Cascade Bluffs

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cascade Bluffs


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legendofa on Improve my Magus Lucea Kane …

4 months ago

You can copy it into the deck editor here. It's pretty common practice to have the same list on two different sites.

There are good land options outside of shocks and fetches. Depending on how much money you're willing to invest, there's the pain lands Yavimaya Coast, filter lands Cascade Bluffs or Mossfire Valley, scry temples Temple of Mystery, check lands Hinterland Harbor, slow lands Stormcarved Coast, bond lands Spire Garden, any number of simple "enters tapped" dual lands that have their own nicknames, and more. Most of these have every two-color combination, so you can get all the colors you need. Then round out with Frontier Bivouac and Ketria Triome.

scotchtapedsleeves on

1 year ago

Icbrgr Cycling lands are definitely not your friend unless there's some other interaction.

With that in mind I'd take out: Desert of the Fervent Desert of the Mindful Blasted Landscape Smoldering Crater Remote Isle Forgotten Cave

Could replace those with: Training Center Silverbluff Bridge Cascade Bluffs Riverglide Pathway  Flip Spirebluff Canal Sulfur Falls Steam Vents Shivan Reef Stormcarved Coast

Storm the Vault  Flip is another card that looks fun.

Generally I'd be wary of including too many tap lands. Better to have a basic land that you can tap that turn than a land that enters tapped that you have to wait for. Basics are your friend!

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

Rune-Scarred Demon and Sidisi, Undead Vizier are two more cards that I would like to see reprinted.

I predict that there shall be at least one cycle of dual lands in this set, but I am not certain which cycle I would like to see, since the shocklands (i.e., Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain, etc.), the filter lands (i.e., Wooded Bastion, Cascade Bluffs, etc.), and the check lands (i.e., Isolated Chapel, Glacial Fortress, etc.) have all been reprinted, recently, so I think that the dual lands from the third Innistrad block (i.e., Deathcap Glade, Deserted Beach, etc.) are ideal candidates for reprinting, to keep them available and affordable. I very much would like to see the cycles for Horizon Canopy, Nimbus Maze, and Cinder Glade finished, but Masters sets are entirely reprints, so the players shall need to wait for those cycles to be finished.

Last_Laugh, I, also, would like to see the allied-colored talismans reprinted, with new artwork and quotes from planeswalkers, to make them uniform with the enemy-colored talismans.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

1 year ago

Hello Votecat, thanks for commenting on my page. Just as a side note, you can tag the cards you reference by using:

[[card:Sliver Overlord]]

I have thoughts on every card suggestion you made, and i'll address them individually. Root Sliver is on permanent standby for me. Depending on the nature of my meta (Rather, when I actually get one - RL has its challenges) i'd find a way to work it in, but I'm uncertain on what i'd cut - what would you cut from my list to make room? Rhythm of the Wild is a great card, however it's unnecessary as Slivers do all of the things this Enchantment can do - but better. Why be confined by Riot? Having to choose Haste or a +1/+1 counter? Besides, dedicating so many resources to countering one form of interaction is just unnecessary with the inclusion of Cavern of Souls and the potential inclusion of Root Sliver.

Intruder Alarm I have my own issues with - namely that it's a dead card in hand until you have all the combo pieces on board to fully take advantage of it before an opponent does. The effect can very easily backfire - and has backfired on me personally - and has forever soured my take on the card. Also, keep in mind if you are ever in a mirror match, there is always a chance the opponent can out maneuver you with the exact same pieces. This simply makes me miss Paradox Engine that much more. The printing of Urza, Lord High Artificer made the banning of Paradox Engine essential if players were going to use him - so I forever hate on Urza, who personally ruined my fun with one of my favorite cards.

The comparison of Dregscape Sliver and Yawgmoth's Will is like a 9MM vs. a Nuclear Bomb. YawgWill is leagues beyond the potential of what Dregscape has to offer - you can play a land, any spell that isn't a Sliver, oh and a Sliver, until the end of turn out of your graveyard. The best part is that said Sliver doesn't get exiled at the end of turn. There is a very good reason why this card is on the reserved list. I'm not going to be swapping out YawgWill anytime soon.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are both good cards - within context. Urborg is kind of meh outside of a monoblack or 2 color deck that also utilizes Cabal Coffers - and doesn't have access to Green. Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth on the otherhand is uh...meh? Slivers aren't a Lands matter deck and there aren't any Slivers that gain +X/+X for each Forest I control - though that would be sweet. Honestly, these lands would do more harm than good as fixing the manabases of my opponents is something I generally want to avoid.

