Thespian's Stage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thespian's Stage


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, : Thespian's Stage becomes a copy of target land, except it also has this ability.

improbabilitydr on The Necrobloom

2 weeks ago

Ah, Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage is so fun.

plakjekaas on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

There is an issue with running these in commander; it's an excellent way of making someone feel targeted. If your Selesnya Sanctuary gets blown up by Wasteland while the third player's Thespian's Stage is left alone, prepare for some conflict.

If someone gives up one of their lands to eliminate one of yours in a multiplayer setting, that's very balanced, but also easily interpreted as spiteful vs. proper threat assessment.

Even though Strip Mine is probably very good in any commander deck with 3 or less colors, I'm not running it in any because of those feelbads, because of Commander being a social format instead of a competitive one.

I prefer Ghost Quarter, replacing the land you blow up with a basic, without the mana investment a Demolition Field needs. When that happens to be a Strip Mine, you can blame the target for building their deck with too few basics :P

Profet93 on K'rrik "no (life)pay'n, no (life)gain" Demon Deck

2 months ago


I would remove 3 lands or so. I hate missing land drops but having too many lands creates its own issues. If you're worried about being mana screwed, some more card draw can help offset that. Night's Whisper and Syphon Mind are solid options.

Urza's Incubator - Tribal demon ramp.

Cut vamp nighthawk - Its a nice body, but not incredibly impactful. Not a demon and doesn't synergize with the rest of the deck.

Deserted Temple/Vesuva/Thespian's Stage are all great lands to assist with coffers and ramp you to victory.

Imp's Mischief - Redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Helpful to protect your commander and aetherflux

SirToews on Goat Simulator - Ephara EDH

2 months ago

BenTim you can use Thespian's Stage help's along with Mirrorweave then use Reins of Power

Profet93 on Gisa: So Undead It’s Criminal

2 months ago


I'm glad I was able to inadvertently point it out. Now for some actual suggestions/thoughts....

Cabal Stronghold - You do not have enough basics to warrant it's inclusion. You need at least 4 basic swamps to make it mana neutral. Assuming you draw 5 basics and stronghold in a row, you only get 1 extra mana. Stronghold is best for budget decks without a lot of non-basics in the mana base. Another potential replacement is Thespian's Stage to copy coffers or opposing utility lands like cradle, nykthos, Crypt of Agadeem, etc... Crypt of Agadeem is also another decent replacement as you run more than 25% creatures. Lastly, my favorite option is Deserted Temple as it allows you to untap your large mana producing lands and has a political aspect as well.

Zombie Master > Zombie Trailblazer - While I understand trailblazer allows you to commit a crime, I feel the redundancy is not needed whereas the protection is super useful. I do understand what most wipes make it so you can't regenerate your creatures, but this is another hurdle for opponents to play around which I believe warrants the swap.

Priest of Forgotten Gods - I get the need for crimes, but the impact of the ability itself really needs to be taken into consideration as well. It's not impactful enough to warrant an inclusion. Perhaps something more on flavor such as Zombie Apocalypse? Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is also a great choice and is a combo enabler

Wayfarer's Bauble - With a deck whose avg cmc is so low, I feel another card in your maybeboard or otherwise could pull more weight. Jeweled Lotus, Mana Crypt or a more budget friendly Mana Vault can help you establish an earlier board presence.

Last thought, I see feed the swarm for enchantment removal, but how do you deal with artifacts? Perhaps an Oblivion Stone might be worth considering depending on the prevalence of artifacts within your meta and how much trouble they give you.

Profet93 on millipede succer

3 months ago


Cut Voltaic Key - There are only like 4 rocks that go positive with it, you don't get much value of out it.

Cut Gravestorm - Nice repetitive draw but often times player's gy's are filled and this won't help mid-late game.

Cut Soul Stair Expedition and Epicure of Blood - There are much better cards to add

Cut Lotus Field + Lotus Vale - Anti synergy to coffers, one of the lotuses can be strip mined against. No synergy benefit for the deck. Swap them with either a Deserted Temple, Thespian's Stage, or more swamps. Should you wish, including a fetchland or 2 is a nice instant speed way to bring out bojuka bog. Moreover, Urborg allows you to keep your lands as swamps and then shuffle the deck with top should you not like your upcoming draws

Introduction to Annihilation - I know you need artifact/enchantment removal. Add in a Feed the Swarm and/or a Karn Liberated if it's really given you issues.

Bolas's Citadel + Aetherflux Reservoir + Sensei's Divining Top = Good times!

Some lower costed ramp to get your commander out more quickly such as Dark Ritual and Mind Stone are helpful

Imp's Mischief - "Counter" counterspells while redirecting targeted removal, draw and extra turns! Given your deck is commander reliant + Your lich enchantment, this can serve you very well.

Profet93 on Mind-Gnawer

4 months ago

Cabal Coffers/Cabal Stronghold - Ramp

Deserted Temple - Untap the above / politics

Thespian's Stage/Vesuva - Copy cabal

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Color fixing, not needed but nice to have if you include coffers.

Mind Twist - Random discard, super effective ramped into and as counterspell bait

Imp's Mischief - "Counter" counterspells and redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Given your deck is extremely reliant on your commander, having some protection/bluff ability/utility is very valuable.

Bubbling Muck - Ramp

Feed the Swarm - Enchantment removal

Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discard 1

Vampiric Tutor - Tutor

Profet93 on How to lose your friends (Kozilek Edition)

4 months ago

Junjun1216 +1

Blinkmoth Well - Synergy with blinkmoth well + interaction

High Market > Gallifrey Council Chamber - Same tapland argument as above. You mention you wanted a way to destroy your commander to destroy more cards, this does that easily, with a sprinkle of light. It is also synergystic with Klayer of loyalties and even wurmcoil engine.

Maybe Phyrexia's Core - High market for artifacts/Sac outlet for Mana vault, blinkmoth urn and the one ring. Also prevents artifact theft.

Sanctum of Eternity > Zhalfrin Void - Synergy

What does Vesuva copy, an opposing Cabal Coffers? Another card to potentially add is Thespian's Stage, perhaps for The Grey Havens? Seems unimpactful. You mention you want a lot of ramp and it's a early-mid game deck but these tap lands (particularly Havens) seems to go against that. Do they really warrant an inclusion/provide that much benefit to the deck?

Karn, the Great Creator > Portal to Phyrexia - Portal costs 9 mana and IMO, doesn't provide that much impact. It needs to survive a turn to be able to provide value which doesn't always happen. How has your experience been with it? Karn is great because 1) 1 sided null rod to slow down faster decks for when you don't have ramp early game 2) Animate opposing artifacts to eventually remove + politics, 3) Recursion for the exiled artifacts that buried ruin can't recur. Not to mention it's cmc is much lower. Would love your thoughts.

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant - Synergy with Emrakul + mass recursion for artifacts get destroyed from a wipe. Anti synergy with your extra turn card.

How has The One Ring been playing for you? I see only Kuldotha Foremaster to remove it should it deal too much lifeloss to you.

I disagree yet respect your decision to exclude rings, I understand it's not what you're going for. A quick note, in your description, you mention it combos with manifold/voltaic key, however, it only combos with voltaic given manifold states another artifact, not allowing you to untap it with rings. Not that it matters given you're not running it but good to note. I do think that you should definitely test rings a lot and see if it eventually warrants an inclusion.

This is a great deck, I love Kozilek Distortion and have always wanted to build a deck around him. I look forward to your response to each suggestion.

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