Gateway Plaza

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gateway Plaza

Land — Gate

Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield tapped.

When Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you pay .

: Add one mana of any colour.

sylvannos on Baldur's Gates

1 year ago

@Max_Hammer: I ended up taking it out because of how it counteracts Amulet of Vigor. You can use multiples to actually generate mana. Gond Gate ends up turning it off. I will add Nearby Planet, though! It looks like it's straight-up strictly better Gateway Plaza?


multimedia on Sivitri - Custom Precon for Dominaria United

1 year ago

Hey, well done, nice reprint choices of Crux, Restraint, Crawlspace, Voyage, Iymrith, Astral, Propaganda, Sea Gate, but you forgot Command Tower. Tower could replace Gateway Plaza which is a terrible land. Interesting clone sub theme, not sure it's needed here, but Reflections of Littjara is a good budget tribal card for cloning.

Consider choosing only one of Collective Restraint or Koskun Falls? Both have high prices for a precon, they're similar cards and either one hasn't been reprinted before. Quicksilver Amulet needs a reprint and it goes with the idea of tutoring for Dragons then cheating mana costs.

Kindred Discovery is another option, it's an excellent tribal card and Dragons can consistently do combat damage to players. Maskwood Nexus lets Sivitri tutor for any creature and all your creatures survive Crux. Revenge of Ravens can be a good budget prison card.

Dragon's Hoard is good mana rock for Dragons. Talisman of Dominance has been reprinted in many current Dimir precons, might as well add it here too. Dark Ritual is more ramp to potentially get a quick Sivitri. Dragonlord Silumgar, Juvenile Mist Dragon, Steel Hellkite are some Dragon upgrades especially Silumgar and Hellkite can destroy nonland permanents which is helpful in Dimir.

Brainstorm, Night's Whisper and Read the Bones are nice budget draw spells. Nameless Inversion is a removal spell that Sivitri can tutor for. Hero's Downfall is now only $0.25. Swiftfoot Boots is haste and protection for Dragon you tutor for.

Thrummingbird, Flux Channeler, Tezzeret's Gambit, Sivitri is a Planeswalker, proliferate can give more chances to tutor and Crux. Sunken Hollow is missing, so is Tainted Isle and Sunken enables Isle.

Good luck with your deck.

DawnsRayofLight on I'm the reason people hate Child of Alara

1 year ago

I might think about Amulet of Vigor to make sure all those gates come in untapped and allows for a same turn Maze's End win from Scapeshift. I am struggling a bit to see what to drop, maybe one of the one off sac cards?

Callous Bloodmage in my opinion is better than Agent of Erebos (though agent can still have its ability triggered without needing to recur it)

If you want a cheaper removal spell than Utter End, Despark is a good option, I run it in most of my BW based decks.

There is also Gateway Plaza if you want another gate, not great, but it is a gate

Definitely a fun looking deck!

Juicy_J82 on In Bloom - Atraxa

1 year ago

I like that your version of Atraxa is much heavier on the planeswalkers than my current iteration. Given that, had you considered Karn's Bastion at all? It seems like it might be a better utility land choice than say Mortuary Mire or Gateway Plaza to keep the counters flowing, but still probably wouldn't be enough of an issue in a multiplayer game that it would draw the hate of Strip Mine or similar. Cool deck!

Phule451 on Athreos Commander Attempt #1

2 years ago

I get that you were building off what you had on hand and mana bases can eat up budgets, but unless you’re playing a gate deck, or maybe a five color deck there’s no real reason to play Gateway Plaza, in a two color deck it’s essentially a bad Orzhov Guildgate which itself is a bad land outside a gate deck. For just Pennie’s, Scoured Barrens at least gives you a life to come in tapped and Command Tower is really cheap because it was just massively printed. Some game stores will just give you these cards as they have no real inherent value. Orzhov Basilica would be another option. For less than a dollar you can really bolster your mana base.

Phule451 on Budget Tovolar

2 years ago

I know you’re running on a budget, but where you’re spending the budget confuses me. Why spend the budget on Fabled Passage and not Werewolf Pack Leader which costs similar, but gonna do much more for the deck.

Speaking of the land base, I’d replace Gruul Guildgate for Kazandu Refuge, and why, why, why?!? Would you run Gateway Plaza in a non gate deck, especially just a two color one. Kessig wolfrun will do you a lot of favors and has recently become budget again. Gruul Turf and Cinder Glade are also great budget lands, especially with all your basics.

Immerwolf can protect your werewolves from transforming and Child of the Pack  Flip both serves to boost your team and a mana sink. Mayor of Avabruck  Flip boosts your team whatever side is up and Mondronen Shaman  Flip can dissuade your opponents from casting spells to transform your werewolves.

Removal and ramp, you totally need it! Hull Breach is a great card. Broken Bond is a pet card of mine, cheap removal that can also ramp you. Chandra's Ignition can serve as a board wipe for you. Rampant Growth and Migration Path can help ramp you too.

Hope this helped, a little work and you can totally get this to a playable deck!!! Have fun and keep budget…

Gidgetimer on Nonbasic Outcasts

2 years ago

Metroid_Hybrid: I realize that no one said that they were good. Maybe I should have articulated my point a little better. The tempo loss from returning a land to your hand I feel is so bad that not only would I put The tapped tri-lands (Arcane Sanctum) above them, I would also rather play Rupture Spire, Transguild Promenade, Archway Commons, Gateway Plaza, Path of Ancestry in even a non-tribal deck, the vivids (Vivid Creek), Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, panoramas (Esper Panorama), tapped 2 color lands, and even Ravnica bounces since they make 2 mana. Even as a budget tri-land I feel they are outclassed by a mile.

The point about a landfall deck is a good one though, assuming that you are generating enough extra land drops that you are limited by lands in hand.

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