Vortex does? Sunder's an Instant (so you can play it on an opponent's endstep), and as long as you've already got Nadu and a free equip out you'll be fine on your turn, but it's also a much worse Blue Silence effect you can use during your combo to make it much harder to interact with you, and you just keep digging out new lands so it's all good? I love Mana Vortex and think it's doing a different enough thing that both could be fun. You could also try out Winter Orb and Static Orbfoil if you're feeling, well, 'orbsy', both make it much harder to use lands, and you get to cheat a ton in untapped if all is going well.

Hope your testing is going well!

Oh, it looks like you have 99 cards, what a lovely problem to have!

RockIV on Rocks Dragon Deck

3 months ago

thnks everyone that post a comment! , i love all the advices, different points of veiw make decks more interestings!, all advices are always welcome.

DreadKhan thnks for all the advices, love your combo with the orcs and the land destroyers, i dont know if i will use it, i would have to change too many cards, but i found Orcish Lumberjack a very interesting card. i was thinking in adding Urban Utopia. i have to think about Treetop Village, i normally feel that playing a land that enter the battlefield tapped may slow me alot, but i can be wrong!

DreadKhan on Rocks Dragon Deck

3 months ago

I'm not sure if it's too 'non-Dragon', but I've had good results fiddling with Orcish Lumberjack, especially in a deck with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, Lumberjack and Acid-Moss gives you access to a true Sinkhole effect (you can even play it on turn 2), and it can technically find a non-Basic Forest fwiw. Technically you only need to tap the Forest and sac it to Lumberjack to play an Acid-Moss, but Lumberjack can also give you a turn 2 Dragon that costs 5 mana, does your meta feature a lot of cheap kill spells? If not I wonder if that'd be worth your while? I don't know for sure if Atarka had Orcish servants, but Orcs live on that plane, so the lumberjack has a tangential connection.

Also, since it's gone down a ton in price, what about Utopia Sprawl? It makes your Forests better, and you can't cast it without a Forest I understand?

Since you're actually in Gruul, I would just run Mountain Valley over Evolving Wilds, this can find a Dual, or if you're desperate it can still dig out a Basic (that you can use the same turn Evolving Wilds would allow you), the only issue is if decks play cards that blow up non-Basics in your meta (most don't).

It's not entirely budget, but Up the Beanstalk is a very strong card if you actually plan to cast those big Dragons, and it replaces itself.

I'm not sure what your meta is like, but if people run Stax stuff that can ruin your day, you can include Dire-Strain Rampage, this sorcery offers you a Harrow effect if you wish, but it can Naturalize something, or Ghost Quarter someone's important land in a pinch. The best part is that it has Flashback. It's not the fastest effect, but I feel like it's certainly good enough for sideboard (especially on a budget), and since it can also just ramp you it might be fine mainboard, ymmv.

It's an ETB tapped land, but Treetop Village is a reasonable attacker if you end up desperate, with your curve it seems plausible that you'd be able to play an ETB tapped land, maybe x2?

psionictemplar on Darkest Umbra Before the Dawnwaker

10 months ago

Personally, I think you could take this down to a pure Selesnya deck. As I see it, the red creatures do not reliably combo or add enough value on their own. I would substitute in cards like Weathered Wayfarer and Knight of the Reliquary to give you an additional way of interacting with opponents. Imagine searching up lands like Bojuka Bog at will. Or heck at the end of an opponents turn grabbing a Treetop Village and swinging for an extra 4 the next turn.). These changes could help your manabase be less painful as well. You could also have room in your sideboard for creatures like Scavenging Ooze or Chameleon Colossus if your up for it. I have a couple more ideas for later if you want to explore them, but this is where I would start myself. Also don't get too attached to the 3 mana or less rule for cosmic rebirth. It can be a trap.

SufferFromEDHD on Land Owner

1 year ago

Treetop Village!

Since you are doing a lot of land recursion from the graveyard maybe Nostalgic Dreams could be an upgrade to the classic Regrowth

legendofa on Fuck Around And Find Out

1 year ago

With Keruga, the Macrosage as a Companion, manland cards like Blinkmoth Nexus, Mishra's Factory, Mutavault, Faerie Conclave, Ghitu Encampment, Mishra's Foundry, and Treetop Village give you some options for the early turns.

Arrzarrina on Roon Shenanigans

1 year ago

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