Nimbus Maze

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nimbus Maze


: Gain .

: Gain . Activate this ability only if you control an Island.

: Gain . Activate this ability only if you control a Plains.

DemonDragonJ on Mark Rosewater Confirms that a …

1 month ago

In this post, a user asked Mark Rosewater if any cycle of dual lands that are currently incomplete, most notably the battle lands/"tango lands" (i.e., Canopy Vista, Prairie Stream, Cinder Glade, and so forth) shall be completed, and Rosewater responded that it is more a matter of when those cycles shall be completed, rather than if they shall,, so I am very glad to hear that, as that is the dual land cycle that I most wish to see be completed, with the Horizon Canopy cycle at a close second and Nimbus Maze at third.

What does everyone else say about this? Are you glad to know that some cycles of dual lands that are currently incomplete shall eventually be completed?

legendofa on Card creation challenge

7 months ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi Getting into some philosophical waters here. I'll dump this, then let the thread continue. (Not that I don't want to have this discussion, but we shouldn't lose track of the challenges.)

The Lorwyn tribal land cycle has all the ally colors except , with and as the only enemy color ones, and Bosk is the only one with a subtype. Plus, Primal Beyond is plonked in there, too. Definitely not any sort of typical cycle--it's not color balanced or type balanced, and two of them have different effects from the others. It's a thematic cycle, but not a cycle by color or mechanics, and I'm not sure there's anything else like that (the Future Sight lands don't count, and they're color balanced anyway).

DemonDragonJ on Why Did WotC Finish the …

8 months ago

WotC introduced a new cycle of dual lands, the "restless" lands in Wilds of Eldraine, and then finished that cycle in the next set, Lost Caverns of Ixalan, which was nice, as the players did not need to wait for very long for WotC to finish that cycle, but WotC finishing that cycle so quickly draws attention to the fact that they have left other cycles of dual lands incomplete, most notably the Horizon Canopy cycle and the "battle lands" cycle (i.e., Canopy Vista, Prairie Stream, and so forth), which I find to be very unfortunate, as I very much would like to see those cycles completed, at some point, and, as a side note, I very much would like to see Nimbus Maze be given a full cycle, as well.

What does everyone else say about this subject? Why did WotC finish the restless land cycle so quickly while leaving other cycles of dual lands unfinished?

DemonDragonJ on When Will WotC Finish the …

1 year ago

Last_Laugh, the Shadowmoor/Eventide filter lands are superior to the Odessey filter lands in the majority of situations, so I doubt that WotC shall finish that cycle, but I do share your desire to see the Horizon Canopy cycle finished, since it now needs only four more cards to be complete, and I also would like to see Nimbus Maze have a full cycle, as well.

Idoneity on When Will WotC Finish the …

1 year ago

WOTC is rather capricious as to what land cycles they finish and when.

Typically, they finish land cycles in adjacent set releases, such as the checklands in Dominaria and Ixalan (see Isolated Chapel and Glacial Fortress. But they have also quixotically completed the showland cycle with Strixhaven in 2021 (see Furycalm Snarl), despite it first being introduced on a separate plane in 2016's Shadow's Over Innistrad (see Fortified Village). They do this a lot, starting with the allies then bargaining it over to the enemies:

1995 brought Underground River then 2001 had Shivan Reef, 2010 brought Darkslick Shores then 2016 had Spirebluff Canal. These are rather large gaps, ranging from months to years.

There are plenty of land cycles that haven't been finished or haven't even begun. The five ally-colored lands from Future Sight has partially been officiated, consisting of Horizon Canopy, Grove of the Burnwillows, Graven Cairns, Nimbus Maze, and River of Tears. All of these are rather unique; two have been finished. Kind of. Modern Horizons parlously gave Horizon Canopy an enemy family. The Graven Cairns cycle was completed in Eventide and Shadowmoor. The rest are lonesome.

There's still Amonkhet's cycling cycle to finish up, so who knows when the buddy lands will be tended to.

