Strip Mine

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Strip Mine


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, Sacrifice Strip Mine: Destroy target land.

legendofa on ideas about formats

15 minutes ago

My biggest concern here is what to do with promos and Secret Lair cards, which have given a lot of cards rare printings without changing their actual quality or function. Are Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expansefoil qualified to be rares? Is Ornithopterfoil mythic? If cards are restricted in Podium or banned in Format 2 based on their highest or most recent rarity, these products create a huge amount of variance as Secret Lairs or promo pieces are given thematic rarities high above their actual value. Because of this pretty much by itself, I think the least rare print of a card should be the defining factor. Using the Expeditions and Inventions as a baseline, most of those would already be restricted to two copies each. Cards like Strip Mine or Mana Crypt can be further restricted or banned on a case-by-case basis.

Is there a gameplay reason for 80-card decks?

plakjekaas on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

That is true, just like a gun makes a better tool for murder than a knife, Strip Mine is a better tool for salt than Murder, but neither will stop someone with bad intentions.

However, touching the lands in casual formats does come across as a bigger a*hole move than removing a creature or an artifact, or even counterspells. Armageddon is generally more hated than Farewell in that context.

Lands make you play the game, you're not removing my permanent with Strip Mine, you're hampering the ability for me to cast my spells and play the game. Most casuals will get more mad for being prohibited to play than to have your plays answered. Mana screw is a feel bad, but external intentional mana screw is rage-inducing.

wallisface on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

plakjekaas I get what you’re saying, but a lot of that reads as more an issue of player-maturity over the card interaction.

In multiplayer formats like commander it’s almost always disadvantageous to be doing any kind of 1-for-1 interaction with an opponent, as it puts you and that player behind while your other 2 opponents get further ahead. So i wouldn’t really expect anyone to be bothering to do any such interaction unless they’re forced into doing so to avoid losing the game.

I get in practicality people can make dumb plays, perform petty actions, or just generally be douches - and the reality is that some people will use those lands to create feel-bad moments for no warranted reason. I’d argue those people would find a way to do this regardless of whether they had Strip Mine in their deck or not.

plakjekaas on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

There is an issue with running these in commander; it's an excellent way of making someone feel targeted. If your Selesnya Sanctuary gets blown up by Wasteland while the third player's Thespian's Stage is left alone, prepare for some conflict.

If someone gives up one of their lands to eliminate one of yours in a multiplayer setting, that's very balanced, but also easily interpreted as spiteful vs. proper threat assessment.

Even though Strip Mine is probably very good in any commander deck with 3 or less colors, I'm not running it in any because of those feelbads, because of Commander being a social format instead of a competitive one.

I prefer Ghost Quarter, replacing the land you blow up with a basic, without the mana investment a Demolition Field needs. When that happens to be a Strip Mine, you can blame the target for building their deck with too few basics :P

sylvannos on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

Just proxy up the following and play it against the person in question:

Lands by Dominic Harvey

...and swap out 1x Boseiju, Who Endures, 1x Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, 1x Dark Depths, one copy of something that doesn't do anything against the person (i.e. cut Bojuka Bog if they don't have graveyard strategies), and put in 4x Strip Mine.

They'll understand why Strip Mine is broken once you lock them out under Sphere of Resistance and Life from the Loam.

TheOfficialCreator on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

I think a big part of it, as people have said before, is emergent game design. Wasteland and Strip Mine will only get more and more powerful the more land recursion is built into the game, and related is that it benefits greatly from the graveyard unbalance in the game, in a way that other lands don't.

It's somewhat comparable to the idea that the ABUR lands became much more powerful with the printing of fetches.

Not seeing these interactions with other cards is understandable for new players who haven't had as much time to absorb that knowledge.

legendofa on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

You're giving up a land that only provides --basically the equivalent of a Wastes--to destroy a land that can provide multiple colors, or lots of mana, or some unique near-uncounterable utility effect.

Instant-speed free land destruction provides a lot of versatility and value. There's almost never a wrong time or bad target. Think about it in terms of creatures. If you could sacrifice a Goblin token or whatever to destroy your opponent's biggest, scariest creature for free, no questions asked, that's the same level of power Strip Mine and Wasteland provide.

Are they balanced? Yes, no, maybe, wallisface covered that well. Are they powerful? Absolutely.

DemonDragonJ on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

At a game store where I play, a player who is new to the game believes that cards such as Strip Mine or Wasteland are balanced, since their controller sacrifices those lands to destroy another land, a perfect one-for-one exchange, in that player's mind, but I am seeking to explain to that player that those lands are not at all balanced, since every land that can destroy other lands that has followed has required mana to use its ability and often provides the controller of the destroyed land with a compensation for losing the land, so what words of wisdom can anyone here offer to me, so that I can explain to the new player that Strip Mine and Wasteland are not balanced?

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