Ashnod's Altar is not the most optimal choice unless the commander is Sliver Queen herself. Without the other combo pieces on board, Altar just kind of sits there as an optional sac outlet that could potentially ramp you - but to take full advantage you would absolutely need Quick Sliver on board. Again, it's a good card for Sliver Queen the commander, but in a Sliver Tribal deck i'm just not convinced.

Crowd Lands - first time i've heard Bondlands being referred to as that. Cool. I don't always play this deck in a pod so having lands that always come in tapped is simply not ideal. I lean more toward the Shadowmoor/Eventide Filterlands e.g. Flooded Grove, Cascade Bluffs, etc. if I were to swap out my Revised Dual Lands.

Thanks for commenting by the way, please leave a +1 if you like as I will be doing the same on your deckpage.

chitinous approval ensues

DreadKhan on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]

1 year ago

Not sure if they're worth bothering with due to their slowness, but you can get a ton of damage out of Arc Mage and Inferno Titan if you're adding 2 to each ping for 1. Electrickery is pretty good value with your Commander in metas where people run smaller creatures, not sure how common that is, Electrickery also removes bigger stuff if you've got Deathtouch. For Arc and Electrickery I would replace a variation of Prodigal Sorcerer, and for the Titan I would think about switching out the Frostwielder. Inferno Titan is a crazy card with your Commander, 9 extra damage whenever you swing is pretty silly for one card and your Commander.

It's also slow and clunky (and you can't cast it atm), but Endbringer's ability to untap itself is pretty sick even if you don't have much colourless, the ability to ping on each turn is not nothing. This would be a card to look at if you decide to run a bunch of utility lands that make colourless, a good first one to consider that makes colourless is Shivan Gorge, which can ping each opponent. Tower of the Magistrate can do weird things, you can target an opponent's creature too fwiw, removing equipment and messing with targeted effects. There is also the odd dual that can make colourless you could sneak in, Shivan Reef or Cascade Bluffs are good examples that enter untapped. There are also some good colourless mana rocks, Talisman of Creativity or Mind Stone or Thought Vessel, but I do appreciate that your deck is designed atm to play low MV spells (which don't need ramp as much), but ramp can be very good. The lands and ramp you could probably remove basics for, though I wouldn't lower your land count very much, I feel like 36 is a bit high for a deck with an average MV well under 3 but hardly absurd for a deck without much ramp. I'm still a bit blown away that I actually suggested Shivan Gorge. If you decide to run a bunch of colourless stuff, I could probably figure out something to pull for Endbringer.

Love this deck idea, hope some of ithese were helpful!

wallisface on Grixis Mana base

1 year ago

I would suggest running shocklands in place of Cascade Bluffs (awkward to use, non-fetchable), Mountain (generally basic lands are for blood-moon protection. Mountain then becomes a redundant land), and Sulfur Falls _(non-fetchable, awkward etb requirements).

As a side, i think part of your problem is the quantity of lands you’re running. 23 (incl. Glasspool Mimic  Flip) feels really low for what you’re trying to do here, and 25 might instead serve you better.

multimedia on My Highest Powered Deck

1 year ago

Hey, you have an interesting/fun deck, but sorry it's casual power level (PL) 5 at most.

Lands in the manabase and ramp sources are a big sign of what PL. A low budget manabase that has Highland Lake and Temple of the False God isn't PL 7-8. Very little ramp with a 4.0 avg. CMC is not PL 7-8. Please get rid of Temple of the False God.

It's difficult to get to PL 8 or higher on a low budget because the best lands and mana rocks are some of the most expensive cards in Commander. At best on a low budget unless playing mono-colored you're looking at PL 6. Your deck doesn't have any instants or sorceries? Izzet has many good low budget instants and sorceries especially for draw.

You have an infinite combo Niv-Mizzet, Parun + Curiosity, that helps to have a higher PL. Although, Niv-Mizzet, Parun is better as a win condition when it's the Commander not inside the 99. You have many potential other win conditions: Purphoros, God of the Forge, Reckless Fireweaver, Impact Tremors, Nettle Drone, etc., but lack enablers to combo with these win conditions.

To increase PL your deck needs to be more tuned to get to the final goal which is to win the game. PL 8 uses just about all cards in the deck to help to assemble a combo win, ramp, tutor, draw, protect the combo or stop an opponent's combo. If a card doesn't help to do one of these then it's not needed in the deck. Don't try to get to PL 8 unless you can spend for expensive price cards instead shoot for PL 6.

Here's some low budget cards to increase the PL of your deck:

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