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

Rune-Scarred Demon and Sidisi, Undead Vizier are two more cards that I would like to see reprinted.

I predict that there shall be at least one cycle of dual lands in this set, but I am not certain which cycle I would like to see, since the shocklands (i.e., Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain, etc.), the filter lands (i.e., Wooded Bastion, Cascade Bluffs, etc.), and the check lands (i.e., Isolated Chapel, Glacial Fortress, etc.) have all been reprinted, recently, so I think that the dual lands from the third Innistrad block (i.e., Deathcap Glade, Deserted Beach, etc.) are ideal candidates for reprinting, to keep them available and affordable. I very much would like to see the cycles for Horizon Canopy, Nimbus Maze, and Cinder Glade finished, but Masters sets are entirely reprints, so the players shall need to wait for those cycles to be finished.

Last_Laugh, I, also, would like to see the allied-colored talismans reprinted, with new artwork and quotes from planeswalkers, to make them uniform with the enemy-colored talismans.

DemonDragonJ on Dual Land Cycles that You …

1 year ago

WotC usually prints dual lands in cycles of ten, one for each two-color combination, but does not always do that, which leaves several cycles of dual lands that I would like to see completed.

The two cycles that I would most like to see completed are the cycle of "battle lands" (i.e., Cinder Glade, Canopy Vista. and so forth) and the "horizon lands" (i.e., Horizon Canopy, Silent Clearing, and so forth). Nimbus Maze is a single card, but I definitely would like to see it be expanded into a full cycle, as well.

What does everyone else say about this? Which dual land cycles would you like to see be completed?

legendofa on How do you, personally, balance …

2 years ago

Pip percentages all the way. I start off with "5-color basics" in play testing; I use tokens or off-color lands or other generic cards to fill land slots and pretend they enter untapped and tap for any color, no downside. So play testing with perfect mana. All nonland ramp and fixing should be in place at this point. Lands are the last thing I work on.

Once I get the main deck in a good spot and start looking at color balancing, I count the total pips and pips of each color, and divide them proportionally into basic lands, including hybrids as full pips. Let's say I'm putting together a EDH deck and have landed on 38 land slots. I count the green pips and get 50, blue pips are at 66, and white pips are at 45, for a total of 161 pips. I want at least 50/161 of my mana base to be green, 66/161 to be blue, and 45/161 to be white. That's 31% green, 41% blue, and 28% white.

The next step is to put that into the 38 land slots. I start with basic lands to ensure the balance. Using the percentage above, that's 12 Forests, 16 Islands, and 11 Plains, for a total of 39 lands. Cut one from the highest (rounding error), dropping Islands to 15. Next, check if any colors are overrepresented at mana value 1-2, and take 1-2 from the highest and give it to that color. In this example, let's say I loaded up on low MV green cards for ramp, so cut one more Island for a Forest. Final basic land totals are 13 Forest, 14 Island, and 11 Plains.

Finally, because I want multicolor lands in there, I switch basics out for nonbasics, keeping the colors as proportional as possible. So I'll take out a Forest and and Island for a Breeding Pool and Yavimaya Coast, a Forest and a Plains for Bountiful Promenade and Overgrown Farmland, a Plains and an Island for Port Town and Nimbus Maze, one of each for Seaside Citadel, Treva's Ruins, and Spara's Headquarters, and so on. Fetchlands are treated as lands that can add mana of the colors it searches for, and single-color lands like Eiganjo Castle are switched out one for one with their basic lands.

I always try to keep enough basic lands to cast any spell in the deck off basic lands alone. If I have cards that cost and in the deck, I will keep at least five basic lands. At least two of those will be Islands, and at least one will be a Forest and a Plains each. You never know when a Back to Basics or Ruination will come by to mess up your day.

Finally, colorless lands. I add these on a case by case basis, usually skimming from the color I have the most sources for.

So it's a process, but I've found it to be very reliable in the long run.

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